
Sunday 24 January 2021

How self-serving and pernicious ambitions have so malevolently eclipsed all principles!

By  Stanley  Collymore 

Incumbent United States 
President Joe Biden: a 
truly patriotic Irish-
American, understandably 
and justly removes a bust
of Winston Churchill: an 
ingrained racist; clearly 
an unrepentant, plus a
sociopathic genocider
and, a mendaciously 
evilly driven, white 
supremacist elitist 
Brit war criminal
from the precint 
interestingly of  
the designated 
official White 
House office 
to its new 
J.R Biden

and Turkish ancestry, USA
born, current immigrant 
UK Prime Minister: a  
most faltering, post 
Brexit; global denouncing of his 
thoroughly noxious and highly 
treasonous, twice impeached, 
bosom pal Donald J. Trump - 
an insufferably ingratiating
Boris Kamal-Johnson quite 
rightly but distinctly very 
sycophantically says that 
how President Joe Biden
chooses to individually  
furnish his work office
is an issue clearly and 
thoroughly up to him.  

However when Barack Obama
did precisely the same thing 
on similarly becoming the 
President of the United States, the 
said Boris Kamal-Johnson quite 
swiftly and rather sickeningly 
publicly castigated Barack in 
line with his very own toxic, 
trumpanzee imitations and
the sick, twisted and racist
birther lie, very spitefully
and malevolently recited 
ad nauseum in a clearly
hateful and quite evilly 
toxic condemnation of  

the United States of America's 
first ever in its entire history 
elected Black President as a
half-Kenyan and an anti-British 
colonialist! Purposely a rather 
repugnant and markedly too 
a discernibly repulsive and 
vitally, an unquestionably 
unforgiving, demeaning 
slur by, most ironically,
this Turkish-ancestry, 
and a bogus Brit cunt
Bojo Kamal-Johnson. 

Happily, prompting a very
senior Biden advisor this
time, to aptly lampoon
Boris Kemal/Johnson as, "a shape 
shifting creep!" For essentially 
the Obama, Biden and Harris 
Democrats have long sussed
out Bojo and his British ilk, 
throughout the UK for the 
lowlife and mendacious 
delusional scum which 
they all are and, quite 
hopefully, will cost a
racist disintegrating 
Britain and its firm
medieval mindset,
staunch and very 
dysfunctional in 
extremis; quite
solidly inbred,
so carnal and
royalty and all their 
toadying elites, as 
well as, gullible
serfs, hugely! 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
24 January 2021. 

Author's Remarks:  
Those of us who are the empowered and resolutely determined surviving descendants of our hugely and quite enduring, barbarically and inhuman treatment of our multitude of African ancestors, who were most enforcedly through the sick and twisted courtesy of the obviously, massively profitable for all Europeans, coupled with their disernibly, and distinctly, malevolent associates Transatlantic Slave Trade, associated with the personal ravages and degradation, likewise of serially embedded colonialism, segregation, Jim Crowism, randon lynchings plus endemic, systemic racism and evilly perpetrated and constant at all levels of Black humiliation, criminalization, degradation coupled with the utterly callous and cynically unpunished but completely unacceptable murders, of our people by the agents of so-called law and order, justifiably had cause to celebrate on the 3 November 2020, and then distinctly, specifically so on the 20 January 2021.  

Dates that Joe Biden, and specifically for us, the combined Black and quite perceptibly also, the Afro-Caribbean Diaspora, American vote propelled not only Joe Biden but significantly too Kamala Harris, one of our very own, into the quite historic and trail blazing role which she has worthily and proudly on our part, achieved. 

Well done Kamala, and my sincerest  thanks and deepest gratitude to each one of our discernibly resilient Black Diaspora who made this possible. 

I couldn't as a non American vote, but as in Barack Obama's case I definitely vigorously campaigned, and with my numerous American born relatives and friends actively personally contributed and similarly too raised lots of money for this very historical undertaking that we all earnestly and passionately felt would come to its laudable fruition! 

And it did! And the hoots of joy on the 3 November 2020 conjoined joyously  with the rather unstoppable flood of tears and heartfelt emotion on the 20 January 2021, are imageries which I shall delightedly and very thankfully carry for the rest of my life! 

Many thanks for your endeavours all of you; congratulations again Joe and Kamala; thanks for the emails which you sent me during the campaign as Barack similarly did that I'll likewise treasure; and God Bless You and also America! 

As you Joe and Kamala are the very antithesis of the headline I've given this poem and is consciously aimed at Britain and the plethora of lowlife scum across the board that noxiously infest it!

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