
Thursday 4 November 2021

Broken Britain at its worst!

By Stanley Collymore 

No punishment for the then 14 
year old boy, now 16 and still 
quite legally can't be named, 
who distinctly, got his 11 year old 
sister pregnant; nor any given to 
their parents either who clearly 
freely condoned their blatantly 
gross sexual behaviour. Evilly  
also no justice whatsoever for 
the distinctively too; familial, 
actually and unquestionably 
biological, and incestuously 
produced infant, cavalierly 
very lasciviously spawned 
into, their repulsive midst. 
Not rocket science, at best, 
for quite consistently and 
literally as well crucially 
and patently licentiously 
then truly irresponsibly, 
absolutely allowing this 
pair of siblings actually 
with their own parents'
avid permission to also 
crucially watch clearly 
uncensored; decidedly 
heavily, pornographic
output in this familial 
home with them. And 
undeniably no justice 
also for that innocent 
baby, so indifferently  
and rather carelessly 
created, in such racy  
distinctively vile but 
for this and likewise 
similarly odious lot;  
standard behaviour.  

To put it bluntly, this 11 year 
old girl wasn't raped, and if 
she hadn't fallen pregnant 
when she did her clearly incestuous 
relationship with her older brother 
would manifestly have carried on.
So to the lot of you really gullibly 
brainwashed, crudely dishonest 
and also thoroughly and simply 
manipulatively also absolutely 
controlled by very evilly lying 
and applicable, disingenuous 
enablers, morons; I candidly, 
do unapologetically say this. 
For God's sake stop all your 
bloody annoying and most 
pathetically also, basically  
cringeworthily hypocrisy, 
as you readily deceitfully 
claim, that what actually 
happened with this very 
unethical, randy sibling 
pair is risibly so clearly 
a rare British situation.  

It's not! This 11 year old girl 
voluntarily agreed to what 
happened, in spite of her 
and her brother knowing the legal 
age of sexual consent in Britain is 
discernibly 16 - every secondary 
age school child in the UK - that 
into this distinctive category, it 
is undeniablly clear, that both 
of these siblings categorically 
and most unquestionably, do 
fall into - readily knows this; 
yet, it doesn't stop droves of 
them, despite multitudes of  
you adults rather choosing 
to wishful thinking delude 
yourselves essentially into 
truly believing, otherwise. 
Notwithstanding, that the 
actual home of these two 
siblings was distinctively 
an ideal setting, for what 
sexually this sibling pair
was consensually doing. 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
4 November 2021. 

Author's Remarks:  
And these utter useless parents and countless others like them across the entirety Britain are free to have more children. And we still incredibly have people asking what's wrong with the country? In a state of affairs where it's difficult to identify the victims from the predators. 

However, as awful as this situation is, it's by no means a new thing in many societies across England and Wales; Ireland both north and south of the border, mainly the Catholic parts of Scotland and equally so substantial swathes of the Confederate USA, parts of Canada, and distinctly as well, just as in the perceived as "Mother Country" Britain, similarly so in inured convict, entrenched racist and xenophobic behaviour, genocider and definitively delusional, Terra nuliius white Australia. 

These siblings were initially downstairs then subsequently and voluntarily, consensually went upstairs to a bedroom where they both voluntarily and personally undressed themselves and carried on with what they were earlier doing downstairs. Clearly a consensual state of affairs and no coercion involved on either side, even though their actions were legally proscribed and unacceptable. 

So stop pretending the lot of you disgusting hypocrites and with your own far from irreprochable lives and familial backgrounds - assuming of course that you actually and honestly know what these are - that this 11 year old Welsh girl was in essence some kind of the Holy Mary Virgin reincarnated - were you yourself  honestly at that age? - as she distinctly wasn't! 

But doubtlessly her incestuous conceived and bastard offspring will grow up not knowing who he or she really is, as no one will have the guts to tell them; and as the vast majority of your lot and her kind routinely do, will contemptously your look down your noses at those whose principal crime, in your sick and twisted minds, is that their skin colour is distinctly different, as in your specific cases, absolutely different from their own. Whilst most ironically, instinctively considering themselves, and with an unknown incestuous heritage at that, considerably better than and far superior to Blacks and other people of colour. 

While, in the meantime, their wholly immoral and incestuous parents as they grow older, lavishly live off the largesse of state benefits, never actually bothering to look for or find work - and why should they, what are the incentives for them to do so - as they produce more state funded bastards of their own, from behind the anonymity of their electronic devices will go on social media and castigatorily as well as libellously defame those whom they don't racially like or are manipulatively told by their enablers and controllers that they shouldn't - people like Meghan Markle - with false accusations levelled at them but which in reality are essentially a  true categorization of their own useless, pathetic, unproductive and criminal lives.

Talk about the pot calling the kettle black! That's why every child who is born, and their parents as well, should compulsorily and legally be DNA tested on pain of imprisonment and huge financial penalties if they don't comply or else give false information, and the rightfully attained information statutorily placed on their birth certificates along with accurate details of their biological parents and furthermore PERMANENTLY retained there, whatever the circumstances of the child's birth; and this information made freely and legally compulsorily available to any member of the public who wants to access it. 

One sure fire measure, at the very least, of eradicating all the BS from these cowardly media trolls, egregious, psychopathic haters and their enablers; the declaration of whose REAL identities should and must also be legal requirements to go on all social media participation  registration, thus enabling those who are now fraudulently anonymously and libellously attacked to take justifiable legal action against these perpetrators. And equally too for the legitimate forces of law and order to seriously and justifiably prosecute those scandalously and criminally disposed to breaking the law on such matters as hate crimes, noxious, nationally injurious and unproven  conspiracy theories, crucially death threats!

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