
Wednesday 30 December 2020

The white racist, jealousy forum - ironically contrived and avidly proselytized by inured, hypocritical, tax-evading, British right-wing media rags!

By  Stanley Collymore  

I'm not a betting man! But I 
am however very willing 
to wager that the people 
who mendaciously hate Lewis 
Hamilton, are the same ones 
who likewise hate Meghan 
Markle! Prompting me to
rhetorically question, as 
though I didn't already, 
in common with other
indisputably obvious 
very logical mindset
and, primarily also, 
thoughtful persons,
recognize the true
reasoning behind 
a fundamentally 
solid promotion
of a significant,
clearly, totally 
relevant plus
an ingrained 
vile racism 
and a fully 

What can Lewis Hamilton
and Meghan Markle who 
don't really know each 
other, possibly have 
in common, which 
could possibly make these 
white verminous lowlife 
distinctly intellectually
challenged, obscenely 
obese and repeatedly 
ugly: men as well as 
women, invariably 
twisted specimens 
of humanity, with 
routinely fathers 
quite noticeably 
and unethically 
unknown even 
to those dumb
trollopes they 
for these vile 
sluts to then give birth so 
regrettably to you, their 
delusional, worthless, 
mental, obsessively 
very instinctively 
fawning to your 
monarchy and
other odious
and elitist 
social UK 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
30 December 2020. 

Author's Remarks:  
Pathetically useless, these inured and irredeemably racist white lowlifes, in tandem with their non-white, keenly and addictively supportive, wannabe whites themselves, who're primarily of Asian origin - the very likes of Priti Patel and her likemindedly ingrained coconut ilk - Useful Idiots, that rather fetidly and turd-like do endemically, in a most sickeningly mendacous and very toxic sense fully and so stupidly comprise everything that's basically fundamentally wrong with and also likewise permanently inimical to the beneficial welfare and clearly too the constructive interests of Britain! 

Significantly most of these noxiously obsessive haters and Daily Mail trolls are unmarried, uneducated scum and mothers to numerous bastard sprogs that like them are constant recipients of ongoing social benefits; no life that one can remotely ever construe as of being beneficial to anyone, including themselves; and therefore noxiously fed by their thoroughly sick ongoing, embedded personal jealousy, and an endemically nurtured and eagerly as well latched on to racism. Crucially,  and necessarily too in their sick and twisted minds, desperately needing others, usually of the Black Race, to look down on and ruthlessly vilify, clearly to vainly attain a semblance of the thoroughly lacking self worth they're pathetically in desperate need of!

To which I rather unapologetically add: Covid death rates in Britain are drastically rising, so please go and, by any means possible, get your evilly odious and repulsively malevolent selves a lethal dose of Covid-19! As you're clearly not, and are wholly incapable Whitey and Co. of any worthwhile contributions to the beneficial good of those of us who're very importantly a salient element of our humanity. So unquestionably, you'll be far better off to all concerned, if in addition to quite irrefutably being mentally so, you were additionally permanently, physically DEAD! 

Sentiments that Lewis Hamilton and Meghan Markle - among the several millions of others globally, I'm sure - will readily and happily concur with. So I implore you to employ your customary malevolent ruthlessness usefully in this particular case and constructively do it! 

Racist troll baiting by the Daily Mail's manipulated trolls and who only see life through the wilfully malicious and manipulative lens of the Daily Mail itself and it's own racist and financial ends. There is clearly a huge number of household named, white British millionaires that are either living, or did so prior to their deaths,  in overseas tax havens and are currently not paying or hadn't paid any UK tax! But they still got knighthoods and other honours.

Among such persons are: Jackie Stewart a jealous and malicious critic of Lewis Hamilton, who for some 50 years lived in tax haven Switzerland; Richard Branson; the late Sean Connery; Philip Green; the late Roger Moore, and the list goes on. All of then serial tax evaders/avoiders! But I don't recall any mendacious vitriol pertaining to any of them being aired by these same. I wonder why? Clearly knowing the answer to that question already! 

Significantly the HRMC: which is the equivalent of the IRS in the USA and which these UK trolls asininely want the same IRS to go after Harry exactly for what I don't know, but there's no cure for stupidity - incidentally I did work previously for the UK's HMRC, and quite recently the said HMRC has publicly stated that Lewis Hamilton is quite undoubtedly one of the top 5000 highest contributing taxpayers in the UK out of 30 million taxpayers in Britain. Yet Lewis Hamilton doesn't live in Britain as you purblind cunts ad nauseam point out, but which is clearly his right not to do so, as it is similarly yours to voluntarily do so! But Lewis  Hamilton is nevertheless altruisically paying for services he's not using but which you are. Which thus prompts the obvious question from me: How much tax are you, principally DOLE grifters, paying? Answers on the back of a postage stamp, please. As I know the answer to that one. ZILCH! The facts are those who moan most about taxes helping Lewis or Meghan, do not in actuality pay any. And you're simply pathetic, delusional, make-believe CUNTS! 

Most sickeningly though is the irony of the Daily Mail's headline on Lewis Hamilton as a tax exile. So absolutely fucking sick and twisted!  Since the Daily Mail's owners have repulsively exploited a non-domicile tax status both for themselves and the UK based businesses, including the Daily Mail - yes you read that correctly - that DO NOT PAY ANY BRITISH TAX! 

Additionally the same Daily Mail and its owners through a wiful, complex structure of categorically, distinctly dubious offshore holdings and trusts don't pay any UK tax, yet their racist Daily Mail operates in Britain! How fucking ironic and hypocritical can anyone get? Consequently the DAILY MAIL and its OWNERS are tax exile, the precisely same deliberately lying subjective term they FALSELY accuse Lewis Hamilton of being. The typical action of verminous scum, of every social class, that like to off-load their own criminal and immoral actions on to others. And where are most of the Daily Mail's ill-gotten gains hived off to? Bermuda, the Cayman Islands etc; British overseas controlled lands with BLACK majority populations! 

Then there's the vile cunt Jacob Rees Mogg who mocked the murder of the Blacks and other non-whites in the Grenfell Tower Inferno, an odious Nazi, white supremacist and noxious empire loyalist, whose Transatlantic Slave Trade created ancestral home in Dorset was massively refurbished through taxpayers' funds while he and his verminous family personally carry on owning it. Nevertheless, the substantial sums of money which his odious exploitative lot got from the exploitation of my own ancestors as well as others like them is invested in diverse companies that are similarly, purposely located in several overseas tax haven and, consequently, with no UK tax paid on any of them! Still, this noxious white scum is LEADER of the British House of Commons! Likewise, and significantly, there's the Russian EVEGENY LEBEDEV who's been given a peerage for services rendered to the Tory Party and British elites.

Yet the likes of Meghan Markle and Lewis Hamilton are singled out by white braindead, verminous cunts that proliferate like the scum and rabid sewer rats which they most clearly are while the Useful Idiots: House Niggers and their similarly  likeminded Asian Coconuts, avidly stand by and positively do fuck all! 

Incidentally for all you dimwitted, Daily Mail troll assholes, Jonathan Harmsworth - the utterly shameless and twisted, hypocritical tax exile who personally owns the Daily mail along with his own numerous other personally owned and distinctly tax exile companies, holds a hereditary title - an award he didn't earn by any sort of merit, and only acquired by an accident of birth like his likewise likeminded, monarchical Windsor chums. Hardly surprising then, that you: principally racist and toadying white, verminous scum, either can't or don't want to see the real woods for the trees. Mother-fu**ing idiots that you patently are!

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