
Monday 7 December 2020

Just go away in short jerky movements, SAGE advisors, fittingly using your favourite hand!

By Stanley Collymore 

Sage scientist says - three
words, which guarantee 
I won't read the article.
Why not? Well, these clearly 
cynically, attention seeking 
morons have zero interest 
in this Covid-19 virus, or 
the general population. 
Their principal focus - 
and a financial one - 
completely honed
on owned shares
fittingly in these 
companies that 
so expectantly 
now basically 
are amassing 
superb gains 
from SAGE'S 

Of course the 3rd wave 
has to happen. Fake
stats yet again, no
doubt to get the vaccine 
forcefully promoted to
high heaven. So push 
the gullible, sheeple
to critical breaking
point, so that even 
hardened inured 
sceptics - but so 
not anyone of
privileged or 
elitist status 
mind - very  
from such 
of them finally give up,
cave in, and settle for 
these precipitously 
rushed - but trust 
us, no injurious 
or, long- term 
symptoms -  
from our 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
7 December 2020. 

Author's Remarks:   
I'm not against medical science or scientific research per se. There are and have been for some considerable time, and ongoingly so, several family members of mine involved in these significantly important areas. I've likewise been involved myself. But I'm dead against hubris of the kind that emanated quite recently from the utterly dimwitted pillock Gavin Williamson, who rather appropriately in hugely educationally challenged and dumbed down, Brexit Britain is the UK's Minister of Education, over the implementation of this upcoming vaccine; and manifesy callous, quite mendacious exploitation in all its evil forms. 

I'm old enough to personally know about the Thalidomide Project of the 1960s and was even working part of the time in the British NHS; and although not cognizant of the Tuskegee Syphilis Project from its very inception in 1932 because I wasn't born then, I did subsequently learn, research and study it intensely, as it carried on non stop until 1972.  

I'll however leave you to personally and hopefully honestly and equally objectively research it and clearly see for yourself the damnably, racist and reprehensible way that African American Blacks were quite systematically and systematically  experimented on, ruthlessly against a background of deliberate lies, non informed consent from these considered as Black human Guinea Pigs, and a widespread state of affairs in which they were wholly unaware of what was truthfully being done to them, under the deliberately lying and totally dishonest mantra promulgated by these scientific ogres and likeminded medical and health care officials that what was being undertaken was simply the health care and therefore in the very best interests of their Black and unknowingly so, hapless subjects. Consequently, many thousands of Blacks died gruesomely and quite unnecessarily, while others who survived were seriously otherwise quite physically and also mentally incapacitated for the rest of their lives. The results  of these trials were meticulously and equally contemporaneously recorded - after all the Guinea Pigs  used were simply regarded as dispensible and perceived Niggers and therefore no loss to humanity, so why, argued the criminals involved, should they conceal their incriminating data? So the facts are there for you to objectively peruse and reach your own honest, objective and moral conclusions.

Apartheid South Africa on the other hand with its own coterie too of  similarly unprincipled and racist SAGE types from across the entire white West assiduously worked on a Covid-19 type virus to effectively wipe out the obviously larger and indigenous Black population of South Africa and turn that country into a facsimile of equally racist Australia where its equally indigenous Black Aborigines were subjected to routine genocide, and in many instances still are in the 21st Century. Those of us who knew of what was going on in South Africa from clearly first hand knowledge from our Anti-apartheid contacts there were constantly and vitriolically reviled, whenever we spoke out and tried to acquaint the world of what was happening, by the usual rightwing, delusional white master race British MPs and their discernibly, totally likeminded privileged public school educated and other Useful Idiots chums and media mouthpieces who then and still exclusively own the so-called mainstream media (MSM), as conspiracy theorists. Such people stilll infest Britain with their clearly sick and twisted presence and rather sickeningly, too, unwarrantedly but undeniably carry on holding very prominent positions  in all walks of influential life, in an obvious, quite deeply ingrained and pathetically also, obsessed and cap-doffing UK.

Most dishonestly as well from this lot when inevitably the dispairingly stark truth came to public light at the Truth and Reconciliation Commision sessions held in South Africa in the commendably public glare of the official demise of apartheid in that country; and with the same repulsive and clearly e comprehensively complicit and quite pathological white western liars then saying that the virus stocks had been previously destroyed in South Africa. Definitely not the case! As they were actually clandestinely sent to a number of specific germ warfare and state owned laboratories across the west's participating countries in these sick apartheid, anti-Black experiments like Britain for example, and where in the UK's case - and I'm British with a voluntary military background too - they were willingly housed at the UK's principal warfare laboratory at 
Porton Down in the English county of Wilshire.

Now these sick totally psychopathic, sociopathic and endemically racist hypocrites are disingenuously telling the world that Blacks are definitively far more susceptible to Covid-19 than whites are. Of course Blacks are! Not that surprising to anyone who has a modicum of commonsense or any intelligence, since Covid-19 is a strain of the apartheid South Africa virus; and, therefore, very much man made. But these patently egregiously lying, wholly totalitarian mindset, totally compulsively, financially obsessed, narcissistic morons aren't going to tell you that, are they? And just look at the trillions of US dollars and also Pounds Sterling the world's richest elites and financial manipulators have already, and are ongoingly so, made for themselves since the onset of this so convenient pandemic; as you personally suffer in a diversity of injurious ways rather cynically contrived by these self-same elites and their willing Useful Idiots. 

Please, don't just take my word for any of this, simply do your own objective, honest and detailed research and thus ascertain the facts for yourself and stop being the very gullible lemmings your supposedly social betters would much prefer that you carry on being to their distinctly unchallenged advantage. And clearly whether you personally do choose to take this new vaccine or not isn't my decision to make - nor would I be so presumptuous to ever assume that it was - but it's evidently nevertheless entirely your own! All I will, and do so specifically to my fellow Blacks, is say this. Think long and hard about the decision you'll ultimately make and act most carefully. Don't let the quite longstanding abusive activities systemically meted out to our people over numerous generations cloud your judgement under these SAGE like advisors deliberately dishonest guises of acts of white Caucasian, altruistic, humanitarian intervention particularly for your benefit. Our victimized people have been there before! So firmly do remember that; after all it's your own precious life and wellbeing which are currently and rather critically at stake here. Therefore, don't do anything that's likely to put at risk or undermine either or both of them! 

By the way, sensible people do know that Covid-19 will never ever appear on the death certificates of those that have taken the vaccine, even, and most particularly so, if that virus and or the said vaccine had unmistakably contributed to the deceased person's unfortunate death! 

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