
Friday, 13 December 2024

Catherine Meyer - typical of the white racist cunts who infest Britain and the genocidally acquired overseas lands!

By Stanley Collymore

No doubt it didnt ever occur to 
Catherine Meyer that calling 
an Asian gentleman, Lord 
Dhobka: a bona fide peer of this United 
Kingdom realm, where quite evidently 
she herself is discernibly ensconced in 
and whose lawful name she obviously 
actually, also simply and categorically 
quite callously couldn't bother to find 
out but rather specifically, did choose 
instead to patronizingly, and racially, 
because he's distinctly from a British 
racial minority odiously refer to him 
and furthermore basically openly as 
well in actually mixed company also 
as Lord Popadum wouldn't crucially 
be rather offensive at all to him! Yet 
on a daily basis, incessantly too and 
pathetically also, Catherine Meyer's 
sort plus their braindead, evidently 
feudal mindset and undoubtedly as 
well racist aficionado scum; openly 
and clearly boisterously, defending 
what this prized cunt had done are 
the said ones brazenly consistently 
complaining that at best it's simply 
disrespectful, and at its real worst,
crucially insulting to be calling the 
distinctively compulsively stalking 
monarchical golddigger, who very 
aptly and assiduously too with her 
mum's dedicatedly concerted help 
deftly landed a quite hapless prey, 
in William Windsor, and with her 
esurient eyes, unquestionably too 
on the British crown simply nowt 
else than by her obviously feudal 
hereditary titles rather than very 
sensibly and equally intelligently 
using her name, Kate Middleton! 

Then to add insult to injury and 
similarly as with Lord Dhobka 
on another occasion turns in 
the identical mixed company: does this 
racist moron Catherine Meyer, despite 
her previous reprimand, emphatically 
by those unquestionably present, that 
very first time and literally arrogantly 
demands, clearly minus awaiting any 
kind of confirmation, requisite to her 
fatuously, quite wantonly, outlandish 
request that freely and unchallenged 
she be randomly allowed to crucially 
quite essentially grapple the braided 
hair of a specifically British Member 
of Parliament: evidently and equally
most undeniably a crucially mature, 
also responsible lady! In legal terms 
rather a clear indisputable common 
assault offence! And let's be literally 
absolutely, totally blunt, and honest 
here! Would any effectively of these 
same white racist and undoubtedly, 
distinctly dimwitted pillocks rather 
freely and hypocritically defending 
Catherine Meyer's stupidly bigoted 
actions, be undeniably happy to be 
unilaterally touched up at anytime, 
anywhere, and literally physically, 
by anyone, and unquestionably so 
with more 'Melanin in their Skin?'

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
13 December 2024. 

Author's Remarks:
Britain sadly, obviously isn't as replete as it's often exaggeratedly claimed with machetes!

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