
Tuesday 7 April 2020

Ignorance, Stupidity and vulgar Fawning fervently exemplified!

By Stanley Collymore  

Don't believe these intentionally proselytized,
determinedly propagandized, assiduously
weaponized, contemptuously trolled
and right-wing media figures that
allegedly relate to the UK monarch's
obviously delivered; but otherwise
a distinctly purported individual
speech? As this almost 94 year-
old nonagenarian old-woman
commonly known as Elizabeth
Mountbatten-Windsor, is actually to
all intents and purposes largely an
irrelevance in the everyday lives
not only of numerous numbers
of ordinary people in the UK
but, similarly, millions and
even billions globally that
also individually can and
do deftly assess matters
for themselves; and so
neither appreciate nor
accept fawning Brits
nor their vile MSM
deciding for them
how in such cases
they should think. 

And most especially those indigenous
Britons who are themselves from a
younger generation; similarly in
this category also, Commonwealth
British overseas born, as well as
legally naturalized immigrants.
And for whom this distinctly
and far removed from their 
actual daily existence and
a very distinctly obscene
in this the 21st Century
existential hereditary,
ostentatiously and a
brazenly privileged for all of
her monstrously pampered
and fawned upon life, of
what is fundamentally
your regular average
white, old woman;
who by chance is
a nonagenarian!

And unequivocally to all those who
I've earlier mentioned is just an
enormously wealthy woman
placed by lottery of birth
and a supposed entitlement into
her rather privileged position;
blithely sitting as is normal
in her insensate pleasure,
in her grace and favour
castles and luxurious
palaces, but clearly
self-evidently this
time, because of
the stated virus
Covid 19, in a
reclusive and very protective
but all the same still spoilt
in self-isolation from all
those she instinctively
and disdainfully still
fixatedly see as her
authentic subjects.

While cynically and asininely actually
pretending she really knows what's
basically going on in the entirety
of the country! And therefore
in tandem with an elitist ilk and their
plethora of sycophants who share
the same identical mind-set as
hers, forcefully reinforcing
what the intelligent and
sensible citizens who
fittingly prefer not
being subjects of
Britain, have so
clearly known.

That in the astute words of Martin
O'Malley, a former Governor
of Maryland, USA: There is
nothing like populism marinated
in wholesale contempt for the
populace. Or succinctly put
by me; everyone it seems
is in favour of and also,
unequivocally, adores
socialism when their
shit strikes the fan!

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
7 April 2020. 

Author's Remarks:
When the IRA on the 12 October 1984 at the Grand Brighton Hotel in Brighton, England tried to blow up Margaret Thatcher and her entire political Cabinet and narrowly missed doing so - worst luck I thought then and still do nearly 36 years later on - the wife of the odious ultra- right-wing, Conservative MP Norman Tebbit was seriously injured. Implacably opposed to the NHS which he deeply detested and wanted scrapped or else privatized, Norman Tebbit rushed his wife to a private hospital for treatment and kept her there. However, when the private insurance money ran out and reality began to set in, this verminous, lowlife sociopath had no compunction whatsoever in taking his wife to the said publicly owned and funded NHS that he avidly wanted dismantled.

Boris Kemal/Johnson: USA born, Turkish, Eastern European, Russian ancestry, immigrant and current PM of Britain, is another one of these Tories who adamantly opposes the NHS and similarly either wants it scrapped or else completely privatized by having it sold off to his American chums; and is likewise on record, as is Norman Tebbit, openly stating his anti-NHS views. Yet it is to the said NHS that Boris has now been rushed to with his much MSM promulgated and purported Covid 19 symptoms and, furthermore, given priority access and treatment even over essential NHS staffers who are dying from a lack of proper safety equipment on their wards; vital testing on themselves; ventilators and the like, in addition to many ordinary members of the public who unwaveringly over the years have supported this same NHS institution all their lives, and that I once worked in as a trained  and qualified nurse.

And then we have the Mountbatten-Windsor family asininely, hypocritically and most disingenuously cheer leading from their secluded and luxurious bunkers for the said NHS that they don't ever use when they're ill; which their kids aren't ever born in, and who in essence either individually or collectively don't know fuck all about what goes on in the NHS and frankly don't care; as neither its continuance nor its demise don't effect them in the least.

But, nevertheless, feel they must for the public relations benefit of themselves and the feigned interest of all their fawning serfs, that they must make anodyne and vacuous statements prepared for them  by their obsequious stooges or political advisers, or engage in virtual NHS online sagas in order to keep their fawning serfs happy, and which are then through the auspices of their similarly elite, solidly class-structured, commercially owned and obsequious, UK-MSM diktats, relayed to these same fawning serfs, as the NHS' continuance or otherwise doesn't affect any of them in the least. But, nevertheless, feel they must for the benefit of all their fawning serfs pretend that it does, After which these entrenched in their Middle Ages beliefs of divine and hereditary entitlement happily go back to being cossetted, in the 21st Century, by their overabundance of taxpayer funded servants and the like.

I didn't watch the 93 year old nonagenarian Elizabeth Mountbatten-Windsor's "speech" to her subjects - largely because I'm not her subject or anyone else's come to that but a citizen of the United Kingdom; and equally so because this severely antiquated old woman has nothing of significance to say that I want to hear, am remotely interested in, or am prepared to waste my precioius time listening to. So I shan't be a hypocrite  and comment on something I didn't see or hear. However, I do customarily, as a qualified journalist, check a diversity of global online news services and that also includes news about the UK. And I must say that as someone, namely myself, who has taught and lectured in English at every conceivable level for a significant portion of my life I was absolutely dumbstruck by the grotesque and incredible MSM hyperbole that surrounded the so-called response to Elizabeth's purported speech!

Twenty three million people were allegedly galvanized - their word not mine - by it, the British MSM roared!  And further insinuated that two thirds of the nation was highly supportive of it. 23 Millions? Really? The population of the UK officially assessed in 2019 was stated as 66.65 million people.  And I'm completely aware that includes children as well as adults. But when privileged Louis Cambridge: William and Kate's one year old son, who there's an absolute certainty does not yet know his alphabet but, nevertheless, apparently not only knows what the letters NHS stand for but also what the NHS actually is, can according to right-wing rags like the Daily Mail " inspirationally lead his people" - the Daily Mail's own words - for the appreciation of the NHS through his facile - along with that of his older brother and sister - jointly staged-managed clapping, then logic in such bizarre circumstances determines that everyone in the UK's population, as it currently stands, must be included in my analysis.

Furthermore, the global population of the Commonwealth, of which by the member states' voluntary consent Elizabeth Mountbatten-Windsor is its titular head, is 2.5 billion people. So taking the UK's actual population and that of the Commonwealth, either separately or jointly, this grotesquely British MSM exaggerated figure trumpeted by the likes of the Daily Mail, Express and other right-wing rags actually puts things in their true perspective; even if the 23 million figure who allegedly watched Elizabeth's televised speech is correct, which my gut reaction categorically tells me is not the case! So to all you grotesquely fawning, thoroughly gullible and verminous, lowlife serfs out there, my simple advice to you is -  Go do the Maths! Assuming, of course, as the markedly overwhelming intellectually challenged morons that you essentially are, you're actually capable of doing so!

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