
Monday 22 June 2020

Heartfelt Acclamation to the Windrush Generation - I laudably salute you!

By Stanley Collymore

Seventy two years to this day on the 22
June 1948 the first contingent of what
emblematically would be referred to
out of necessity and basic identity
too as the Windrush Generation
and was naturally unknowingly 
to them then an identification
that would always be linked
with them quite historically
disembarked in England from the passenger
ship the MV Empire Windrush. Having left
their homes in the Caribbean - neither to
seek new lives nor homes within Britain 
as is after all this time still fraudulently
and basically quite dishonestly being
fully peddled by all those with racist
designs of their own and personal 
axes to grind and has become a
desired white British folklore as
well as a very benevolent and
fully sanctioned MSM refrain. 

However, truth be told, there was
nothing whatsoever wrong with
either the lives or the homes
that these industrious and
laudable people had left
behind them, distinctly 
and very obviously unlike Britain, their
tropical Caribbean and quite clearly 
indigenous homelands, and were
primarily in the United Kingdom  
expressly because they were
invited, and even cajoled by
the Tories and the Labour
Party to both individually
and equally collectively
use their recognizably 
relevant abilities and
impressive aptitude
for their acclaimed 
work ethic; and in
a most seducing 
jargon the post-
war regimes in
Britain deeply 
hungered for
a gathering
of persons 
out of the

People that were irrefutably born
British and, accordingly all of
their respective lives, had
lawfully stayed so, to ably assist
in the now concerted efforts to
rebuild what was referred to 
in the highly impassioned
and desperate, of their
agitated terminology 
by UK authorities
to them, as their
distinctive and
in dire need,
apt Mother

And these loyal Afro-Caribbeans:
many of them unquestionably
World War II veterans who
after the end of the war
had gone home and
had now returned again - honourably
and efficiently did what was wholly
expected of them and to boot a 
great deal more; only for them
to be treated afterwards, as
they still are to this day, in
an intentionally revolting
manner by everyone of 
Britain's post-war and
ostensibly white-run
governments, their 
purported parties
in Opposition in
a most corrupt
and cowardly

House of Commons, the equivalent
MSM and even the Trade Unions;
and most intensively so the very
racially motivated and hostile
environment policy avidly initiated  
and sustained by Theresa May:
firstly as Home Secretary and
thereafter as prime minister; 
and, of course, sedulously 
and most unrestrainedly
kept on by her equally
malignant anti-Black
racist and evidently
most disreputable
and degenerate
vile useful idiot

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
22 June 2020.

Author's Remarks:
Self-hate, itself harshly assailed by demonic guilt complexes can and do have a lasting devastating as well as a markedly unassailable and a deeply-entrenched controlling effect on all those that are subjected to these stressful mental assaults. I not only learnt that during my first year of psychiatric nursing training but equally had a number of such patients to closely observe, naturally individually practice on and  most significantly medically learn from; and therefore can spot such odious human specimens without any problem.

Theresa May, without any doubt whatever in my mind, is incontrovertibly one of these very odious human specimens I earlier described. And hardly surprising in the circumstances and with her very repellent past. The biological daughter of a hugely effete Traveller mother and an obnoxious Church of England, paedophile father, whom Theresa was particular close to, and who my intensive research on her unmistakeably all the same clearly shows that Theresa, none the less, had an exceedingly strong Electra Complex for.

And while I smile ruefully, at all the public hooray over Philip Schofield in terms of his marriage while knowing all along that he was gay, this is neither a situation, nor a condition, that is applicable only to men. British white women are themselves some of the worst offenders in this regard. Beats me why? Since lesbianism, or Dykeism as I call it when it's associated with hypocritical and vile practitioners, was never outlawed in Britain!

So on the 72nd Windrush Commemorative Day - Monday 22 June 2020 - I really don't have to tell you how I feel my fellow Afro-Caribbean Blacks as I'm absolutely sure that you already certainly know, particularly as not only close Barbadian and other similar relatives of mine, but likewise many friends belong to that noble and commendable generation. And so my eternal remembrances are undeniably and intensely with all of you and most particularly those who have been treated most appalling, and caused specifically so by a sick, twisted and racist white woman with her own everlasting demons to contend with.

God Bless You all! And may those no longer with us rest in eternal peace! Amen.

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