
Tuesday 14 July 2020

Taking the easiest options and yet constantly being praised for them!

By Stanley Collymore 

Poor Kate Middleton! Constantly making snacks and meals for 
her hungry children. How 
stupid does she think 
the rest of us are? Perhaps 
she's been avidly reading 
the grossly sycophantic 
comments in rags like 
the Daily Mail and so
really thinks that all
those that have, of 
course, served as 
crafters of them 
will accordingly 
suitably too, i
their moronic 
and pathetic 
insanity, as 
well, easily 
guzzle up 
any thing 
she sees 
apt to be

And, of course, she's
dead right in that 
assumption of 
hers regarding these 
fawning, idiotic and 
thoroughly insane 
plebeians; rather 
contentedly, in 
their blissfully 
but ruinously 
as it equally 
and clearly 
as being, 
actually useless 
and moribund
whose vile
the raw 
evils of 
a UK'S

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
14 July 2020. 

Author's Comments: 
When you have to publicly claim that you're keeping your child entertained, are home-schooling them; baking with them, cooking for them and the rest of it; then it's pretty obvious to anyone with a functioning brain in their head - and not a dimwitted one located in their rectum - and who intelligently knows how to use it that, in actuality, you're lying and dishonestly doing none of these things!

Why so? Because people, and specifically parents, doing those aforementioned things don't have any obsessive compulsion or feel any need to tell the rest of the world about things that ordinary every day parents routinely get on with. Because they simply get on with the ordinary tasks of looking after their children! Neither expecting nor requiring any praise or prompted plaudits for doing so! 

And why worry about or worst still indoctrinate Louis with the pros and cons of so-called social distancing, when in his average normal day pre-Covid 19 he wouldn't have been associating with normal people even of his own age, and post it won't be doing so in a month of Sundays? And in his Manchester sized lockdown, luxury bolthole apart from the prescribed time with his parents the only people that Louis will routinely be coming in contact with are the compliant lackeys that are happily ministering to the every whims of himself, his siblings and, of course, his parents, and doing so, naturally, well away from any social intercourse with Mr Joe or Ms Jane public. 

Hardly an apt environment then for either learning or else wasting time practising the alleged nicities of social distancing!

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