
Monday, 31 July 2017

A cynical and financially exploitative scam being passed off for English educational excellence!

By Stanley Collymore

Both ludicrous and idiotic as one can possibly get! I knew it would come to this and it's why I quit the so-called English education system in 1981 and instantaneously moved to Germany to live, teach and lecture there in a diversity of further educational and university institutions.

So-called education across the board, from pre-school to the purported Oxbridge universities like Oxford, is for the most part in Britain and particularly so in England all about pretence and ostentatious show rather than substance.

And not least so because those running it are themselves hopelessly ill-informed, poorly qualified, thoroughly incompetent in everything, even meaningfully, in what they attempt to do and get their "degrees" and other "qualifications" not through merit but largely through sexual favours granted to their sexually deviant lecturers, personal tutors and profoundly conceited and egocentric professors.

Identical conduct that they themselves then practise within their own teaching establishments, as evidenced by the ever increasing numbers of sexual liaisons between teachers and their underage students or pupils, coupled with acts of paedophilia and abusive sexual conduct carried out by head teachers and others, in their lawful loco parentis care and assumed educational supervision across Britain, of very young children.

Then because of where they went to school and these said tertiary institutions, like Oxford University, that they attended they can then derive their jobs, again not through meritocratic ability and suitability but invariably through nepotism, cronyism and privileged elite connections. And it's not only education but also the political establishment and governments of the UK that similarly are self-evidently the case.

And through the embedded and nerdish stenographers in the so-called mainstream media this intentionally contrived, and profitably advantageous for those concerned, fake excellence is concertedly and in the most proselytized fashion, financially and exploitatively sold.

Consequently, and predictably so, there's no end of gullible, profoundly and cheerfully brainwashed and equally idiotic parents or guardians willing to eagerly buy into this grotesque charade.

And while there's nothing at all wrong in actively and through unquestionably constructive and innovative means - something that I've always done myself and have routinely and fully supported on the part of others - in encouraging not just young children but everyone of whatever age to always do their very best educationally, and then to both positively and motivationally pleasantly reward them for doing so; what's going on here, in this utterly nonsensical British scenario, is nothing short of absolute madness and one-upmanship taken to lunatic extremes.

Flamboyant pretence, undeniably at its most absurd!

Ein zynischer und finanziell ausbeuterischer Betrug, der für englische Bildungs-Exzellenz verabschiedet wird!

Von Stanley Collymore

Sowohl lächerlich als auch idiotisch wie man kann! Ich wusste, dass es dazu kommen würde, und deshalb habe ich 1981 das so genannte englische Bildungssystem verlassen und sofort nach Deutschland gezogen, um dort in einer Vielzahl von Bildungs- und Hochschulen zu leben, zu unterrichten und zu vortragen.

Die so genannte Ausbildung auf der ganzen Linie, von der Vorschule bis zu den angeblichen Oxbridge-Universitäten wie Oxford, ist zum größten Teil in Großbritannien und besonders in England alles über Vorwand und prunkvolle Show statt Substanz.

Und nicht zuletzt deshalb, weil die, die es laufen, selbst hoffnungslos schlecht informiert, schlecht qualifiziert, gründlich inkompetent in allem, auch sinnvoll, in dem, was sie zu tun versuchen und ihre "Grade" und andere "Qualifikationen" nicht durch Verdienst, sondern weitgehend durch sexuelle Gefälligkeiten für ihre sexuell abweichenden Dozenten, persönliche Tutoren und tief übertriebene und egozentrische Professoren.

Identisches Verhalten, das sie selbst dann in ihren eigenen Lehranstalten praktizieren, wie sich aus der ständig wachsenden Zahl von Sexualverbindungen zwischen den Lehrern und ihren minderjährigen Schülern oder Schülern ergibt, gepaart mit Pädophiliepatienten und missbräuchlichen sexuellen Verhaltens von Kopflehrern und anderen Ihre rechtmäßige loco parentis Pflege und übernahm Bildungsüberwachung in ganz Großbritannien, von sehr kleinen Kindern.

Dann, wo sie in die Schule gingen und diese tertiären Institutionen, wie die Oxford University, dass sie besucht haben, können sie dann ihre Arbeit ableiten, wieder nicht durch meritokratische Fähigkeiten und Eignung, sondern unveränderlich durch Nepotismus, Cronyismus und privilegierte Elite-Verbindungen. Und es geht nicht nur um Bildung, sondern auch um die politische Einrichtung und Regierungen des Vereinigten Königreichs, die in ähnlicher Weise selbstverständlich der Fall sind.

Und durch die eingebetteten und nerdischen Stenografen in den sogenannten Mainstream-Medien, die dies für die Betroffenen bewusst und gewinnbringend vorteilhaft gemacht hat, ist die gefälschte Exzellenz konzertiert und in der meisten proselytized Mode, finanziell und ausbeuterisch verkauft.

Infolgedessen und vorhersehbar so gibt es kein Ende von leichtgläubigen, tief und fröhlich Gehirnwäsche und ebenso idiotischen Eltern oder Erziehungsberechtigten, die bereit sind, eifrig in diese groteske Scharade zu kaufen.

Und während es in und aus unbestreitbar konstruktiven und innovativen Mitteln nichts zu tun hat - etwas, das ich mir selbst immer gemacht habe und routinemäßig und uneingeschränkt von den anderen unterstützt habe - bei der Ermutigung nicht nur kleiner Kinder, sondern jeder, was auch immer das Alter ist Tun sie ihre besten pädagogischen, und dann positiv und motivierend angenehm belohnen sie dafür; Was hier los ist, in diesem völlig unsinnigen britischen Szenario, ist nichts weniger als absoluter Wahnsinn und ein Aufwand, der in die Wahnsinns-Extreme gebracht wird.

Flamboyant Vorwand, unbestreitbar am Absursten!

Mae twyll sinigaidd ac ecsbloetiol yn ariannol yn cael eu pasio i ffwrdd ar gyfer rhagoriaeth addysgol Saesneg!

Gan Stanley Collymore

Mae chwerthinllyd ac yn ddwl ag y gall un o bosibl yn ei gael! Roeddwn yn gwybod y byddai'n dod i hyn ac mae'n pam yr wyf yn rhoi'r gorau iddi y system addysg Saesneg hyn a elwir yn 1981 a symudodd syth i'r Almaen i fyw, dysgu a darlithio yno mewn amrywiaeth o sefydliadau addysgol a phrifysgol pellach.

addysg ar draws y bwrdd fel y'i gelwir, o'r cyfnod cyn-ysgol i brifysgolion Rhydychen a Chaergrawnt gan honni ei fod fel Rhydychen, yn ar gyfer y rhan fwyaf ym Mhrydain ac yn arbennig felly yn Lloegr i gyd am esgus a sioe rhwysgfawr yn hytrach na sylwedd.

Ac nid lleiaf felly am fod y rhai sy'n rhedeg ei eu hunain hollol anwybodus, cymwysterau gwael, yn drylwyr analluog ym mhopeth, hyd yn oed yn ystyrlon, yn yr hyn y maent yn ceisio ei wneud a chael eu "graddau" ac eraill "cymwysterau" Nid trwy haeddiant ond i raddau helaeth drwy rhywiol ffafrio roddwyd i'w darlithwyr gwyrdroëdig yn rhywiol, tiwtoriaid personol ac athrawon hollol conceited ac egocentric.

ymddygiad yn union y maent hwy eu hunain wedyn yn ymarfer o fewn eu sefydliadau addysgu eu hunain, fel y dangosir gan y nifer cynyddol o gysylltiadau rhywiol rhwng athrawon a'u myfyrwyr dan oed neu ddisgyblion, ynghyd â gweithredoedd o bedoffilia ac ymddygiad rhywiol gamdriniol a gynhaliwyd gan benaethiaid ac eraill, yn eu loco parentis gyfreithlon gofal a goruchwyliaeth addysgol tybio draws Prydain, plant ifanc iawn.

Yna oherwydd ble maent yn mynd i'r ysgol ac mae'r rhain sefydliadau trydyddol dweud, fel Prifysgol Rhydychen, eu bod yn mynychu yna gallant deillio eu swyddi, unwaith eto nid trwy allu feritocrataidd ac addasrwydd, ond yn ddieithriad drwy nepotiaeth, cronyism a chysylltiadau elitaidd breintiedig. Ac mae'n nid yn unig yn addysg ond hefyd y sefydliad gwleidyddol a llywodraethau yn y DU sydd yn yr un modd yn hunan-amlwg yn wir.

A thrwy y stenographers gwreiddio a nerdish yn y cyfryngau hyn a elwir yn brif ffrwd hon ddyfeisgar yn fwriadol, ac yn broffidiol yn fanteisiol ar gyfer y rhai dan sylw, rhagoriaeth ffug yn concertedly ac yn y modd mwyaf proselytized, a werthir yn ariannol ac yn exploitatively.

O ganlyniad, ac yn disgwyl, felly, does dim diwedd hygoelus, brainwashed hollol ac yn siriol a rhieni neu warcheidwaid yn barod yr un mor ddwl i brynu eiddgar i mewn i hyn charade grotesg.

Ac er does dim byd o gwbl o'i le yn weithredol a thrwy ddulliau ddiamheuol adeiladol ac arloesol - rhywbeth yr wyf wedi gwneud fy hun erioed ac wedi cefnogi fel mater o drefn ac yn llawn ar ran pobl eraill - o ran annog plant nid yn unig ifanc ond mae pawb o bob oed i bob amser yn gwneud eu gorau glas yn addysgol, ac yna i yn gadarnhaol ac motivationally ochr orau yn eu gwobrwyo am wneud hynny; beth sy'n digwydd yma, yn y senario Prydain yn gwbl hurt, yn ddim llai o wallgofrwydd llwyr ac un-upmanship gymerwyd i eithafion gwallgof.

esgus lliwgar, yn ddi-os ar ei fwyaf hurt!

Une escroquerie cynique et financièrement exploitante est passée pour l'excellence éducative anglaise!

Par Stanley Collymore

À la fois ridicule et idiote que l'on peut obtenir! Je savais que cela viendrait à cela et c'est pourquoi j'ai quitté le soi-disant système d'éducation en anglais en 1981 et je me suis déplacé instantanément vers l'Allemagne pour vivre, y enseigner et y faire des conférences dans une diversité d'institutions éducatives et universitaires.

Ce qu'on appelle l'éducation de tous les ordres, de l'école préscolaire aux prétendues universités d'Oxbridge comme Oxford, est pour la plupart en Grande-Bretagne et surtout en Angleterre, tout au sujet d'un spectacle prétexte et ostentatoire plutôt que d'un fond.

Et surtout, parce que ceux qui l'exécutent sont eux-mêmes désespérément mal informés, peu qualifiés, complètement incompétents en tout, même de façon significative, dans ce qu'ils tentent de faire et d'obtenir leurs «degrés» et d'autres «qualifications» non pas par le mérite, mais surtout par des actes sexuels Les faveurs accordées à leurs professeurs sexuellement déviants, à des tuteurs personnels et à des professeurs profondément trompeurs et égocentriques.

Une conduite identique qu'ils pratiquent eux-mêmes dans leurs propres établissements d'enseignement, comme en témoigne le nombre toujours croissant de liaisons sexuelles entre les enseignants et leurs élèves ou élèves mineurs, ainsi que des actes de pédophilie et des comportements sexuels abusifs menés par des enseignants et d'autres personnes Leurs soins légal par locos parentis et ont assumé une supervision éducative en Grande-Bretagne, de très jeunes enfants.

Ensuite, en raison de l'endroit où ils sont allés à l'école, ces établissements d'enseignement supérieur, comme l'Université d'Oxford, ont assisté, ils peuvent ensuite tirer leur emploi, encore une fois par la capacité et l'adéquation méritocratiques, mais toujours par le népotisme, le copinage et les liens d'élite privilégiés. Et ce n'est pas seulement l'éducation, mais aussi l'établissement politique et les gouvernements du Royaume-Uni qui, de même, sont évidemment le cas.

Et grâce aux sténographes intégrés et nerdans dans les médias dits traditionnels, ce projet intentionnellement conçu et avantageusement avantageux pour les personnes concernées, la fausse excellence est concertée et de la manière la plus prosélyée, financièrement et exploitée.

Par conséquent, et de manière prévisible, il n'y a pas de fin de parents ou de gardiens créatifs et profondément gaiement lavés et tout aussi idiots désireux d'acheter avec enthousiasme cette charada grotesque.

Et bien qu'il n'y ait rien de mal à propos activement et à travers des moyens incontestablement constructifs et novateurs - quelque chose que j'ai toujours fait moi-même et qui a été soutenu de façon routinière et totale de la part d'autrui - pour encourager non seulement les jeunes enfants, mais tous ceux de n'importe quel âge à toujours Font de leur mieux en matière d'éducation, et ensuite les récompense positivement et motivantement agréablement pour le faire; Ce qui se passe ici, dans ce scénario britannique totalement absurde, n'est rien de moins que la folie absolue et l'attitude unique portée aux extrêmes lunaires.

Un prétexte flamboyant, incontestablement à son plus absurde!

¡Una estafa cínica y financieramente explotadora que se transmite para la excelencia educativa inglesa!

Por Stanley Collymore

¡Tanto ridículo e idiota como uno posiblemente puede conseguir! Yo sabía que llegaría a esto y es por eso que dejé el llamado sistema de educación inglés en 1981 y me mudé instantáneamente a Alemania para vivir, enseñar y dar conferencias allí en una diversidad de instituciones educativas y universitarias.

La llamada educación en todos los ámbitos, desde la preescolar hasta las presuntas universidades de Oxbridge, como Oxford, es en su mayor parte en Gran Bretaña y sobre todo en Inglaterra, todo sobre pretensión y ostentación en vez de sustancia.

Y no menos importante, porque los que lo dirigen están desesperadamente mal informados, mal calificados, completamente incompetentes en todo, incluso de manera significativa, en lo que intentan hacer y obtener sus "grados" y otras "calificaciones" no a través del mérito, Favores otorgados a sus profesores sexualmente desviados, tutores personales y profesores profundamente presuntuosos y egocéntricos.

Conducta idéntica que ellos mismos practican dentro de sus propios establecimientos de enseñanza, como lo demuestra el número cada vez mayor de relaciones sexuales entre maestros y sus alumnos o alumnos menores de edad, junto con actos de pedofilia y conducta sexual abusiva llevados a cabo por directores y otros, Su legítima loco parentis cuidado y supervisión educativa asumida en Gran Bretaña, de niños muy pequeños.

Entonces, debido al lugar donde fueron a la escuela y estas instituciones terciarias, como la Universidad de Oxford, que asistieron, entonces pueden obtener sus empleos, de nuevo no a través de la capacidad meritocrática y la idoneidad, sino invariablemente a través del nepotismo, el camaradería y las conexiones de élite privilegiadas. Y no es sólo la educación, sino también el establecimiento político y los gobiernos del Reino Unido que de manera similar son evidentemente el caso.

Y a través de los stenographers embebidos y nerdish en los medios de comunicación llamados convencionales intencionalmente, y provechosamente ventajoso para los implicados, la falsa excelencia es concertada y en la manera más proselitista, vendida financieramente y explotadoramente.

En consecuencia, y de manera predecible, no hay fin de crédulos, profundamente y alegremente lavados el cerebro y padres igualmente idiota o guardianes dispuestos a comprar con impaciencia en esta charada grotesca.

Y aunque no hay nada malo en activamente ya través de medios incuestionablemente constructivos e innovadores - algo que siempre he hecho a mí mismo y han apoyado de forma rutinaria y total por parte de otros - alentar no sólo a los niños pequeños, sino a todos, Hacer lo mejor de su educación, y luego a ambos positivamente y motivacionalmente agradablemente recompensa por hacerlo; Lo que está pasando aquí, en este escenario británico absolutamente absurdo, no es nada menos que una absoluta locura y una habilidad llevada a extremos lunáticos.

¡Pretensión extravagante, indiscutiblemente en su más absurdo!

Wednesday, 26 July 2017

Social media nerds and ferally ingrained sadists! (The Poem)

By Stanley Collymore

You brutishly and sadistically stood by; happily watched, and,
all that time, keenly photographed an extremely disabled and
old man falling into a deep and extensive pond, near where
you were all standing, and appallingly drown. And amidst
this and his frantic screams for help, you, in his evident
desperation for somebody to save his life, laughingly
took photos of him; savagely mocked his desperate
actions to save himself, and very encouragingly to
each other and coupled with your sadistic disdain for his
disability, age, and similarly your crude perception of
him as a nonentity and thoroughly worthless human
being, cold-bloodedly watched him unnecessarily
die. Later on, after congratulating yourselves on
what, to any rational mind, you’d barbarically,
malevolently, wilfully, rather repulsively but
pleasurably done, you cheerfully uploaded
your thoroughly disgusting images of the
final and graphic moments of this man's
distressing agony and life to Facebook
and comparable social media entities
for your characteristically dissolute
and substantially sick amusement.

Now finally, and after initially falsely asserting that these yobs
had actually done nothing wrong and, unbelievably and quite
unconvincing to anyone with even a half-functioning brain
in their head, they’d also not acted in any way criminally,
against the furious backdrop of a local public backlash
coupled with an understandable international outcry,
the local law enforcement agencies and the police,
where this abominable incident took place, have
belatedly, and in a clear reversal of their earlier and joint
decision, decided to act and deservedly prosecute these
intellectually impoverished retards and, conspicuous
as carrion, lowlife morons. To which I say: Well
done; and about time too! For these culpable
malefactors are in essence, in the pathetic
lives that they’re regrettably still being
allowed to live, nothing less than an
abominable, savage, intellectually
challenged, psychologically sick
and evidently on top of that a
comparably manic bunch of
debased lowlifes affecting,
and unsuccessfully so as
it happens, to be human
beings, which patently
they certainly are not!

And most earnestly I further and vigorously
add that conscionable individuals globally
will also like me sanguinely desire and
with an impending possibility expect
that none of these truly abominably
disgusting teenagers ever make it
to adulthood; and will similarly,
every one of them, have even more horrendous
experiences, than this unfortunate disabled
and elderly gentleman, when death, in
whatever fashion, eventually catches
up with them. And in my truthful
and straightforward judgement
that’s specifically something
pertaining to everyone of
them that personally for
me, in their situation,
cannot come soon
enough – Amen!

© Stanley V. Collymore
26 July 2017.

Author’s comments:
Evil knows no bounds; is gender indifferent and decidedly breeds profusely, as is distinctly the case in its concerted and relentless plan, whenever and wherever the opportunity, whether it’s studiously created of its own accord or randomly offered on a platter, presents itself, and in either instance fosters and promotes a situation where it can successfully, and even unchallengeably, prevail.

Evil likewise is also colour-blind, resolutely devoid of any ethnic, racial, national or social preferences, and, in terms of its target choices, couldn’t care less whether those it selects as its perennial victims are young and persuasively open to nefarious influences, or significantly older and calculatedly odious.

For no matter what one’s age, origins or pedigree might be, Evil will always win; so long as enmity, indifference and callousness to each other clouds, in combination with our selfishness, the thoughts of us human beings.

Social Media Nerds und tief verwurzelte Sadisten!

Von Stanley Collymore

Du bist grausam und sadistisch gestanden, enthusiastisch beobachtet und die ganze Zeit einigermaßen fotografiert ein überaus behinderter und älterer Mann in einen tiefen und expansiven Teich fallen, in der Nähe, wo Sie alle stehen und entsetzlich ertrinken. Und inmitten dieser und seiner hektischen Schreie um Hilfe, Sie, in seiner offensichtlichen Verzweiflung für jemanden, der sein Leben retten, lachend fotografierte ihn, grausam verspottet seine verzweifelten Handlungen, um sich zu retten und ermutigend zueinander und gepaart mit Ihrer sadistischen Verachtung für seine Behinderung , Alter und deine Wahrnehmung von ihm als Nichts und verachteten Menschen, erbarmungslos beobachtete ihn unnötig sterben. Dann, nachdem Sie sich herzlich gratulieren, was, zu irgendeinem verständlichen Verstand, das Sie kläglich gemacht haben, haben Sie Ihre abscheulichen Bilder der letzten Momente seines Lebens und des quälenden Leidens auf Facebook und anderen Social Media Entities für Ihre allgemeine und unentgeltliche Unterhaltung hochgeladen.

Nun endlich endlich und anfangs sagen wir, dass diese Yobs eigentlich nichts Unrechtes getan hatten, und unglaublich und ganz überzeugend für jeden mit einem halb funktionierenden Gehirn in ihrem Kopf, sie hätten auch nicht in irgendeiner Weise strafrechtlich gegen die wütende Kulisse gehandelt Eines örtlichen öffentlichen Spiels, gepaart mit einem verständlichen internationalen Aufschrei, den örtlichen Strafverfolgungsbehörden und der Polizei, wo dieser abscheuliche Zwischenfall stattgefunden hat, verspätet und in einer deutlichen Umkehrung ihrer früheren und gemeinsamen Entscheidung beschlossen haben, diese zu handeln und zu verteidigen Intellektuell verarmte Verzögerungen und, auffällig wie Aas, Minderjährige.

Worauf ich sage: Gut gemacht; Und auch über die Zeit! Denn diese schuldigen Täter sind im Grunde, in den erbärmlichen Leben, daß sie bedauerlicherweise leben dürfen, nichts anderes als ein verhasstes, wildes, intellektuell herausgefordertes, psychologisch krankes und kräftiges, dass ein entsprechend verrücktes Haufen entarteter Niedertöner vorgibt und vergeblich So wie es geschieht, um Menschen zu sein, die offenbar nicht sind!

Und am dringendsten führe ich weiter und kräftig hinzu, daß Personen wie ich nur hoffentlich wünschen können und mit einer drohenden Aussicht erwarten, daß keiner von diesen abscheulich abscheulichen Jugendlichen jemals zum Erwachsenenalter kommt; Und wird auch jeder von ihnen noch mehr schreckliche Erfahrungen haben, als dieser leider behinderte und ältere Gentleman, wenn der Tod, in welcher Art und Weise, schließlich mit ihnen aufhört. Und in meiner ehrlichen und unkomplizierten Meinung, das ist irgendwo in Bezug auf alle von ihnen, die nicht bald genug kommen können - Amen!

¡Los nerds de los medios sociales y los sádicos arraigados!

Por Stanley Collymore

Crueles y sádica- mente se mantuvieron en pie, observando con entusiasmo, y mientras tanto, vilmente fotografiaron a un hombre sumamente incapacitado y anciano que caía en un estanque profundo y expansivo, cerca de donde estaban todos de pie, y se ahogaba horrorosamente. Y en medio de este y de sus frenéticos gritos de auxilio, usted, en su evidente desesperación por alguien que le salvó la vida, lo fotografió risueño, se burló cruelmente de sus acciones desesperadas para salvarse a sí mismo y alentadoramente entre sí y junto con su desdén sádico por su discapacidad , La edad, así como su percepción de él como un ser humano despreciable y despiadado, sin piedad lo observó mueren innecesariamente. Luego, después de felicitarse por lo que, a cualquier mente constrictable, que hacía sickeningly, le subió sus imágenes repugnantes de los últimos momentos de su vida y el sufrimiento atroz en Facebook y otras entidades de medios sociales para su entretenimiento general y gratuito.

Ahora, al fin y al cabo, al fin y al cabo, diciendo que, en realidad, estos yobs no habían hecho nada malo y, de manera increíble y bastante poco convincente para cualquiera que tuviera incluso un cerebro medio funcionando en su cabeza, tampoco habían actuado criminalmente, De una reacción pública local, junto con un clamor internacional comprensible, las agencias policiales locales y la policía, donde ocurrió este abominable incidente, han tardado y en una marcada revocación de su decisión anterior y conjunta decidieron actuar y juzgar merecidamente estos Retrasos intelectualmente empobrecidos y, conspicuos como carroña, imbéciles de baja vida.

A lo que digo: Bien hecho; Y sobre el tiempo también! Pues estos malhechores culpables son, en esencia, en las vidas patéticas a las que lamentablemente se les permite vivir, nada más que un odioso, salvaje, intelectualmente desafiado, psicológicamente enfermo y en lo alto de que un grupo de dementes degenerativos despreciables fingiendo y en vano Por lo que sucede, a ser seres humanos, que evidentemente no lo son!

Y con la mayor seriedad añadí y agregó vigorosamente que personas como yo sólo pueden esperar y con una perspectiva inminente esperan que ninguno de estos adolescentes abominablemente repugnantes lleguen a la edad adulta; Y de la misma manera, cada uno de ellos, tienen experiencias aún más horrendas, que desafortunadamente deshabilitado y anciano caballero, cuando la muerte, de cualquier manera, eventualmente los alcanza. Y en mi opinión honesta y directa que es somethings relativo a todos ellos que no puede venir bastante pronto - ¡Amén!

Social media nerds and ferally ingrained sadists! (The Article)

By Stanley Collymore

You cruelly and sadistically stood by, enthusiastically watched and all the while vilely photographed an exceedingly disabled and elderly man fall into a deep and expansive pond, near where you were all standing, and appallingly drown. And amidst this and his frantic screams for help, you, in his evident desperation for someone to save his life, laughingly photographed him, cruelly mocked his desperate actions to save himself, and encouragingly to each other and coupled with your sadistic disdain for his disability, age as well as your perception of him as a nonentity and despised human being, pitilessly watched him unnecessarily die. Then, after congratulating yourselves on what, to any conscionable mind, you’d sickeningly done, you uploaded your revolting images of the last moments of his life and excruciating suffering onto Facebook and other social media entities for your general and gratuitous entertainment.

Now finally after initially and rather asininely saying that actually these yobs had done nothing wrong and, unbelievably and quite unconvincingly to anyone with even a half-functioning brain in their head, they’d also not acted in any way criminally, against the furious backdrop of a local public backlash coupled with an understandable international outcry, the local law enforcement agencies and the police, where this abominable incident took place, have belatedly, and in a marked reversal of their earlier and joint decision, decided to act and deservedly prosecute these intellectually impoverished retards and, conspicuous as carrion, lowlife morons.

To which I say: Well done; and about time too! For these culpable malefactors are in essence, in the pathetic lives that they’re regrettably being allowed to live, nothing more than an odious, feral, intellectually challenged, psychologically sick and atop of that a commensurately demented bunch of degenerate lowlifes pretending, and vainly so as it happens, to be human beings, which patently they are not!

And most earnestly I further and vigorously add that persons like me can only hopefully wish and with an impending prospect expect that none of these abominably disgusting teenagers ever make it to adulthood; and will similarly, every one of them, have even more horrendous experiences, than this unfortunately disabled and elderly gentleman, when death, in whatever fashion, eventually catches up with them. And in my honest and straightforward opinion that’s somethings relative to all of them that can’t come soon enough – Amen!

Les nerds des réseaux sociaux et les sadiques fermes enracinés!

Par Stanley Collymore

Vous vous êtes passionnés de façon cruelle et sadique, regardez avec enthousiasme et, tout au long de l'année, vous avez photographié avec vileté un homme extrêmement handicapé et un homme âgé qui tombe dans un étang profond et expansif, près de l'endroit où vous vous trouviez debout, et vous noyeriez épouvantablement. Et, au milieu de ses cris frénéatoires, vous, dans son désespoir évident pour quelqu'un de sauver sa vie, le photographiez en riant, se moquait cruellement de ses actions désespérées pour se sauver, et encourageant l'un pour l'autre et couplé avec votre dédain sadique pour son handicap , L'âge aussi bien que votre perception de lui en tant qu'être humain non-intellectuel et méprisé, l'ont violemment regardé mourir inutilement. Ensuite, après vous féliciter de quoi, à n'importe quel esprit prudent, vous avez fait l'émotion, vous avez téléchargé vos images révoltantes des derniers moments de sa vie et de souffrances pénibles sur Facebook et d'autres entités de médias sociaux pour votre divertissement général et gratuit.

Maintenant, finalement après, initialement et plutôt en train de dire que, en réalité, ces Yobs n'avaient rien fait de mal et, incroyablement et assez peu convaincantes pour quiconque avait même un cerveau à moitié fonctionnel, ils n'avaient pas non plus agi de manière criminelle contre le contexte furieux D'une réaction publique locale couplée à un tollé international compréhensible, les organismes d'application de la loi locaux et la police, où cet incident abominable a eu lieu, ont tardé et, dans un renversement marqué de leur décision antérieure et conjointe, ont décidé d'agir et ont dûment poursuivi ces Des retards intellectuellement appauvris et, remarquables comme carrions, imbéciles.

A quoi je dis: bien fait; Et à propos du temps aussi! Car ces malfaiteurs coupables sont en essence, dans les vies pathétiques qu'ils ont malheureusement permis de vivre, rien d'autre qu'un odieux, sauvage, intellectuellement contesté, psychologiquement malade et au sommet d'un groupe de mentalité démesurément dément de descendants dégénérés prétendant et en vain Il en est ainsi, pour être des êtres humains, ce qu'ils ne le sont pas bien!

Et plus sérieusement, j'ajoute et ajoute vigoureusement que des personnes comme moi ne peuvent qu'espérément souhaiter et avec une perspective imminente s'attendre à ce qu'aucun de ces adolescents abominablement dégoûtants n'arrive jamais à l'âge adulte; Et de même, chacun d'entre eux, aura des expériences encore plus horribles, que ce monsieur malheureusement handicapé et âgé, lorsque la mort, de quelque manière que ce soit, finira par les rattraper. Et dans mon opinion honnête et directe, il y a quelque chose relatif à tous ceux qui ne peuvent pas venir assez tôt - Amen!

nerds cyfryngau cymdeithasol a sadists ferally gwreiddio'n!

Gan Stanley Collymore

Rydych yn greulon ac yn sadistically sefyll gan, gwylio frwdfrydig ac yn holl tra vilely llun dyn yn disgyn hynod anabl a'r henoed i mewn i bwll dwfn ac eang, yn agos i ble rydych i gyd yn sefyll, ac yn ofnadwy foddi. Ac yng nghanol hyn ac mae ei sgrechfeydd gwyllt am help, gallwch chi, yn ei anobaith amlwg i rywun i achub ei fywyd, laughingly llun iddo, yn greulon gwatwarasant ei weithredoedd daer i achub ei hun, ac yn galonogol i'w gilydd ac ynghyd â'ch disdain sadistaidd am ei anabledd , oedran yn ogystal â'ch canfyddiad o ef fel nonentity a dirmygu bod dynol, gwylio pitilessly iddo farw yn ddiangen. Yna, ar ôl longyfarch eich hunain ar yr hyn, i unrhyw meddwl conscionable, byddech wneud sickeningly, byddwch yn llwytho eich lluniau ffiaidd o'r adegau olaf ei fywyd a dioddefaint dirdynnol i endidau cyfryngau cymdeithasol eraill Facebook ac ar gyfer eich adloniant cyffredinol a alw-amdano.

Nawr yn olaf ar ôl dweud i ddechrau ac yn hytrach asininely sydd mewn gwirionedd yn yobs hyn wedi gwneud dim o'i le ac, anhygoel ac yn eithaf unconvincingly i unrhyw un sydd â hyd yn oed ymennydd hanner-weithredol yn eu pen, maent Id ychwaith yn gweithredu mewn unrhyw ffordd yn droseddol, yn erbyn cefndir gynddeiriog o adwaith cyhoeddus lleol ynghyd â protest rhyngwladol ddealladwy, mae'r asiantaethau gorfodi'r gyfraith lleol a'r heddlu, lle cymerodd y digwyddiad ffiaidd lle, wedi hwyr, ac mewn gwrthdroad farcio am eu penderfyniad cynharach a gyd, penderfynodd i weithredu ac yn haeddiannol erlyn y rhain ddeallusol retards dlawd ac, amlwg fel chelanedd, morons chynullis.

Yr wyf yn dweud: Da iawn; ac am amser hefyd! Am drwgweithredwyr beius hyn yn y bôn, ym mywydau pathetic eu bod yn anffodus cael caniatâd i fyw, dim byd mwy na atgas, lled-wyllt, herio'n ddeallusol, yn seicolegol ac yn sâl ar ben o fod criw gymesur demented o lowlifes ddirywiedig esgus, ac yn ofer felly fel y mae'n digwydd, i fod bodau dynol, a hollol nid ydynt yn!

Ac yn y rhan fwyaf o daer i mi ymhellach ac yn egnïol yn ychwanegu y gall pobl fel fi yn unig, gobeithio, yn dymuno a gyda gobaith sydd ar ddod yn disgwyl nad yw'r un o'r rhain yn eu harddegau abominably ffiaidd byth yn ei gwneud yn i fod yn oedolion; a bydd yr un modd, mae pob un ohonynt, yn cael profiadau mwy erchyll, hyd yn oed, na hyn boneddwr anabl yn anffodus ac yn oedrannus, pan fydd marwolaeth, ym mha bynnag ffasiwn, yn y pen draw yn dal i fyny gyda nhw. Ac yn fy marn onest ac yn ddidwyll sy'n somethings gymharu i bob un ohonynt na ellir dod ddigon buan - Amen!

Wednesday, 12 July 2017

Shocked by Anne Marie Morris’s (MP) racism? I wasn’t!

White and therefore always right!

By Stanley Collymore

You’re white and, evidently in your case, totally useless!
And not just as it happens to society generally but also,
quite specifically and rather obvious too, to yourself.
However, for all of these appalling circumstances
and, as far as it can objectively be discerned or
properly understood from closely observing
you, you’re furthermore firmly and even
emphatically of the extremely and also
unambiguously fiery estimation that
as far as each one of the numerous
and distinctly dissimilar races who’re
currently and collectively living on this Planet Earth
that we mutually call home, and that together and
for the most part fall exactly under the sensed
and generally accepted judgement of being
labelled human, it’s only your own, and,
moreover, as you see it too, the added
benefit of your most treasured and
enormously revered skin colour,
that conjointly and acceptably
guarantee that you and your
white kind aren’t only and decidedly but also
correspondingly too, enormously superior
in all facets - that one can immediately
call to mind - to all other races and
ethnicities globally; regardless, it appears to be,
how evident and unquestionably transparent
is the authoritative conclusion which that
exceptionally ludicrous and definitely
discriminatory deduction of yours,
in faultless juxtaposition no less,
with recognizably concurring
persons who think and act
as you do, is undeniably
and idiotically wrong.

Nevertheless, in your obsessive and utterly idiotic
lunacy, you ceaselessly persist to still puke out
and most amazingly believe your ludicrous
and incredibly senseless contention, that
simply because you’re a woman and
happen to have been born a white
Caucasian – handily omitting to
acknowledge in your errantly
twisted and delusional observations that you are
a pretty pathetic, on top of you likewise being
manifestly and breathtakingly a poor excuse,
if ever there was one, for a human being –
that by dint of being born white doesn't
automatically, as you acutely believe,
of itself unassailably confer on you,
either forever and so decisively, a
matchless and, to all intents and
purposes, an elite and premium
brand of exceptionalism, that,
of course, then translates as
fundamentally individual
concerns, to instinctively
and also exclusively too
transform for you into
that prized category
you're wont to see
as clarification of
an enduring and
cast-iron white

© Stanley V. Collymore
9 July 2017.

Author’s Remarks:
This poem and the accompanying article of the same name and nature that I’ve written and accordingly am presenting here for your personal examination, succinctly, unambiguously and most unapologetically sum up, and rather fittingly too even if I say so myself, my distinctly firm and objectively held views on the matter that I’m accordingly highlighting and, if anything, is an opinion that’s convincingly reinforced by the sickeningly evil and pathetically lowlife actions of JEMMA BEALE, a fantasist rape victim, who is now finally and publicly acknowledged as such, and following her recent court conviction for officially having made some FIFTEEN bogus rape accusations to the British police that resulted in the imprisonment of her entirely innocent victims and her even being compensated from the public purse with a sum of £11.000 Pounds Sterling in one instance for merely saying that that particular, and now known never to have taken place, rape had left her “totally devastated”, has finally been publicly exposed as the pathological liar that she is, fittingly convicted for the lying and multiple bogus rape accusations that she had made against her randomly selected male victims plus additional proven charges against her of wilful acts of perjury under oath in a court of law, and is presently, as I write, remanded in custody awaiting sentence for her disreputable, persistent and pernicious criminal behaviour.

All well and good you may say and might even suitably agree that Jemma Beale is getting what she truly deserves and, consequently, that ought to be the end of this matter. But should it? For frankly, I don’t think so. And, what’s more, am firmly and conclusively of the belief that a significant portion of the overall blame in relation to this perfidious calamity should and must be directly laid at the feet of the local police force that incredibly, so incompetently dealt with this woman’s multiple false rape accusations. And in tandem with them too the Department of Public Prosecutions (DPP) that saw fit to recklessly and most idiotically submit over a sustained period of time some 15 distinctive and alleged rape allegations from this same woman, and solely on her own word, to the British courts’ attention where in turn they all led to successful prosecutions.

This without seemingly, in the least, being curious about any of them; bothering to scrutinize these multiple allegations of hers to ascertain for themselves that they actually happened or, for that matter, in their specific case, quite patently too dim-witted to take cognizance of the proverbial penny having dropped that this evil lowlife and an exceedingly poor excuse for a human being was most cynically and deliberately conning all of them while, at the same time, purposefully and psychologically abusing, as well as intentionally and maliciously setting out to irretrievably ruin the reputations, job prospects and even the personal lives of those whom she’d sadistically and dementedly decided must be and, therefore, accordingly had chosen to be her hapless victims.

Significantly too in all of this sickening charade Jemma Beale was quite well known to both her local police force, the DPP and one could even argue the courts that she attended to make her scurrilous and lying rape allegations against her innocent victims. And it’s not beyond the wit, one would have imagined, of all these various and highly paid public officials for at least one among their number to ask the obvious question of why is this woman being so routinely raped and furthermore by different men totally unknown to each other in any way and also on distinctly separate occasions and different locations? But evidently nothing of the kind didn’t cross the minds of these collective morons who seemingly couldn’t without instructions being given to them navigate their way out of a sodden paper bag. Nor did they ask, what to anyone with even a half-functioning brain would spontaneously have done, is why a woman who to all intents and purposes would have been massively outdone in every department, and simply for beauty alone, by the rear end of an elephant was such an irresistible draw for lecherous men who, without knowing her, nevertheless had this compulsive fixation to rape her?

But cogent issues or persuasive arguments like these ones didn’t matter to the police, the DPP and their lawyers or even the courts involved, since they’d all made up their minds where guilt laid and had done so from the very start without even bothering on their part to assess the so-called evidence provided by JEMMA BEALE, prejudicially working on the longstanding tried and tested, racist white European and, particularly, British, system and that even an extremely dim-witted moron like Jemma Beale was completely aware of: “Who do you think the police, the DPP, the juries, the judges and per se the courts and white society generally are going to believe, you a Black or otherwise non-white person or ME a white, Caucasian woman?"

And JEMMA BEALE was absolutely right in her assessment for having chosen her bevy of non-white victims to castigate as her rapists, with the police, DPP and the courts dutifully and quite faultlessly, and in step with their institutionalized racism, for there’s absolutely no other way that any sensible or rational person can describe the outcome, completely unprofessionally, with not a trace of legal or ethical impartiality and furthermore at every term fully with their backing and blessing bent over backwards in their bigoted hostility to accommodate in every respect the delusional, narcissistic and markedly prejudicial lunacy, attendant with their own, of Jemma Beale. Attesting to their mutually held and sick concept that being white, and irrespective of what the evidence is to the contrary, automatically and at all times makes you the consummately proud and worthy possessor of that racial identity both unquestionably and naturally unchallengeably too, right!

Anne Marie Morris claims that her racist remarks were “unintentional”. Which prompts the very obvious question, to those who aren’t dim-witted that is, of how can something which you consciously and deliberately said, not in the heat of an argument or some unexpectedly provoked situation be ever unintentional? But we all know what Anne Marie Morris means. It was unintentional on her part and that of the other white trash lowlifes who were congregated with her for her racist remarks to ever find their way into the public domain. But they have! And as a Black man I really don’t give a fuck now, any more than I did when BORIS KAMAL: The Yid, Nazi-Zionist and incumbent UK regime Foreign Secretary, referred to Black people as “piccaninnies with watermelon smiles.”

But no Black person with a worthwhile life would have risen to Boris Kamal’s utterly childish and deliberately provocative abuse and therefore retaliatorily and similarly insultingly refer to him and his kind as “snipped-dicks, Oedipus Rex fixated, obsessively money-grabbing, incestuously in-breeding and consummately delusional pillocks”, would they? And for the very simple reason that Blacks have heard these kinds of repetitive, boring and abusive remarks emanating from white trash Caucasians for a number of centuries, and we’re still here; and it’s like water off a duck’s back to us. But when you are as pathetic as these mother-fuckers are and of the ilk of ANNE MARIE MORRIS and BORIS KAMAL what they in their vitriol puke out towards us says more about themselves than it ever does or can about us.

For essentially, although physically in the 21st Century, they’ve nothing whatsoever to positively contribute to it, and whether they recognize this or not their only salvation as they perceive it is to psychologically, and even physically in their rather sick and delusional minds, transport themselves to what they nonsensically regard as the unchallengeable and halcyon days when whites, in their demented minds, were the only people on Planet Earth that mattered and as a result determined and controlled everything on it that happened. In short, the Master Race and consequently didn’t have to worry about anything, because whatever they chose to think and subsequently did was, as far as they were concerned, the only things that mattered.

Principally and for lowlifes like Jemma Beale, Boris Kamal and Anne Marie Morris, who are all markedly and from every psychological perspective lacking in genuine self-worth, a most ideal situation, since they can all enthusiastically rely on their race and skin colour, which to everyone else, apart from themselves and others like them who observably think and act the same way, are evidently characteristics that they certainly had nothing at all to do with in determining, in relation to themselves; just as everyone else, regardless of their race or colour, are equally in the same situation. But don’t tell them that as they’re too thick to actually comprehend what you’re really saying to them! And for some in the mainstream media to excuse the behaviour of Anne Marie Morris and Boris Kamal by saying that they went to Oxford University, my own reaction to that is: so what? And not least so because I know of several people who eschewed the offers for them to attend this privileged-elite-attracting cesspool, because they preferred to attend REAL universities and deal with NORMAL students and lecturers there.

And even though it’s patently obvious that Jemma Beale, unlike Boris Kamal and Anne Marie Morris, didn't attend Oxford University the demonstrably obvious mind-set between the three of them is unmistakably obvious. Collective white trash blowing in the wind!

White and therefore always right!

By Stanley Collymore

You’re white and, evidently in your case, totally useless! And not just as it happens to society generally but also quite specifically and rather obvious too to yourself. However, for all of these appalling circumstances and, as far as it can objectively be discerned or properly understood from closely observing you, you’re furthermore firmly and even emphatically of the extremely and also unambiguously fiery estimation that as far as each one of the numerous and distinctly dissimilar races who’re currently and collectively living on this Planet Earth that we mutually call home, and that together and for the most part fall exactly under the sensed and generally accepted judgement of being labelled human, it’s only your own, and, moreover, as you see it too, the added benefit of your most treasured and enormously revered skin colour, that conjointly and acceptably guarantee that you and your white kind aren’t only and decidedly but also correspondingly too, enormously superior in all facets - that one can immediately call to mind - to all other races and ethnicities globally; regardless, it appears to be, how evident and unquestionably transparent is the authoritative conclusion which that exceptionally ludicrous and definitely discriminatory deduction of yours, in faultless juxtaposition no less, with recognizably concurring persons who think and act as you do, is undeniably and idiotically wrong.

Nevertheless, in your obsessive and utterly idiotic lunacy, you ceaselessly persist to still puke out and most amazingly believe your ludicrous and incredibly senseless contention, that simply because you’re a woman and happen to have been born a white Caucasian – handily omitting to acknowledge in your errantly twisted and delusional observations that you are a pretty pathetic, on top of you likewise being manifestly and breathtakingly a poor excuse, if ever there was one, for a human being –that by dint of being born white doesn't automatically, as you acutely believe, of itself unassailably confer on you, either forever and so decisively, a matchless and, to all intents and purposes, an elite and premium brand of exceptionalism, that, of course, then translates as fundamentally individual concerns, to instinctively and also exclusively too transform for you into that prized category you're wont to see as clarification of an enduring and cast-iron white supremacism.

This article and the accompanying poem of the same name and nature that I’ve written and accordingly am presenting here for your personal examination, succinctly, unambiguously and most unapologetically sum up, and rather fittingly too even if I say so myself, my distinctly firm and objectively held views on the matter that I’m accordingly highlighting and, if anything, is an opinion that’s convincingly reinforced by the sickeningly evil and pathetically lowlife actions of JEMMA BEALE, a fantasist rape victim, who is now finally and publicly acknowledged as such, and following her recent court conviction for officially make some FIFTEEN bogus rape accusations to the British police that resulted in the imprisonment of her entirely innocent victims and her even being compensated from the public purse with a sum of £11.000 Pounds Sterling in one instance for merely saying that that particular, and now known never to have taken place, rape had left her “totally devastated”, has finally been publicly exposed as the pathological liar that she is, fittingly convicted for the lying and multiple bogus rape accusations that she had made against her randomly selected male victims plus additional proven charges against her of wilful acts of perjury under oath in a court of law, and is presently, as I write, remanded in custody awaiting sentence for her disreputable, persistent and pernicious criminal behaviour.

All well and good you may say and might even suitably agree that Jemma Beale is getting what she truly deserves and, consequently, that ought to be the end of this matter. But should it? For frankly, I don’t think so. And, what’s more, am firmly and conclusively of the belief that a significant portion of the overall blame in relation to this perfidious calamity should and must be directly laid at the feet of the local police force that incredibly, so incompetently dealt with this woman’s multiple false rape accusations. And in tandem with them too the Department of Public Prosecutions (DPP) that saw fit to recklessly and most idiotically submit over a sustained period of time some 15 distinctive and alleged rape allegations from this same woman, and solely on her own word, to the British courts’ attention where in turn they all led to successful prosecutions.

This without seemingly, in the least, being curious about any of them; bothering to scrutinize these multiple allegations of hers to ascertain for themselves that they actually happened or, for that matter, in their specific case, quite patently too dim-witted to take cognizance of the proverbial penny having dropped that this evil lowlife and an exceedingly poor excuse for a human being was most cynically and deliberately conning all of them while, at the same time, purposefully and psychologically abusing, as well as intentionally and maliciously setting out to irretrievably ruin the reputations, job prospects and even the personal lives of those whom she’d sadistically and dementedly decided must be and, therefore, accordingly had chosen to be her hapless victims.

Significantly too in all of this sickening charade Jemma Beale was quite well known to both her local police force, the DPP and one could even argue the courts that she attended to make her scurrilous and lying rape allegations against her innocent victims. And it’s not beyond the wit, one would have imagined, of all these various and highly paid public officials for at least one among their number to ask the obvious question of why is this woman being so routinely raped and furthermore by different men totally unknown to each other in any way and also on distinctly separate occasions and different locations? But evidently nothing of the kind didn’t cross the minds of these collective morons who seemingly couldn’t without instructions being given to them navigate their way out of a sodden paper bag. Nor did they ask, what to anyone with even a half-functioning brain would spontaneously have done, is why a woman who to all intents and purposes would have been massively outdone in every department, and simply for beauty alone, by the rear end of an elephant was such an irresistible draw for lecherous men who, without knowing her, nevertheless had this compulsive fixation to rape her?

But cogent issues or persuasive arguments like these ones didn’t matter to the police, the DPP and their lawyers or even the courts involved, since they’d all made up their minds where guilt laid and had done so from the very start without even bothering on their part to assess the so-called evidence provided by JEMMA BEALE, prejudicially working on the longstanding tried and tested, racist white European and, particularly, British, system and that even an extremely dim-witted moron like Jemma Beale was completely aware of: “Who do you think the police, the DPP, the juries, the judges and per se the courts and white society generally are going to believe, you a Black or otherwise non-white person or ME a white, Caucasian woman?

And JEMMA BEALE was absolutely right in her assessment for having chosen her bevy of non-white victims to castigate as her rapists the police, DPP and the courts dutifully and quite faultlessly, and in step with their institutionalized racism, for there’s absolutely no other way that any sensible or rational person can describe the outcome; completely, unprofessionally, and with not a trace of legal or ethical impartiality and furthermore at every term fully with their backing and blessing bent over backwards in their bigoted hostility to accommodate in every respect the delusional, narcissistic and markedly prejudicial lunacy, attendant with their own, of Jemma Beale. Attesting to their mutually held and sick concept that being white, and irrespective of what the evidence is to the contrary, automatically and at all times makes you the consummately proud and worthy possessor of that racial identity both unquestionably and naturally unchallengeably too, right!

Anne Marie Morris claims that her racist remarks were “unintentional”. Which prompts the very obvious question, to those who aren’t dim-witted that is, of how can something which you consciously and deliberately said, not in the heat of an argument or some unexpectedly provoked situation be ever unintentional? But we all know what Anne Marie Morris means. It was unintentional on her part and that of the other white trash lowlifes who were congregated with her for her racist remarks to ever find their way into the public domain. But they have! And as a Black man I really don’t give a fuck now, any more than I did when BORIS KAMAL: The Yid, Nazi-Zionist and incumbent UK regime Foreign Secretary, referred to Black people as “piccaninnies with watermelon smiles.”

But no Black person with a worthwhile life would have risen to Boris Kamal’s utterly childish and deliberately provocative abuse and therefore retaliatorily and similarly insultingly refer to him and his kind as “snipped-dicks, Oedipus Rex fixated, obsessively money-grabbing, incestuously in-breeding and consummately delusional pillocks”, would they? And for the very simple reason that Blacks have heard these kinds of repetitive, boring and abusive remarks emanating from white trash Caucasians for a number of centuries, and we’re still here; and it’s like water off a duck’s back to us. But when you are as pathetic as these mother-fuckers are and of the ilk of ANNE MARIE MORRIS and BORIS KAMAL what they in their vitriol puke out towards us says more about themselves than it ever does or can about us.

For essentially, although physically in the 21st Century, they’ve nothing whatsoever to positively contribute to it, and whether they recognize this or not their only salvation as they perceive it is to psychologically, and even physically in their rather sick and delusional minds, transport themselves to what they nonsensically regard as the unchallengeable and halcyon days when whites, in their demented minds, were the only people on Planet Earth that mattered and as a result determined and controlled everything on it that happened. In short, the Master Race and consequently didn’t have to worry about anything, because whatever they chose to think and subsequently did was, as far as they were concerned, the only things that mattered.

Principally and for lowlifes like Jemma Beale, Boris Kamal and Anne Marie Morris, who are all markedly and from every psychological perspective lacking in genuine self-worth, a most ideal situation, since they can all enthusiastically rely on their race and skin colour, which to everyone else, apart from themselves and others like them who observably think and act the same way, are evidently characteristics that they certainly had nothing at all to do with in determining, in relation to themselves; just as everyone else, regardless of their race or colour, are equally in the same situation. But don’t tell them that as they’re too thick to actually comprehend what you’re really saying to them! And for some in the mainstream media to excuse the behaviour of Anne Marie Morris and Boris Kamal by saying that went to Oxford University, my own reaction to that is: so what? And not least so because I know of several people who eschewed the offers for them to attend this privileged-elite-attracting cesspool because they preferred to attend REAL universities and deal with NORMAL students and lecturers there.

And even though it’s patently obvious that Jemma Beale, unlike Boris Kamal and Anne Marie Morris, didn't attend Oxford University the demonstrably obvious mind-set between the three of them is unmistakably obvious. Collective white trash blowing in the wind!

Gwyn ac felly bob amser yn iawn!

Gan Stanley Collymore

Rydych yn wyn ac, yn amlwg yn eich achos chi, yn
hollol ddiwerth! Ac nid yn unig gan ei fod yn
digwydd i gymdeithas yn gyffredinol, ond
hefyd,eithaf penodol hefyd ac yn hytrach
yn amlwg i chi eich hun. Fodd bynnag,
ar gyfer yr holl amgylchiadau arswydus hyn
a, chyn belled ag y gellir ei discerned
wrthrychol neu deall yn iawn o arsylwi agos
chi, eich bod ar ben hynny yn gadarn a hyd
yn oed bendant o'r eithriadol a hefyd
amcangyfrif ddiamwys tanllyd sydd
cyn belled â phob un o'r niferus
a rasys unigryw annhebyg sy'n bod
Ar hyn o bryd ac ar y cyd yn
byw ar hyn Planet Earth
ein bod i'r ddwy ochr
alw'n gartref, a bod
gyda'i gilydd ac
ar gyfer y rhan
fwyaf yn
union o dan y synhwyroac yn gyffredinol derbyniodd
dyfarniad o fod yn dynol labelu, dim ond eich pen
eich hun, ac,ar ben hynny, fel y byddwch yn ei
weld hefyd, mae'r ychwanegodd
budd eich mwyaf gwerthfawr a barchedig aruthrol
lliw croen, hynny conjointly ac dderbyniol
gwarantu bod chi a'ch math gwyn yn
unig ac yn decidedly, ond hefyd
cyfatebol hefyd, hynod
ym mhob
agwedd - bod un yn gallu ar unwaith yn galw i'r
meddwl - i bob hil arall a ethnigrwydd yn
fyd-eang; beth bynnag, mae'n ymddangos
i fod,pa mor amlwg ac ddiamheuol dryloyw
yw'r casgliad awdurdodol sy'n bod eithriadol o
chwerthinllyd ac yn sicr didyniad wahaniaethol o
eiddo, mewn cyfosodiad ddi-fai dim llai,
gyda concurring recognizably pobl
sy'n meddwl ac yn gweithredu
wrth i chi ei wneud, yn ddi-os
ac idiotically anghywir.

Serch hynny, yn eich obsesiynol ac yn gwbl wirion ffolineb,
rydych ddi-baid barhau i dal i puke allan ac yn fwyaf
rhyfeddol yn credu eich chwerthinllyd ac ymryson
hynod disynnwyr, bod dim ond oherwydd eich
bod yn fenyw ac yn digwydd i wedi cael eu
geni yn wyn Caucasian - handily hepgor i
cydnabod yn eich errantly arsylwadau dirdro a rhithiol
eich bod yn 'n bert pathetic, yn drech na chi yn yr
un modd yn cael yn amlwg ac yn syfrdanol o
esgus gwael, os bu un erioed, er bod dynol -
hynny na fu'r cael eu geni wyn nad yw'n
yn awtomatig, fel yr ydych yn ddifrifol
yn credu, ynddo'i hun unassailably rhoi i chi,
naill ai am byth ac felly yn bendant, a ddigymar ac,
i bob pwrpas acdibenion, yn elitaidd a phremiwm
brand o exceptionalism, hynny,wrth gwrs, ac
yna yn cyfieithu fel sylfaenol unigol pryderon, i
reddfol a hefyd yn gyfan gwbl yn rhy drawsnewid
i mewn i chi y categori gwerthfawr eich bod
wont ei weld fel eglurhad o yn barhaol ac
haearn bwrw gwynsupremacism.

© Stanley V. Collymore
Gorffennaf 9, 2017.

Sylwadau Awdur:
Mae'r gerdd a'r erthygl cysylltiedig o'r un enw a natur fy mod wedi ysgrifennu ac yn unol â hynny wyf yn ei gyflwyno yma ar gyfer eich archwiliad personol, yn gryno, yn ddiamwys ac yn fwyaf unapologetically grynhoi, a braidd yn addas iawn rhy, hyd yn oed os ydw i'n dweud hynny fy hun, fy amlwg gadarn a chynhaliodd barn ar y mater fy mod yn unol â hynny yn tynnu sylw at ac, os rhywbeth, yn farn sy'n atgyfnerthu argyhoeddiadol gan weithredoedd sickeningly drwg ac yn pathetically chynullis o Jemma BEALE, dioddefwr trais rhywiol Ffantasïwr, sydd yn cydnabod o'r diwedd ac yn gyhoeddus erbyn hyn fel y cyfryw yn wrthrychol , ac yn dilyn ei gollfarn llys diweddar ar gyfer gwneud yn swyddogol rhyw PYMTHEG cyhuddiadau trais rhywiol ffug i'r heddlu Prydain a arweiniodd at y carchar ei dioddefwyr yn gyfan gwbl ddiniwed ac mae ei hyd yn oed yn cael ei ddigolledu gan y pwrs cyhoeddus gyda swm o £ 11.000 Sterling Pounds mewn un achos am dim ond dweud bod hynny penodol, ac yn hysbys erioed erbyn hyn i fod wedi digwydd, trais rhywiol wedi gadael ei "drist", wedi o'r diwedd bod yn agored yn gyhoeddus wrth i'r gelwyddog patholegol ei bod yn, yn euog yn addas iawn ar gyfer gorwedd a chyhuddiadau trais rhywiol ffug lluosog ei bod wedi gwneud yn erbyn ei dioddefwyr gwrywaidd a ddewiswyd ar hap yn ogystal ychwanegiad cyhuddiadau yn ei herbyn o weithredoedd bwriadol o dyngu anudon o dan lw profedig mewn llys barn , ac ar hyn o bryd, wrth i mi ysgrifennu, cadw yn y ddalfa ac wrth iddi aros am ddedfryd am ei hymddygiad troseddol amharchus, parhaus a niweidiol.

Mae pob yn dda ac yn dda efallai y byddwch yn ei ddweud ac efallai hyd yn oed yn cytuno addas fod Jemma Beale yn cael yr hyn mae hi'n wirioneddol haeddu ac, o ganlyniad, y dylid fod yn ddiwedd ar y mater hwn. Ond dylai hyn? Am dweud y gwir, nid wyf yn credu hynny. Ac, beth sydd yn fwy, wyf yn gadarn ac yn bendant o'r gred y dylai cyfran sylweddol o'r bai cyffredinol mewn perthynas â'r drychineb perfidious a rhaid ei osod yn uniongyrchol wrth draed yr heddlu lleol sy'n anhygoel, felly ymdrinnir yn anghymwys gyda lluosog fenyw hon cyhuddiadau treisio ffug. Ac ar y cyd â nhw hefyd Adran Erlyniadau Cyhoeddus (DPP) a welodd yn dda i ddi-hid ac yn fwyaf idiotically cyflwyno dros gyfnod parhaus o amser rhyw 15 honiadau trais rhywiol unigryw ac honedig o hyn un fenyw, ac ar ei air ei hun yn unig, i'r sylw'r llysoedd Prydain 'lle yn eu tro maent i gyd yn arwain at erlyniadau llwyddiannus.

Mae hyn heb ymddangos yn, yn y lleiaf, gan fod yn chwilfrydig am unrhyw un ohonynt, trafferthu i graffu ar y rhain honiadau lluosog o hi i ganfod drostynt eu hunain eu bod yn digwydd mewn gwirionedd, neu, o ran hynny, yn eu hachos penodol yn eithaf amlwg yn rhy wan-witted i gymryd sylw y geiniog diarhebol wedi gostwng fod y chynullis drwg ac yn esgus hynod wael ar gyfer bod dynol oedd y mwyaf sinigaidd ac yn fwriadol twyllo pob un ohonynt tra, ar yr un pryd, yn bwrpasol ac yn seicolegol yn cam-drin, yn ogystal ag yn fwriadol ac yn faleisus gosod allan i anadferadwy difetha enw da, rhagolygon swyddi a hyd yn oed ar fywydau personol y rhai y byddai hi'n sadistically ac dementedly penderfynu fod ac, felly, yn unol â hynny wedi dewis i fod yn ei ddioddefwyr truenus.

Yn arwyddocaol hefyd yn hyn oll charade ffiaidd oedd Jemma Beale adnabyddus yn eithaf da i'r ddau ei heddlu lleol, gallai'r DPP ac un hyd yn oed yn dadlau y llysoedd ei bod yn bresennol i wneud ei honiadau treisio enllibus ac yn gorwedd yn erbyn ei ddioddefwyr diniwed. Ac nid y tu hwnt i'r ffraethineb, byddai un wedi dychmygu, o'r rhain i gyd amrywiol a cyflog uchel swyddogion cyhoeddus am o leiaf un ymhlith eu rhif i ofyn y cwestiwn amlwg pam fod y wraig hon yn cael ei threisio hynny'n rheolaidd ac ymhellach gan wahanol ddynion yn hollol anhysbys i ei gilydd mewn unrhyw ffordd, a hefyd ar adegau unigryw gwahanol a lleoliadau gwahanol? Ond yn amlwg nid yw ddim o'r fath yn croesi meddyliau morons cyfunol hyn sydd yn ôl pob golwg allai nid heb gyfarwyddiadau a roddir iddyn nhw lywio eu ffordd allan o fag papur ferwi. Nid oeddent yn gofyn, beth i unrhyw un sydd hyd yn oed hanner-weithredol ymennydd byddai ddigymell wedi'i wneud, pam menyw pwy i bob pwrpas wedi bod yn aruthrol adael ar ôl ym mhob adran yn syml ar gyfer harddwch ei ben ei hun erbyn diwedd gefn eliffant oedd o'r fath yn tynnu anorchfygol i ddynion lecherous sydd, heb wybod ei, roedd serch hynny obsesiwn cymhellol hwn i threisio?

Ond nid yw materion gymhellol neu ddadleuon perswadiol fel y rhai hyn oedd ots i'r heddlu, y DPP a'u cyfreithwyr neu hyd yn oed y llysoedd dan sylw ers byddent yn gwneud i gyd eu penderfyniadau ble euogrwydd a osodwyd ac wedi gwneud hynny o'r cychwyn hyd yn oed yn trafferthu heb ar eu rhan yn i asesu'r dystiolaeth hyn a elwir gan Jemma BEALE niweidiol yn gweithio ar y arbennig, Prydeinig, system hiliol hirsefydlog profedig, gwyn Ewropeaidd ac, a bod hyd yn oed yn moron hynod o wan-witted fel Jemma Beale yn gwbl ymwybodol o. "Pwy ydych chi'n credu bod yr heddlu, y DPP, y rheithgorau, y beirniaid a'r per se y llysoedd a chymdeithas yn gyffredinol yn wyn yn mynd i gredu, byddwch yn Du neu fel arall yn berson heb fod yn wyn, neu ME gwyn, gwraig Caucasian?

A Jemma BEALE yn llygad ei le yn ei asesiad am fod wedi ei dewis hi bevy o ddioddefwyr heb fod yn wyn i gystwyo gan fod ei threiswyr yr heddlu, DPP a'r llysoedd dutifully ac yn eithaf faultlessly, ac yn gam â'u hiliaeth sefydliadol, er does dim ffordd arall y gall unrhyw berson synhwyrol neu rhesymegol yn disgrifio'r canlyniad; yn gyfan gwbl, amhroffesiynol, ac â pheidio olrhain o ddidueddrwydd cyfreithiol neu foesegol ac ar ben hynny ar bob tymor llawn gyda eu cefnogaeth a bendith plygu drosodd yn ôl yn eu gelyniaeth bigoted i ddarparu ym mhob parchu rhithiol, narcissistic ac amlwg yn ffolineb rhagfarnllyd, gofalwr gyda'u hunain , o Jemma Beale. Tystio at eu cysyniad chadw'n ddwy ochr ac yn sâl fod bod yn wyn, ac yn waeth beth o'r hyn y mae'r dystiolaeth i'r gwrthwyneb, yn awtomatig ac ar bob adeg gwneud y meddiannydd consummately falch ac yn deilwng o fod hunaniaeth hiliol ddau ohonoch ddiamheuol ac yn naturiol unchallengeably hefyd, iawn!

Anne Marie Morris yn honni bod ei sylwadau hiliol yn "anfwriadol". Pa annog y cwestiwn amlwg iawn, i'r rhai nad oes dim-witted hynny yw, o sut y gall rhywbeth yr ydych yn dweud yn ymwybodol ac yn fwriadol, nid yng ngwres dadl neu ryw sefyllfa ysgogi annisgwyl fod erioed anfwriadol? Ond rydym i gyd yn gwybod beth Anne Marie Morris ei olygu. Roedd yn anfwriadol ar ei ran, a bod o'r lowlifes sbwriel gwyn arall a oedd yn ymgynnull gyda hi am ei sylwadau hiliol i erioed ddod o hyd i'w ffordd i mewn i'r parth cyhoeddus. Ond mae ganddynt! Ac fel dyn du Nid wyf yn rhoi fuck yn awr, mwy nag y gwnes pan Boris Kamal: ". Piccaninnies gyda gwên watermelon" Cyfeiriodd y gyfundrefn Yid, Nazi-Seionaidd ac periglor y DU Ysgrifennydd Tramor, i bobl Ddu fel

Ond ni fyddai unrhyw berson du gyda bywyd gwerth chweil wedi codi i gam-drin hollol blentynnaidd ac yn fwriadol bryfoclyd Boris Kamal ac felly retaliatorily ac yn yr un modd insultingly cyfeirio iddo ef a'i fath fel "Torrodd-Dicks, Oedipus Rex fixated, obsesiynol arian-grabbing, incestuously bridio yn-ac consummately pillocks rhithiol ", byddent? Ac am y rheswm syml iawn bod Crysau Duon wedi clywed y mathau hyn o sylwadau ailadroddus, diflas ac ymosodol sy'n deillio o Caucasians sbwriel gwyn ar gyfer nifer o ganrifoedd, ac rydym yn dal i fod yma; ac mae fel dwr oddi ar gefn hwyaden i ni. Ond pan fyddwch yn mor pathetic gan fod y rhain fam-fuckers yn ac o ilk o ANNE MARIE MORRIS a Boris Kamal yr hyn y maent yn eu fitriol puke allan tuag atom yn dweud mwy am eu hunain nag erioed yn ei wneud, neu gall amdanom ni.

Am y bôn, er bod yn gorfforol yn yr 21ain Ganrif, maent i wedi dim byd o gwbl i gyfrannu'n gadarnhaol at y peth, ac a ydynt yn adnabod hwn neu nad yw eu unig iachawdwriaeth fel y maent yn credu y mae i seicolegol, a hyd yn oed yn gorfforol yn eu meddyliau yn hytrach sâl ac rhithiol, cludo eu hunain i'r hyn y maent yn ei ystyried nonsensically wrth i'r dyddiau diymwad a oes aur pan wyn, yn eu meddyliau demented, oedd yr unig bobl ar Planet ddaear oedd yn bwysig ac o ganlyniad benderfynir ac a reolir popeth arno a ddigwyddodd. Yn fyr, nid oedd gan y Meistr Hil ac o ganlyniad i chi boeni am unrhyw beth, oherwydd beth bynnag eu bod wedi dewis i feddwl ac wedi hynny a wnaeth oedd, cyn belled ag y maent yn y cwestiwn, yr unig bethau oedd yn bwysig.

Yn bennaf ac ar gyfer lowlifes fel Jemma Beale, Boris Kamal ac Anne Marie Morris sydd i gyd yn sylweddol, ac o bob safbwynt seicolegol, yn brin o hunan-werth sefyllfa mwyaf delfrydol go iawn, gan y gallant i gyd yn frwdfrydig yn dibynnu ar eu hil a lliw croen, a oedd yn i bawb arall, ar wahân eu hunain ac eraill tebyg iddynt pwy observably feddwl a gweithredu'n yr un modd, yn amlwg nodweddion y maent yn sicr wedi cael dim byd o gwbl wrth benderfynu mewn perthynas â hwy eu hunain, yn union fel pawb arall, waeth beth yw eu hil neu liw, yn cael eu yn gyfartal yn yr un sefyllfa. Ond peidiwch â dweud wrthynt bod gan eu bod yn rhy drwchus i mewn gwirionedd deall yr hyn rydych yn ei ddweud go iawn iddyn nhw! Ac ar gyfer rhai yn y cyfryngau prif ffrwd i esgusodi ymddygiad Anne Marie Morris a Boris Kamal trwy ddweud a aeth i Brifysgol Rhydychen, fy ymateb hun i hynny yw: felly beth? Ac nid lleiaf hynny oherwydd fy mod yn gwybod nifer o bobl a eschewed y cynigion iddynt fynychu hwn elitaidd freintiedig denu carthbwll oherwydd eu bod yn well ganddynt i fynychu prifysgolion REAL a delio gyda myfyrwyr ARFEROL a darlithwyr yno.

A hyd yn oed er 'i' hollol amlwg nad yw Jemma Beale oedd, fel Boris Kamal ac Anne Marie Morris, yn mynychu Prifysgol Rhydychen y gellir dangos yn amlwg meddylfryd rhwng y tri ohonynt yn ddigamsyniol amlwg.