
Thursday 8 December 2022

Meghan Markle: An instinctive inspiration and likewise, a quite stunning woman too!

By Stanley Collymore 

Meghan Markle, who is really 
unwarrantedly both racially 
and vitriolically abused by 
the Windsor family, their blatantly 
but unmistakably, very braindead 
Palace stooges, crucially similarly 
right-wing MSM and their surfeit 
of likemindedly; brownnosingly, 
fawning racist Karens and male 
equivalent Gammons: a state of 
affairs, that has obviously been 
ongoingly so, from the onset of 
her personal relationship with 
her future husband Harry, has 
rather commendably just won 
yet another individual award; 
crucially remarkably too, this 
time round significantly from 
the rather fittingly illustrious 
Robert Kennedy Foundation! 

Meanwhile, the very best that 
the rest of the monarchical 
Windsor family can do is 
to award each other rather daft 
and utterly truly meaningless, 
in this the 21st Century, titles 
such as Knight of the Garter  
solely and very deceptively
for simply being distinctly 
boring, distinctively very 
serially adulterous, such 
dodgy, charity sponsors 
and hopelessly amoral, 
actually dysfunctional  
quite pointless selves! 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
8 December 2022. 

Author's Remarks:
Heralded now most disingenuously, deceitfully, dishonestly and lyingly as having been fervently welcomed in Britain by the British people, as very categorically a demented observation  as it's humanly possible to both quite lyingly and egregiously make, and as well especially coming from the likes of Sarah Vine who has never actually met Meghan Markle or really has any firsthand knowledge about her yet all the same from the very onset literally of Meghan's initial relationship with Harry saw fit to categorize Meghan most derogatorily as coming right out of Compton. Now this intensely social climbing and power hungry bitch, the said Sarah Vine, who despite her own foreign and asylum in the UK granted roots, who thought she could literally use Michael Gove and with the quite intimate help of Rupert Murdoch get herself into No. 10 Downing Street as some kind of a British First Lady; is now quite unbelievably castigating not only Meghan's rather purported political and financial ambitions but also her alleged ingratitude towards the white British for throwing their supposedly wholehearted welcome of her back in their face. This asininely coming from Sarah Vine, who rather typically of her, conveniently forgets her racist attitude towards Meghan from the very start and what likewise she's been actively very racially doing to ensure that Meghan had as difficult a time as was possible. But, of course, all this conveniently buried by Sarah Vine and unsurprisingly so, fo that is the kind of detestable racist and very selfishly, self-serving bitch that Sarah Vine unquestionably is! 

So intelligent people, no need at all to worry on Sarah Vine and her equally racist ilk's part about the discernibly dimwitted and also the brainwashed serfs who believe all the shit they're regularly and obviously lyingly told by Sarah Vine and the rag, the Daily Mail that she works for, are to really believe, relative to this sick pretence of Sarah Vine that Meghan's inflicted woes are actually all a figment of her own vile, narcissistic, bullying and as well ungrateful attitude towards the most welcoming people in the world, the average British man and woman, who bent over backwards to literally welcome and accept her.

In that case Sarah Vine, being a Jew yourself or derogatorily called a Yid, which you personally see as literally far worst than being demeaned as a Nigger, Wog, Sambo, etc by those that detest European converts to Judaism, and who in turn believe that they're really the original and authentic Jews like yourself Sarah Vine - ever heard of the Ethiopian Falasha Jews Sarah Vine? The oldest Jewish sect on this Earth, and who aren't ethnically, by any stretch of a toxic and thoroughly sick imagination like yours white or from Europe, but are distinctly very Black, both in ethnicity and culture - and most egregiously in your distinct case Ms Sarah Vine happily working for a Nazi rag like the Daily Mail that actively and committedly supported the Third Reich and all that it really stood for. Yet here you are and very much like your racist ilk bleating at every given opportunity about the European holocaust, as you rather markedly and avariciously demand and gleefully receive your evidently  bountiful and essentially ongoingly too Widergutmachen Compensation  from Germany! Yet you Sarah Vine, notwithstanding all this, are rather quite endemically and distinctively so, proudly racist as any ingrained Nazi during the Third Reich. Quite ironically really, as they were the exact people that most specifically wanted to eradicate your Yiddish kind from the face of the Earth! 

Or did they really? And should all persons with sick minds like yours Sarah Vine claim and even rigidly assert that the European holocaust never happened and furthermore that distinctly no European Jews or Yids were ever killed. So it's clearly basically a fake scenario to literally rather avariciously and essentially scam the Germans out of loads of money which you Jews discernibly love much more than life itself!

Of course a thoroughly sick scenario like that one most evidently wouldn't fit with your clearly customary racist narrative Sarah Vine wilfully directed at those you malevolently and clearly maliciously brand as people of colour and who you have no qualms at all in directing you innate racism at Sarah Vine, like you odiously and toxically do with Meghan Markle! Damnably, where's an Auschwitz, when one is specifically, quite urgently needed?

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