
Thursday 11 November 2021

I'm no one's subject! Regardless of how important they really are or more likely delusionally consider themselves to be!

By Stanley Collymore 

I want to be able to and likewise 
inalienably, have the right to 
actually participate in the 
genuinely democratic process that is 
associated with choosing who is my 
head of state not have someone get 
that job, distinctly through lottery 
of birth and rather transparently 
not by any plausibly discernible 
merit. And, let me put this basic 
rather logical and distinctively 
very straightforward question 
to all you gullible morons! Do 
any of you ever on reflection 
still actually think or believe 
that someone is clearly born 
better than another person?  

Or seriously that Charles Windsor 
or his heir William should be in 
charge but actually so because 
of who their clearly hereditary and 
pathetically, undeniably talentless 
parents manifestly are? This then 
asininely compounded by all the 
rather distracting nonsense that 
one disingenuously often hears 
regarding the inadequacies, of 
an actual President Tony Blair 
or else a Jeremy Corbyn? And 
which deceitfully is basically 
purely that! For as I honestly 
see it if the citizens ignoring 
the dumb subjects of Britain 
realistically, actually decide 
to choose a Blair, Corbyn or 
who ever fundamentally in 
their remit they preferably 
irrefutably, decide to elect,
as their president, or head 
of state by whatever name 
that is our rightful choice; 
and it's called democracy!  

Moreover, Charles Windsor is
by no moral or meritocratic 
criteria a good option and 
the same clearly goes for his older 
son William; and neither of them 
quite truthfully, wouldn't get the  
job of Head of State, if they had 
to naturally apply for it, rather 
than that said role in actuality 
evidently and so distinctively 
discernibly quite ludicrously  
hereditarily, passed to them.  

(C) Stanley V. Collymore  
11 November 2021. 

Author's Remarks:   
Britain is essentially a pathetic country where its white inhabitants: white but not necessarily indigenous to the country, since refugee infusion over several centuries compounded by entrenched bastardy and ongoing cuckolding to the present day, and to put it mildly is undeniably still rather rampant; ludicrously, essentially and basically delusionally assume from their class entrenched and laughably sycophantic and totally brownnosing to their perceived social and distinctly so hereditary monarichal betters, that as far as the rest of the world really is concerned, they as white "Britons" are irrefutably better than everyone else globally, when they evidently are not! 

But it's a concept that nevertheless fosters in the vast majority of them, and most ironically considering their own manifold backgrounds, the very crucially us and them mentality that is itself generally known globally for their vile hostility towards so-called outsiders.  

Humorously though and thankfully also the rest of the world treats such Britons as the sick joke that they are and basically laughs at them. Even so sometimes these white Britons' evilly sick and twisted racism, compounded by their embedded xenophobia, goes much too far; and essentially have to be uncompromisingly and ruthlessly tackled for what they really are. 

One thing is for sure though. These brownnosing sycophants will never be big enough to realistically admit their failings, preferring instead, and encouragingly aided and abetted by their perceived hereditary betters, to carry on as normal in their feral and puerile world of denial. The absolute identical one which the Windsors are similarly firmly ensconced in! 

Countries that value their inhabitants and both regard and treat those who are eligible for citizenship as valued citizens, not subjects, instinctively, morally and irrefutably both honourably and legally ensure that the respective country has a written, definable and also a universally respected constitution that undeniably enshrines the individual rights of all their citizens, as well as likewise clearly demarcates the separation of powers between the executive, political and judiciary bodies; all of whom must be legally and directly accountable to the Constitution of the country, and de facto the citizens of that country, and not any individual person or persons, including the elected, as apart from any unelected one, Head of State. 

Britain is far removed from any of the aforementioned and quite deliberately so, because those who through hereditary birth, nepotism, cronyism and incestuous cohabiting run the so-called United Kingdom quite self-servingly prefer it that way. Consequently, there's intentionally no Constitution and quite self-evidently no separation of powers. 

Therefore, everyone from members of the British Establishment: Prime Minister, Cabinet Ministers, MPs, the entire unelected House of Lords; all of the judiciary and magistracy, the full complement of the UK Armed Forces and even the appointed Church of England leaders, as indeed all those who are manipulatively brainwashed and consequently endemically regard themselves fittingly as subjects and never citizens, to a man, woman and child are conditioned to pledge their allegiance not to the United Kingdom but unquestionably so, an unelected, hereditary monarchy and their wilfully contrived through birth alone, often in loveless, Stepford wives brood mares, and not infrequently arranged marriages, heirs. So everything from from the courts to the mail system isn't British but "Royal". And no elected MP can assume his or her seat in parliament unless they first pledge their personal allegiance NOT to the United Kingdom BUT  most ironically an unelected and in situ purely through their accident of birth monarch and that monarch's heirs. 

A state of affairs that's downright insulting and wholly unacceptable in any country purporting to be a democratic, far less so a meritocratic entity, which the UK categorically isn't even in the 21st Century; yet laughably disgustingly proselytizes itself as something it self-evidently isn't. And largely accounts for why the UK hasn't and furthermore resolutely refuses to have a written constitution, or a proper voting system that rightly and justly enables the rightful participants - I call them citizens, you are however free to asininely continue to refer to yourselves as subjects if you want - to construct and consolidate a genuine democracy fit for those who inhabit Britain and who, moreover, can freely choose who they want to govern them and likewise be their Head of State.  

Not, as is currently the situation and similarly has been for an eternity, be lumbered as is currently the case with meritless, untalented, hereditary zombies ensconced in their risible Divine Rights of Kings and Queens unwarranted but privileged, taxpayer funded luxury, fatuously embedded also in their Middle Ages mindset and delusional aura of superiority that wholly contradicts their inveterate licentious and serial adulterous immorality and likewise generally known paedophilia predisposition coupled with its rampant enabling then with the likes of Jimmy Savile and Bishop Peter Ball and continues with the blatant shield of deliberate monarchical enabling and protection requisite to the Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell sex trafficking revelations.  

Effectively compounded and happily assisted by the enabling stooges across the British Establishment, avid social climbing morons enthused by the notion of getting their much cherished but in essence useless gongs, and in deeply class ingrained Britain the plethora of brownnossing sycophants that quite fervently but also idiotically allow these totally egregious and societal disparities to not only happen but also prevail. 

Britain needs as a matter of urgency to have a written Constitution where everyone is equal under the law and are fully cognizant of both their legal and constitutional rights. It also needs a parliamentary system that reflects the true will of the people and not this dishonest and politically self-serving to the two major political parties - the Tories and their wholly disingenuous associates, the champagne, pretend socialists and who I label the Labtories, supposed Labour Party - first past the post debacle. And significantly in all of this it similarly and urgently needs an elected Head of State that can be both democratically voted for and likewise removed by the electorate. 

And equally important for its inhabitants who are eligible to be termed citizens, the full recognition and legal endorsement that it's their country irrespective of their gender, race, ethnicity or the colour of their skin, and as such they have every right to play their full part in its progressive development.  

Finally, and at all times, our allegiance as citizens must be to our country Britain; not some hereditary, and as is currently and hugely comically the case, a doddery, dimwitted, yet ludicrously portrayed as a Mother Therese and Albert Einstein enjoined figure which she patently isn't, blatantly hypocritical and amoral on so many fronts, 95 years old nonengenarian, and her expected to succeed her likeminded, equally incompetent and wholly unsuitable hereditary heirs! 

To which I candidly, honestly and quite unapologetically say: God help Britain if it genuinely wants to be; and to Hell permanently with the monarchy!

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