
Saturday 30 January 2021

Evil Nazi, pro-white sycophant, House Nigger Akwasi Kwarteng: Tory MP, a UK government minister; and a prime machete target!

By  Stanley Collymore  

It's a sad pity that toxic and 
vile House Nigger Akwasi
Kwarteng doesn't spend
some of his clearly ill-
spent and prolific time finding 
out where his far-right, Tory
constituency of Spelthorne
crucially is? Rather than
simply being contented
in purely just being an
Eton College cultured 
House Nigger cretin,
very cynically then 
parachuted swiftly 
into a rock solidly 
Tory entrenched 
British House of
Commons, seat;  

from where this rather sick
moron: Akwasi Kwarteng, 
in this specific situation, 
but not in the least indistinct 
it has to be said from all of
the other likeminded and 
obtuse, House Nigger ilk, 
that similarly have also 
themselves very easily 
profusely, readily and
fully obsequiously at 
the complete behest 
of their totally sick,
manifestly twisted 
and an embedded 
perception of the 
supposed, white 
superior, social 
status which is 
instinctively a 
staunch right 
for everyone 
then classed 
uniquely as 
pure white 

or standard Caucasian and,
by categorical definition, 
irrefutably superior to
all Blacks and similarly also 
undeniably their betters in 
all positive regards, thus 
allowing these gullible
and comprehensively 
brain-washed House
Niggers now, for in 
the clear excess of 
what's manifestly
four centuries to 
do all, that they 
possibly could 
to exacerbate 
the so evilly 
of fellow 
but true 

and even to this very day
as the vile lowlife scum
like you, House Nigger 
Akwasi Kwarteng are
still actively doing, obviously 
and quite happily, carrying
on with your ongoing and 
concertedly, egregiously 
directed contributions 
to enable this ocome? 
Because, as the very 
Useful Idiots which 
you obligingly are
Akwasi Kwarteng -  you 
so fittingly tick all the  
right boxes for your 
exclusively white 
and controlling
ape handlers!  

(C) Stanley V. Collymore  
30 January 2021. 

Author's Remarks:   
My ancestral homeland of Barbados that was the instigator and creator of Caricom and is, and has always been, a leading light in this rather worthy organisation that predates the EC and the EU is, likewise too, leading the constructive charge for discernibly closer links on a multiplicity of very positive and, quite evidently also firm mutually beneficial fronts, not simply between Barbados itself and our ancestral African homeland but, as well, the full alliance of our close Caricom family members as well. 

Most fittingly so, as it was unquestionably in Barbados, where the purportedly white elites, master race of England - there was no UK then - very barbarically originated the then Transatlantic Slave Trade involving my very own and other Blacks' ancestors, and in the process of doing so rather barbarically and in the most atrocious and perniciously inhuman manner which they could possibly contrive, directly profited immensely between their thoroughly odious selves from having massively and clearly very richly done so. Thus the immense wealth which Britain has purloined over 400 years is as a direct consequence of this vile and unrepentant barbarism on mainly white Britons' part. And there is no getting away from that!

During those 400 plus years of this largely toxic slavery and brutalized colonialism, multiple decent and courageous Black men, women and even young children did additionally haplessly and helplessly routinely have to contend with the evilly vile and most markedly very treacherous betrayal by basically sick and twisted House Niggers, like they periodically still do in 2021.  

Alfred Akwasi Addo Kwarteng is one such contemporary and massively disgustingly,  contemptible House Nigger! So directly after his latest onslaught on Blacks generally and those specifically campaigning for social and other dignity Rights due to all Black people and whose outright inalienable entitlements are clearly systemically to them by endemically racist and hardened delusional white supremacist whites and their Useful Idiots Black and brown helpers and most ironically this Ghanaian with both parental and familial roots in Ghana, a country that was enforcedly obligated to play a pivotal role in the barbarous Transatlantic Slave Trade, I instantaneously contacted my very trusted and notably reliable sources both within Africa and the Caribbean to get the local response. 

As I naturally and also emphatically suspected it was unanimously not at all good! In blunt terms, it was quite damning. To literally cite some of my African sources: "Akwasi can," all of them concurred, "exclusively fuck as many white British tarts as he cares to, even marry one of them, and also idiotically pretend that he's accepted as white and therefore one of them; that's his quite twisted House Nigger problem, but we'll unrelentingly deal with him!" 

Similarly, this blunt, and discernibly unequivocal response coming from  Caribbean sources additionally quite categorized those same sentiments and specifically went even further in their blunt denouncing of Akwasi Kwarteng, and is exactly why exactly it is that I have included a reference to them in my poem's heading: "Our waiting and dependable machetes are glisteningly sharp and to that end decidedly and purposefully ready, and should this vile, wannabe white, plus sickeningly delusional House Nigger, Akwasi Kwarteng, recklessly in his endemic narcissism ever to set foot anywhere within the Caribbean,  whether privately so, or as a British government official he'll be happily, readily and mercilessly killed!" 

Sentiments, in both these instances I genuinely, quite wholeheartedly and, most unapologetically, thoroughly do approve of! As I fully expectantly and equally earnestly rather eagerly look forward to relatively soon seeing and being thoroughly delighted likewise by Akwasi Kwarteng's declared and  confirmed obituary in the upcoming future! All too fully cognizant that the very beneficially and massively spiralling rate of attributable Covid-19 deaths throughout the UK, among such categorically lowlife scum of the likes of Akwasi Kwarteng, might afford this evilly obnoxious House House Nigger, basically a get out of jail card from being appropriately and barbarously murdered!  
Interestingly, isn't it, that this fervent lover of the now fittingly defunct and hated British Empire, who like all his sort happily wank themselves rather silly each time they hear the strains of Rule Britannia, nevertheless, very passionately, want that its decidedly  bogus, global achievements be rather fulsomely lauded and noticeably too effusively loved and so unthinkingly admired throughout the entirety of a completely failed and similarly too a discernibly unfit for purpose, British educational system.  
An unquestionably, clearly previous irrelevant off-shore European island that through its sick and very twisted racism, delusions of grandeur, white supremacist notions in tandem with the odious Transatlantic Slave Trade, similarly and exploitatively so with its global genocide of the indigenous peoples of the Antipodes in which the sickenngly marginalised and brutally murdered several multiple millennia inhabitants of Australia, for example, were dehumanizingly classified as no different from the flora and fauna of that land and their very longstanding homeland designated as terra nullius. And from which the indigenous were rather barbarically and systemically officially debarred from being their own country's citizens until the very latter quarter of the 20th Century!

 Then similar barbaric treatment so grotesquely meted out to the equally indigenous peoples of the Caribbean and South America, India, China and most notably Hong Kong; the Middle East and of course Africa itself where barbaric exploitation and staunch UK support for apartheid and its virulent dehumanizing of all Blacks by whites attendant with their vicious murders, like that of Steve Biko, was the order of the day. 

But in Akwasi Kwarteng's sick mind it's Black Lives Matter, courageously endeavouring to right these historic wrongs, who must be castigated. But no actual or implied condemnation  interestingly enough, from this said entrenched purblind cunt of the Nazi, fascist, KKK, white supremacists plus other racist far right terrorists, duly motivated by endemic racist Donald  J. Drumpf: a Vladimir Putin asset and, as well, a wannabe US Kraut dictator. And the same goes too for Kwarteng's present far right buddies of the likes of Jacob Rees Mogg, Nigel Farage; the bastard, both literally and essentially metaphorically, Michael Gove, weird wife Sara Vine; Bojo's dysfunctional sister Rachel and the collective of this plethora of white scum who are quite noticeably silent about the rightwing terrorist storming of the US Capitol. An outrage manufactured on and as well avidly encouraged by outright  lies that all of these sewer rats were themselves all active participants of!

And while all of these patently rabid, racists cunts are happy to have all of these myriad statues rather proudly standing to their distinctly delusional white supremacist beliefs while also furiously and mendaciously berating Black Lives Matter for wanting them to come down, quite disingenuously claiming it's their history that can't or shouldn't be eclipsed, downgraded or even destroyed as it would prohibit all others as well as future observers from learning the truth - take that to mean their clearly warped version of it - these same sick and thoroughly twisted clowns and their nonwhite Useful Idiots have no problems at all whatsever, in them actually knowing that statues of the likes of Mussolini, Ceausescu and particularly too most recently all those of Josef Stalin and Saddam Hussein have likewise been removed and, not invariably, rather violently so with the open blessing! 

While, rather crucially, all statues of Der Fuehrer, Herr Adolf Hitler and as well all other prominent Third Reich leaders together with the Swastika, which is really a German Nazi and purloined, numerous millennia old very ancient, Indian sub-continental religious emblem are absolutely and permanently legally banned within Germany and throughout the entire EU. And were Germany or the rest of the EU to ever opt to rescind this ban let alone having some Brits similarly demanding that prominent statues of Adolf Hitler, Goebbles or other World War II Nazi figures adorn UK streets, public buildings, British universities, and major museums, while the said Swastika was allowed to be worn as a fashion statement even by children since these banned items effectively characterize a clearly essential part of Britain's quite significant and also essential history, which everyone of you white racially ingrained pillocks and your discernibly sycophantically Useful House Nigger and totally rabid Coconut and bleached Idiots like, quite ad nauseam, to so loquaciously boast about in the most delusional terms -  in your fucking fallacious dreams I hasten to add - concerning how you white Brits so courageously and almost virtually  singlehandedly won World War II; there's no doubt whatever in my own mind that the earlier scenario I very appropriately presented would, by the massive majority of each of you 
braindead, white British morons., so characteristically, self-servingly, as well as gullibly,  thoroughly easily  
and fully resonate with a completely vitriolically, mendaciously rallied and a distinctly markedly furiously  up in arms concerted, collectively and a directed all out weaponized assault, viciously and venomously led and correspondingly, nakedly  unsparingly brutally and publicly proselytized by the very politically influential but in numerical terms  less so, hugely and fraudulently European holocaust beneficiary  recipients,  bogus anti-semitism brigade!  

Yet to all of these gullible and clearly perniciously fed swamp cockroaches, centuries old and blatantly employed systemic racism against Black people just like its corresponding and rather requisite Black Lives Matter rank and file movement don't register with any of them as vitally important let alone count as being wrong!

Finally I'd like to entreat the clearly intelligent and conscionable among you to pertinently read a thoroughly excellent and relevant article in the 
Canary online paper: "Medical racism is to blame for vaccine scepticism among communities of colour." It's written by Sophia Purdy-Moore, dated the 28 January 2021, and fittingly unapologetically gels well with the ethos of this poem.

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