
Tuesday 6 April 2021

A privileged, hereditary and entitled slut with the Cross she freely bore having the Bowles to lecture the world on Meghan!

By Stanley Collymore  

Why would any honest married 
woman, already with a son 
clearly conceived within
her evidently legitimate marriage 
and, moreover, purportedly the 
offspring of her husband; and 
herself, known to slapperish
and willingly, be indulging
in carrying on an illicitly
intense, quite lascivious 
plus sordid adulterous
affair with a personal 
and official allocated 
bodyguard lover: an 
undeniably striking  
sexual relationship 
which, despite this 
hereditary Karen's 
pathetic, plaintive 
entreaties to quite 
self-servingly, try
to explicitly, help
this liaison, from 
being proscribed  

was, all the same, officially 
and very disapprovingly
subjected to an instant 
stop by the monarchical mother
of this white-privileged, Karen
and the clearly, self-evidently
entitled, adulterous slut, and
critically, too, her obviously
married lover's bosses and 
likewise too, distinctly his  
direct employers, the Met 
Police, with the blatantly  
ensnared, lascivious and 
delegated bodyguard, in
question, removed from
his perks protection job
and ditched to uniform.  

Angered by this; lover boy 
resigned from the police
force and got a civilian
job. However, this affair did not
end. With this unquestionably 
narcissistic and so obviously 
a noticeably loathsome and   
self-absorbed then, as she's
unquestionably obviously 
still is in 2021 at the clear 
and strongly entrenched 
white Karen and its vile 
filthy, post menopausal
age of seventy years; a 
rampantly verminous 
and toxic egregiously 
wantonly, adulterous 
entitled married slut  
serving, as being the
primary motivation 

for this completely vile, very
unprofessional and clearly 
so a basically adulterous 
affair, which quite undeniably for 
more than two years after it was 
categorically meant to end, still 
none the less did carry on as if 
nothing to the contrary had in 
the least previously occurred. 
Meanwhile, this distinctively 
and unwarrantedly, patently 
hereditarily born privileged 
self-entitled distinctly white 
Karen trollop gets pregnant 
with her second child, a daughter, 
and who is the first person to be 
notified of this? You guessed it! 
Her lover; who was again the
first person to be solely told
about her confinement just 
before her own admission
to hospital for a delivery; 
and likewise so, directly 
after her newborn baby
a daughter is also born.

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
6 April 2021. 

Author's Remarks:   
You licentiousously, lasciviously and patently have used in the past as you still do now a distinctively privileged and evidently, self-entitled hereditary life style to rather rampantly conduct a multiplicity of serially adulturously engaged in and thoroughly dishonest, decadent and totally immoral, sexual liaisons. Not just with your taxpayers funded, official state bodyguards but similarly too other men!  

Discernably sickeningly to those with basic morals, and themselves clearly know and duly appreciate right from wrong, principles that are absolutely foreign to you Anne, among the latter being the distinctively, vilely, carnal  conducting an adulterous affair with  the husband of your brother Charles' mistress Camilla and all detrimental and callously so to the welfare of his wronged and innocent wife Princess Diana. 

Within four months of you divorcing a husband you actually had precious little to do with, you literally married one of your ongoing lovers; that does specifically to every non fawning and objective person: few such persons in present day and avidly brownnosing Britain, does speak volumes for itself. Now husband No.2 is nowt more than a figure to be publicly wheeled out as and when applicable. And doesn't he have his own flat in London while you live in Gatscombe Mansion with its sprawling estate in Goucestershire: 107.6 miles and 2 hours. 34 minutes drive from London?

Yet you Anne Windsor actually have the bloody nerve and sheer audacity to quite asininely, derogatorily state that Meghan wasn't only distinctively and categorically unsuitable for your Kraut Mafia Windsor family, but also your fucking sick version of Britain. 

So right horse-face Karen but for all the very wrong reasons! Mark's New Zealand bit on the side did insist on a DNA test to prove he was her sprog's father. When are you going to do the same with yours Anne Windsor? Ask a daft question, eh? But until you do; do at least try and keep your fucking hypocritical trap shut about Meghan and your menopausal legs closed. As it's not you that they're really fucking but the entrenched classicism and its associated social climbing Anne, that you embody and is quite appealing to these convenient lovers of yours. And besides you're clearly no beauty now and to be sure never was! 

Never mind, the glaringly over-rated importance that you obviously attach to your clearly pink skin colour Anne Windsor - which you most definitely had bugger all to do about - any more than the authentic colour of Meghan's non-bastard offspring. So just fuck off permanently Anne Windsor! 

Information reference the title of this poem: Cross as in Peter Cross, Anne's Metropolitan Police bodyguard lover; Bowles as in Parker Bowles the cuckolded husband of Camilla and Anne's brother Charles then longstanding lover, now his wife; and himself Anne's own ongoing lover. Morals worst than those of an alley cat!

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