
Wednesday 10 June 2020

Racist and Genocide Supporter Keir Starmer champions Edward Colston - the vile, English slave trader!

By Stanley Collymore

The very frenzied brought down of the 
imposing statue of Saddam Hussain
the west's clearly out of favour but
previously their ideally compliant
and very Useful Idiot champion
buffoon following the unlawful
invasion of his nation, Iraq in the
wake of the USA and toadying
Britain's fraudulent and quite
deceitfully publicized claim
of Iraq's supposed illegal 
possession of weapons
of mass destruction in
order to acquire their
distinctly imperialist, 
nakedly colonialist
and physically, a
bigoted mission,
was laudatorily
backed by the 
US Pres; UK 
PM; awfully
all manner
of shoddy 

so very characteristic of
British politicians; the
UK's vile MSM and,
naturally, the discernibly quite 
grovelling royalists and their
visibly sycophantic, class
obsessional plebeians,  
with their supportive
and also important
jubilation as a job
excellently done
and a muscular
of spry crowd

But when in the continuous aftermath
of the systemic murder, humiliation
arbitrary ignominy, routine police
brutality and various other acts
of premeditatedly perpetrated 
barbarity against Blacks and Black men
particularly, readily condoned not only
by the racist authorities, but similarly
the majority of whites and also their
Useful Idiots, across these vicious
and white-controlled countries, to
be easily found on both sides of
the Atlantic and similarly so the
like-minded unmistakably and
discernibly entrenched racist
white arrogated Antipodean
countries of both Australia
and New Zealand: where
it is distinctly directed at
the evident indigenous,
genocidal-disposed of 
and replaced Maoris 
as are the removed 
Aborigines - every
one of them with
the full backing 
of the hideous
specimens in
Yidland: that 
every impartial and fair-
minded person does
legally and morally
see as Palestine -
along with their
white kith and
kin in former
white racist
and dear 
S.A ally. 

Yet right now, we've those same
white supremacist, supporting
cunts like Keir Starmer self-
aggrandizing and grossly 
patronizingly releasing
their correspondingly
racist and hugely Yid-financed ire - and
in Keir Starmer's own specific bought
and paid for case, to also become
the incumbent Yid, but Tel-Aviv
in reality figurehead leader of
the also totally endemically
racist British Labour Party -
at all Black-Lives-Matter
protestors purposefully
demolishing and also
promptly dumping it
in the near by river; 

the damnably and insultingly
offensive, erected and for
126 years the staunchly
sustained and likewise
pretentiously adored and lauded 
statue of a most reprehensible
and prodigiously profiteering
off the nakedly vulnerable,
hapless and completely
threatened lives of the
multitude of Africans:
that embodied men, 
expectant women,
babies and also
young children -
the Englander
odious white
slave trader
E. Colston.

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
10 June 2020. 

Author's Remarks: 
The swastika is an ancient, sub-continental Indian religious symbol that was purloined and subverted by Europe's Nazis, Fascists and their like-minded white supremacist and racist supporters, for their own nefarious ends. Since after Europe's second, major internecine war - incorrectly and laughably but vaingloriously labelled as World War II, for it was just another grotesque expression, of white barbarity and had absolutely nothing at all to do with the rest of the world, which is distinctly non-white - it became illegal across most of Europe to wear the swastika or give the Nazi salute because of their supposed offence. Similarly with this mind-set in situ there are specifically no monuments or statues to prominent Nazis like Herren Adolf Hitler and Josef Goebbels either on plinths outdoors or else located in purpose built museums. Likewise, statues of major Fascists like Benito Mussolini and Communist dictators like Nicolae Ceausecu have all, frenetically and most unceremoniously, been pulled down and their leaders brutally executed.

Meanwhile, the EU is avidly advocating and even actively financing the pulling down of statues for Joseph Stalin in those eastern European member states members where they are located. Put into perspective a rather bigoted position to take, since it was Joseph Stalin and the Russia who were the principal players in the ultimate defeat of Germany and its Axis Nazi and Fascist allies across Europe and irrefutable saved Britain's pathetic ass, never mind the UK's ongoing and delusional crap that it won World War II. It didn't! But Keir Starmer and his characteristically very white privileged and as well establishment ilk with their patronising sense of entitlement and white privilege have no problem with actually going along with their identical, rather nonsensical bullshit of Britain winning World War II; and would even have anyone daft enough to listen to or much worse believe them that it did so alone with the uniquely courageous exploits of its white combat forces.

Therefore, the setting up of statues either outdoors or in museums of Nazis and Fascists - which most ironically is exactly what they themselves are but really can't see it - would be unconscionable and unforgivable. However bringing down the statues of those they despise or else fall out of favour with is absolutely understandable and quite permissible. And, what's more, it's not at all necessary to have this category in museums so that people can then judge as well for themselves how they should be perceived, as Keir Starmer and his self-serving lot are insultingly and disingenuously asking should be the case with white racists, white supremacists (that they approve of) or Slavers and slave traders like Edward Colston.

If statues raised to the villainous and their ilk from the past are supposed to be the windows of knowledge relative to our history and from which anyone who is interested or curious about them can morally and informatively learn from the past; how come there are no statues raised to Adolf Hitler or Josef Goebbels, Keir Starmer and Co? Or is it simply in your sick and thoroughly twisted minds a matter of whose sensitivities are being trodden on?  And while your Yid and white supremacist, racist sorts have sensitivities aplenty, Blacks, or NIGGERS as you see us, have absolutely NONE!

What a fucking load of complete bullshit, as you well know it is, Keir Starmer! If in 126 years your fellow white racists and white supremacists have learnt nothing in relation to, for example, Edward Colston they certainly never will. And you know perfectly well that's the case Keir Starmer and it's what you want and are certainly hoping for! And you're defending Edward Colston because he's an odious racist, white man who thought as you now do! So mentally liberated Blacks don't want any lessons from you!

Peaceful protests - you and fellow vile scum like you Keir Starmer go on to say - is what we Blacks should engage in. Oh yeah! Well Nelson Mandela protested peacefully all of his life but it didn't stop racists like you and your PM Margaret Thatcher branding him a terrorist, white privileged students and white supremacists of your kind walking around with openly displayed T-shirts proclaiming "Hang Nelson Mandela" and with Nelson Mandela marginally missing being executed for something he didn't do nevertheless forced to spend over four decades of his life in jail, simply for wanting to live in his own indigenous country - arbitrarily run and controlled by a racist minority of white immigrants and colonialists - as a normal human being should be allowed to. But he had no rights as he wasn't deemed by white racists to be a human being. 

Steve Biko, Dr. Martin Luther King and several others like the innocent school children callously and barbarically gunned in Soweto simply for peacefully demonstrating for a decent education they were blatantly denied; and Ruth First, a conscionable white South African Jewish woman blown to bits by the apartheid authorities for ministering to the quite desperate social needs of Black refugees forced to flee to neighbouring Mozambique to escape the brutality and oppression they were routinely subjected to in their own country of South Africa, all paid the ultimate price with their lives for opposing apartheid peacefully. Ruth First was a married lady married to the now late Jo Slovo, who spent several years with Nelson Mandela in jail for opposing apartheid like his wife did. Both white the couple had two young daughters that virtually became orphans, with their mum murdered and their father lengthily imprisoned. But did you care Keir Starmer or any of your fellow white racists? No you didn't!

And even the Swedish PM Olof Palme was assassinated with the active assistance of the Margaret Thatcher's regime. His crime? He was outspokenly supportive of the African National Congress (ANC), publicly condemned apartheid and gave refuge to the then ANC leader Oliver Tambo. And the implacable racist, supporter of white supremacism and the fervid lover and the final beneficiary of apartheid that she and her husband Denis were, was Maggie Thatcher couldn't have that.

But a Yid aficionado as you discernibly are Keir Starmer, and as your wife and sprogs in practising terms obviously are too, the only Jews that matter to you are the fake Yid ones. The Yid interlopers who have usurped Palestine from its rightful owners, have no compunction whatsoever in disdainfully practising, and with imperious impunity, an ongoing genocide against them, while barbarically demolishing their homes, livelihoods and their millennia old monuments.

But why should a fucking hypocrite and deeply-ingrained double standards prat like you care, Keir Starmer? Your fellow Yids have you comfortably and delightedly in their financial pockets where you're most content to be; and they did, after all, ensure through their customary graft expertise ensure that you "won" the Labour Party leadership contest. Only to be expected and par for the course. That said, from my well-researched perspective, being leader of the Labour Party means bugger all. And never did!

Since, quite frankly, none of its leaders have ever been any bloody good. And while in the past I voted Labour hoping it would change; now I deliberately spoil my ballot paper in general as well as local elections. Why?  All the UK's political parties are all the same and just mimic each other since politics is all about  financially feathering their own nests, and to hell with the largely dim-witted electorate. And since I have a constitutional right as a British citizen, and have been so all my life, I've no intention of discarding my right to vote; and so with the utmost contempt treat them all the same by voting for everyone of them on the ballot paper. Not a futile exercise for me as it might seem to you, as I have the constitutional and democratic right too to vote in Germany and Barbados and so use my democratic right in these two mature democracies; and not waste my constructive time and intelligence in the political quagmire of the cesspit that's Britain.

With one major difference in all this! The Tories are racist swine and know it, but don't pretend to be otherwise. And while I'll never vote for  them I do admire their criminal honesty. Labour, however, are even more racist than the Tories but disingenuously essay, as they've always done, to give the false impression that they're not; when every single Labour leader, with the only exception being Jeremy Corbyn, being entrenched and hard-core racists.

And even Jeremy Corbyn, ludicrously thinking that he could form a broad church from the largely white scum Labour politicians in the House of Commons, failed to realize that trying to do so was quite synonymous to cuddling a rabidly, rabies-infected dog in order to empathize with it, but naively failing to grasp that that dog's undoubted intention was always to kill him.

I could go on but why bother? Black Lives Matter and people like me are fighting systemic and entrenched racism coming from the likes of you Keir Starmer, and when Elizabeth Windsor's former secretary can publicly state that if Meghan Markle had remained (my own words now, as this sycophant would not have described his boss in this manner) in this Dark Ages and thoroughly dysfunctional family, that the likes of you Keir Starmer fawn to and as well love grovelling to, she could not have spoken out for Black Lives Matter or have associated herself in any way with it. That any intelligent, moral and impartial person that really beggars belief! Not to him or his former boss Elizabeth Windsor obviously. Since on her part her Nazi sisters-in-law and the biological siblings of her husband Phillip, were all comfortably well-off and in highly esteemed Nazi German circles and society married to prominent and very influential members of Germany's notorious Nazi Waffen-SS! And with their deeply embedded doctrine of Master Race, White Supremacy! And who can forget Elizabeth's own Nazi salute as a young girl in the company of her racist mother and her uncle Edward VIII?

How fucking insensitive and absolutely stupid can one be? Like mine, Meghan's Black ancestors were brutally turned into enforced slaves, and like me she knows from first-hand experience what pernicious racism is. The pillocks, in your grovelling to hereditary family, don't; and, furthermore, don't care as they're a major part of the problem.

Barbados has the world's largest number of active and compos mentis centenarians, some of whom are in my own family on both sides, and they know first-hand from their brutally enslaved ancestors what slavery was all about, and who started the Transatlantic Slave Trade. Fucking Iberian Sephardic Jews who were given refuge in Barbados, my ancestral homeland, when no other country would have them after they were kicked out of Brazil. And we've not had any apology during the near 500 years of our own Holocaust or any reparations - unlike your fucking Yid lot - paid to our ancestors or their descendants and we're not holding our breath on that one.

Yet in today's monetary terms trillions of Pounds Sterling were paid to the Slave owners and slave traders like Edward Colston for losing their chattels - human property as mine and Meghan's ancestors were deemed as. Money paid in perpetuity to these odious slavers descendants as well, and accounts for how in the 21st Century David Cameron and his wife Samantha, among many others, as the descendants of such vile, racist bastards and bitches, are still getting these millions of Pounds Sterling paid to them. Yet the same David Cameron is implacably opposed to any reparations being paid to the descendants of enforced Black slaves! But he's most definitely in favour, as I'm quite sure you are Keir Starmer, to your Yid lot as well as his, continuously financially milking Europe's holocaust for everything, and much more, that they can unwarrantedly get!

But we're not going to stand idly by any longer and have our Black asses kicked in any more, or have morons like you Keir Starmer tell us, with your delusional and patronizing white exceptionalism, how we should personally react to what has been happening to our people all this time and is still continuously and systemically going on. We've earnestly tried peaceful demonstrations and your white lot simply saw that as weakness on out part and increased your violence and barbarity towards us. Well no more. And if you don't like that Keir Starmer, tough shit! You're a QC and once ran the so-called Crown prosecution Service - as thoroughly corrupt and incompetent an establishment body as one can possibly get other than the Home Office - so you at liberty to sue me; and I challenge you to do so. However, I shan't be losing any sleep over it though!

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