
Saturday 5 February 2022

Nigel Rees - the dim-witted racist prat, who thinks that he and his sort are the centre of the universe!

By Stanley Collymore  

Surprise! Surprise! This old white 
man: most pathetically, asininely 
evidently and basically clumsily 
distinctly out of touch with reality 
and similarly, unsurprisingly, the 
modern world, very offended by 
what he generally sees; stupidly 
but very important, for himself 
quite fatuously and completely 
irresponsibly faults all he sees. 
Significantly and also sensibly 
practical Nigel Rees if your so 
contemptibly insultingly, and 
also disparaging, vitriolically 
reviled as diverse groups are 
clearly lawfully, paying their 
TV licences along with those 
among your lot, who care to 
do so exactly why shouldn't 
they also be represented on 
TV, in customary scheduled 
programmes, and similarly 
so routine advertisements? 

Miserable, and specifically entitled 
white old men may rule the roost 
on the Daily Mail's website; but 
out in the real world you and 
your opinions are contemptuously 
laughed at, and logically mocked. 
And if you actually don't like the 
world as it has finally and quite 
progressively; also clearly long 
overdue yet simply cautiously, 
equally moving in the natural 
direction Nigel Rees, feel free 
to very permanently leave it! 
Covid-19 might perhaps be a 
happy way, of appropriately 
obliging yourself fully Nigel 
in that specific regard. That 
said, its principal and most 
deadly variants might very 
conceivably, take a serious 
look at you; recognize you 
instinctively, as the rather 
sick, twisted inured racist  
and braindead cretin you 
actually are; and even as 
the lethal virus that they 
themselves basically are 
quite sagaciously decide 
that you're not basically 
worth wasting even the 
lethal venom they're in 
scared possession of on 
such a vile egregiously 
already mentally dead,  
uselessly lowlife scum 
vermin like you Nigel. 

(C) Stanley V. Collymore 
5 February 2022.  

Author's Remarks:  
Britain having  been enforcedly made to distinctly and belatedly so expunge the very worst of its rather essentially egregiously and, also, unquestionably its systemic barbarity for centuries so callously and distinctively financially practised against Black people; rather cynically on being made to do so, then repugnantly and audaciously, having the bloody nerve to lyingly claim that its enforced actions were all along for the express benefit of our enforcedly made slaves ancestors and everyone of us their descendants; and, of course, specifically implemented on Britain's magnanimous part distinctly through altruistic reasons.  

This is the obvious shit that Nigel Rees unquestionably wants for us mentally liberated Blacks and evidently too the rest of the sane and clearly intelligent world to naturally believe; and when we sensibly don't, this odiously, toxic pillock acts like the fucking racist and discernibly quite fatuous and puerile man child that he is! 

A clear case of what amounts to an egregious, insultingly and demented delusional sense of entitlement in Nigel Rees' rather sick, demonstrably twisted, utterly perverse, paranoid, toxically pernicious and laughably - were it not so emphatically and seriously engaged in by him - palpably pathetic mind!

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