
Tuesday 28 April 2020

The revenge of the British right-wing MSM, trolling arse-lickers!

By Stanley Collymore 

Revenge in today's rather twisted and
purportedly modern concept of this
term, in Britain at least, is being
completely fixated with what
you assume is getting your own
back on someone or persons
for what in your stupid and
delusional mind-set you
likewise idiotically and
unthinkingly - simply
because you lazily
and transparently
to every rational 
person are so

thus needing and readily relying
on these outright rabidly racist, 
intensely xenophobic, right-
wing MSM rags and their
compilation of pathetic,
brown-nosing minion 
hacks: truly ardent
strangers to any-
thing mindful of
the truth, and
so inevitably
engaged in
doing so 
for you -   

amid the ceaseless overabundance 
of unsubstantiated and without a
grain of proof to even remotely
support your ludicrous, lying
and toxic assertions, none
the less still think and solemnly
believe that these phantoms
of your own sick creation
either already have, or
are very much in the
process too of very
malignly and also
inimically, doing
not exclusively 
to you but as well your 
perceived esteemed
social betters, and 
paradoxically the
hereditary elite
on whom you
toady over.  

Knowing that what you're
accusing these others
of doing is precisely
what you certainly -
even with the associated
difficulty of your known
inclination for always
cheerfully pushing
your vile, hateful,
palpably obese
bodies and, of 
course, clear 
to ascertain 
not exactly 
to see or
look at;

your pallid and, as well, horrible, 
pink faces fawningly rammed
up the putrid asses of these
over-privileged cretins - 
you would have done likewise
to these feigned enemies
of yours, had you the
normal intelligence,
and without your
predictable prompting
by these MSM rags,
to have thought
about such
insults in
the first

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
28 April 2020. 

Author's Remarks: 
Asking far less so expecting an idiot, and especially a white Caucasian one with a delusional as well as an entrenched sense of their own entitlement, irrespective of their manifestly transparent and abysmal failings in all respects to meet the basic requirements of being even an ordinary human being, is as permanently non-achievable a realistic goal attainment as a biologically sterile woman, of whatever child-bearing age, or her male azospermiac equivalent purposely and consistently kidding themselves that they somehow can successfully defy the unchallengeable odds they're confronted with and therefore become biological parents. 

The ludicrous and contradictorily named "social-media" trolls, lacking in all self-worth, usually quite obese, bone idle - these were the very ones that wanted Brexit to keep their so-called named bloody foreigners and EU citizens out but are too lazy to do even the urgent fruit picking jobs that Romanians and others post-Brexit are still having to be recruited for, as these patently idle and white British, patronizingly fake, patriotic sods, principally can't be bothered to get off their quite sedentary, intellectually challenged and grotesquely obese asses and do some real work for a change other than fulsomely engaging in the exercise of receiving and spending their dole money they handsomely get; while in the process of doing so assiduously ensuring that such money keeps on coming in, increasingly and graspingly to assist as well as promote the feckless as well as the routine churning out of more of their usually fathers unknown, or characteristically not around dads, bastard offspring.  

No problem though for them when it comes to these same lowlife scum becoming keyboard warriors ludicrously defending the grotesquely antiquated hereditary, ensconced in their Middle Ages and divine rights mind-set but asininely, ridiculously and ironically living in the 21st Century, freeloaders like themselves, Mountbatten-Windsor family; indulging in the sickening and pathetically false deification of the British NHS that is grossly deficient of and is also in dire need of the necessary staff and at the levels that these largely uneducated, bone idle and white plebeian, fawning serfs to their perceived socially elite betters could adequately fill; and most naturally for these thoroughly accursed, Pavlov dogs type, verminous layabouts with not an original thought collectively in their dunce heads, of course, obsessively and at every fabricated opportunity afforded them or that they can themselves create, venomously and most unwarrantedly attacking Meghan and Harry. Doing so for all the reasons that they clearly don't even have the proverbial balls - these yellow-bellied, verminous cowards - to admit what their sick and utterly twisted racist problems are! 

No wonder then that they all of them - these thoroughly odious scumbags - most vociferously favour Boris Kemal/Johnson, fascist regime's Covid-19 lockdown and want it to be carried on indefinitely. Since, on the face of it, they will now have a "legitimate" - more than can be said for the vast majority of them biologically - reason to carry on being at home while happily and customarily facilitating themselves on the dole! 

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