By Stanley Collymore
How many times is this pathetic story
going to be told when in fact it has
been going on both unceasingly
and absolutely increasingly for several
decades now? And, rather basically so
because these very dimwitted, British
pillocks are so self-evidently, literally
self-centred, rather simply nepotistic
and clearly intellectually challenged
idiots, unquestionably and basically
delusional, self-important, morons;
comprised primarily of vile trollop
racist Karens of all ages, distinctly
and adequately, supplemented by
their really, naturally likeminded
customary piss-artistes Gammon
Queers living essentially the two
sets of them in their very deeply
embedded, naturally evilly state
of self-denial: one lot constantly
pretending to be typical women
while the other quite laughably
so literally real men! So frankly
let's truly move on and fittingly
expectantly hope, that the likes
of obviously inept, tabloid rags
such as the Daily Mail sensibly
call it a day; since, realistically
there's distinctively nothing at
all new or really effectively of
any interest whatsoever, to be
seen, in these morons actions!
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
4 August 2023.
Author's Remarks:
I wonder, if these quite pathetic clowns would similarly be scrambling for these exact sun loungers if they actually had to pay, let's say a nominal, standard fee of £10 per day for every one of the very same sun loungers that they effectively used.
Really! Who sensibly, logically and also quite clearly intelligently goes on their holiday and then quite literally, chooses to spend all of their effectively afforded daylight hours actually stupidly and so distinctly pathetically on a sun lounger at the hotel where they're staying when they could quite easily go to the beach?
Not my idea at all of a holiday, where I am effectively surrounded by very pink hooligans slowly peeling and, similarly too, getting quite drunk! How basically, evidently sad these undoubtedly rather idiotic, lowlife specimens of supposed Homo sapiens!
Yet in rightwing and Nazi fora actually willingly and enthusiastically prepared to provide for them - rags like the Daily Mail - the race baiting that they so very obsessively love, these are the evidently distinctly same presumably peerless as well as upright Angels with essentially outstandingly perfect lives who clearly are ever so willing to castagatory cast unfounded aspersions at and similarly too puke out their racist, toxic, basically evidently and distinctly too verminous venom, at any given or their very own discernibĺy contrived opportunity very directly targeted at Meghan Markle any vile, even when the article in question isn't about her or doesn't even mention her name; in short has nothing at all to do with her!
So sick, that these fittingly evilly, deeply ingrained morons quite basically can't see that what they're regurgitating is in effect really all about themselves! Now in 2023 very pathetically truly Britain's self-evidently, discernibly undoubtedly, Brexit, quite distinctly master race! Lol!
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