
Thursday 16 June 2022

Amanda Platell: not worth being incarcerated for, but on retrospective consideration clearly worth eliminating!

By Stanley Collymore  

This poisonously very verminous 
distinctly white trash specimen 
of supposed homo sapiens is, 
as she's always forever at it, vilely 
spouting her constant, deceitfully 
disingenuous and too, spuriously 
egregiously racist nonsense with 
the actual encouragement of the 
Nazi Daily Mail, and ludicrously 
yet fittingly so, jointly passing it 
off as objective and discernibly 
enlighteningly beneficial news, 
when very categorically it isn't. 
Now virtue signalling, actually 
copiously self servingly and as 
well noxiously telegraphically 
publicly shedding vilely sham 
essentially crocodile tears for 
those children of the aspirant 
refugee migrants desperately 
but determinedly attempting 
to enter Britain while clearly 
and so despisingly, fatuously 
rather dishonestly, asserting 
on noxious Amanda Platell's 
actually sanctimonious part 
that the parents, of all these 
children are quite heartless 
in rather knowingly risking 
these minors actual lives in 
crucially distinctly selfishly 
travelling from safe France 
to England; in the dinghies 
they're so recklessly, using.  

This obviously repulsive, fondly, 
endemically racist, thoroughly 
barren hermaphrodite and a 
discernibĺy clear, post menopausal, 
assuming, of course, that she truly 
was ever actually, reliably able to 
significantly have any periods in 
the first place, Aussie cunt vilely 
with irony dually, distinctly lost 
on her, that she's an immigrant 
to Britain; distinctly of peasant 
French huguenot stock, rightly 
athough she had continuously 
always vaingloriously tried to 
pass herself off as being from 
the French aristocracy! Until, 
the unvarnished truth firmly 
solidifying, her real ancestry 
rather effectively, debunked 
the blatant, and glaringly so 
spurious mendacity of hers. 
And quite irrefutably as far 
as Amanda Platell fearfully 
was naturally individually 
embarassingly and clearly 
irreparably miffed, surely 
did punch an enormously 
massive and distinctively 
clear unbridgeable gorge 
in her rabid fondness for 
malevolently evil falsity!  

A deeply entrenched racist and a 
most dissolute Australian, from 
a land, whose indigenous and 
longstanding Aborigine population: 
resident in their own homeland for 
well over 60,000 years, before any 
white man or woman even knew 
of or, much less so, had basically 
literally set foot in their country 
is Amanda Platell, who not only 
glories in the systemically toxic 
barbaric eradication, repulsive 
ethnic cleansing and generally 
so, crucially still continuously 
in the 21st Century, diabolical 
treatment of those remaining 
Aborigines that now literally 
are a minority. Fittingly, tied 
to the racially indoctrinated 
but actually fictional notion 
that the clearly, genocidally 
appropriated continent, we 
now call Australia was also 
a thoroughly, Terra nuliius 
entity, and therefore in her 
likes very sick and twisted 
minds ideally and literally 
exclusively suited, just for 
white men, women and of 
course crucially like them 
their discernibly criminal 
and narcissistic offspring. 

Consequently, even though Amanda 
Platell is an Aussie she none the 
less automatically as a white 
Caucasian can and is also perfectly 
entitled, to both live and similarly 
work, as she effectively generally 
does in Britain. A country clearly 
that arbitrarily to every concept 
which is significantly ingrained
in the Geneva Convention, very 
dismissively ignored them and 
rather arrogantly fraudulently 
and evidently deliberately did 
financially clearly through its 
several and quite egregiously 
implemented, rather heinous 
war crimes massively accrue 
the crucially relevant profits 
which they were irrefutably 
after while at the same time 
rather indifferently making 
hopeless refugees evidently 
of those who're now rather 
desperately trying, to settle 
with conspicuous difficulty 
unlike, in Amanda Platell's 
situation, where obviously 
white privilege manifestly 
quite literally enabled her 
to simply waltz in. Clearly 
stark irony and sickening 
hypocrisy conjoined now 
when especially toxically 
verminous and distinctly 
rabidly, very vitriolically 
puking morons and also 
immigrants, exactly like 
yourself Amanda Platell 
and vile Boris Kemal do 
not want to let them in! 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
16 June 2022.  

Author's Remarks:
Amanda Platell! What realistically so, can any sane, rational and intelligent human being positively say about this person? And sensibly should they even contemplate let alone endeavour to waste their unquestionably valuable time and energy by even trying to do so? Frankly, in a strictly professional role, as there is no conceivable way that I would want to or could ever, even mildly so, relate to or empathize with with Amanda Platell or anyone else for that matter who remotely is as distinctly perniciously and egregiously malevolent in their ordinary ways and likewise as discernibly, toxically verminous as Amanda Platell is! 

And across Britain there is a bewildering surfeit of such individuals; from the obscenely and obsessively graspingly avaricious, quite murderously exploitative in the attainment of their Ill gotten, securely entrenched and not uncommonly so garishly and publicly flaunted wealth, incestuously inbred, discernibly dysfunctional and lasciviously hereditary Medieval mindset, entitled, distinctly white supremacist and endemically  entrenched racist Windsor family, itself adequately characterized in the perceptibly dull and dimwitted presence of William and his assiduously narcissistic, egregiously self-scheming and punctilliously social climbing Stepford wife broodmare Kate Middleton; and a laughable state of affairs, if it wasn't so serious and parlous a matter for the sanity of the remaining sane and intelligent persons still living in Britain, that effusively stretches right down the rows of embedded British classism to characteristically societically but evidently intentionally, and quite successfully so, fawningly brainwashed plebeians. While in between are those who've successfully and exploitatively for their own personal and financial gain have been or are still egregiously and self-servingly pulling these brownnosers chains. 

The constraints of time and space have thankfully precluded me from wasting more time than is necessary on these odious and highly verminous, criminally minded mountebanks! No specific ranking or order of degradation is accorded here, since with toxic vermin they're inevitably all the same. Nevertheless, here are some of them: Gordon Brown, Tony Blair, Boris Kemal, his sister Rachel;  Dominic Raab, Michael Hecht, Theresa May, David Cameron, Sarah Vine, Alastair Campbell; Tom Bauer, Eamonn Holmes, Angela Levin, Piers Morgan, Andrew Neil and Nigel Farage. 

And to those advocating this arbitrary dispatch to Rwanda: Africa's equivalent of Nazi Ukraine, with Paul Kagame and Volodymyr Zelenksy both dictatorial but Useful Idiots of the imperialistic West, and that includes Britain, claiming most lyingly and disingenuously that Britain is full; evidently and deceitfully so for those with Black and Brown skins but curiously and most ironically so not those with white or more pertinently pink ones, even though these Ukrainians they're openly welcoming they're the direct and biological Nazi offspring of Ukrainian Waffen SS that assiduously fought with the forces of Germany's Third Reich against Britain in World War II; gleefully operated in and were also, as contemporaneously kept records irrefutably show, absolutely brilliant with their extermination techniques in the death camps of Auschwitz, Belsen Bergen and Dachau, to name just three examples of their most diligently enterprising workplaces; and supposed specimens of human beings that in the 21st Century have the identical mindset as their Waffen SS Ukrainian parents and grandparents. But, of course, if the Third Reich and Adolf Hitler supporting Daily Mail coupled with Liz Windsor and her equally odious mother Elizabeth Bowes-Lyons - that's a distinctly French family name for you - giving, back in the 1930s, their Nazi salutes while the peasants gleefully went off to die on their behalf, a bona fide family photo that Buckingham Palace thankfully failed to suppress its publication, can now in 2022 persuade you gullible idiots that these Nazi Ukrainians are your soul mates and will make excellent fellow "British" companions; all the more fools you! 

And contrary to egregiously malicious and malevolent propaganda being ardently proselytized by all and sundry the non-white refugees risking their lives to come to Britain are doing so not because they love the British weather, its racist subjects or their class indoctrinated and inherently fawning to their Medievally mindset, hereditary monarchy brownnosers or even that monarchy itself, or as some of you idiotically and racially believe these refugees see Britain as a the literal land of milk and honey and attendantly so with streets paved with gold; those are you sick delusions and you're welcomed to keep them, as they're diametrically opposed to any vestige of the truth! 

They're travelling to Britain because the likes of Tony Blair,  Gordon Brown,  Alastair Campbell and other verminous scum like David Cameron  and Theresa May self-servingly and extravagantly financially exploitatively turned their countries, as is still going on in countries like the Yemen, Iraq and Libya to name just three examples, into failed states while callously turning these people nvoluntarily into the ongoing and wandering refugees they have pitiably necessarily become. Acutely aware though that although grotesquely disliked by racist Britons and other Europeans like the Danes, Britain a principal culprit in their ensuing misery is undoubtedly one place that the UK's Armed Forces or NATO aren't going to shock and awe attack or obliterate. So cut all your crap, many of you who aren't even proper British: the scared runners away from pogroms and the European holocaust initiated and executed by your own WHITE barbaric kind, but you sought and were given sanctuary in Britain that effectively saved your pathetic and very endangered asses; yet you're some of the most belligerent in your vitriolic bile and ill wishes towards these deserving migrant refugees. I shan't ask where is your compassion because you evidently have none. And as you avariciously milk Germany's Widergutmachen Compensation Payments Scheme you quite literally couldn't give a shit about anyone else other than your selfish selves and those who look and behave like you. The typical I'm alright Jack and to Hell with you exemplified by scum like Tom Bauer, Angela Levin, Sarah Vine and multiple others. While proselytizing himself as the quintessential and aristocratic Englishman which he isn't, Boris Kemal: an ethnic Turk born in the USA, which makes him by any etymological definition of the word immigrant, exactly that, and whose Turkish great grandfather and principal adviser to the then Turkish Ottoman Emperor encouraged and persuaded him to enter World War 1 on the side of the Germans which he did, is now, his great grandson and an immigrant besides, laughably the Prime Minister of Britain who has no problems with immigrants coming  to Britain but only if they are white! And with his Useful Idiot and Stockholm Syndrome mindset, Asian moronic Home Secretary Priti Patel with Boris' totalitarian and populist mindset want to turn Britain into a carbon copy of 1930s Nazi Germany. Small wonder then that Boris Kemal is courting the Nazi Ukrainians and has the Daily Mail an aficionado of Nazism and Fascism on his side!

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