Only totally feckless and rather
dimwittedly so I suspect quite
brownnosing cretins. Harry,
though, in clearly, marked contrast
has demonstrably, sensibly shown
great maturity in very intelligently
taking his wife Meghan well away
from that evil, toxic environment
that she was racially and literally
quite intentionally and distinctly
sadistically placed in by the sick
and discernibly odious Windsor
family; their nastily lamentably
Queer palace stooges; distinct
financially self-serving pitiably
and vile useful idiots like Tom
Bauer, basically unmistakably
evidently expensively bought
PR advocates and the British
acquiescent and racist MSM.
William in marked contrast to
his younger sibling Harry, is
very discernibly a pathetic
weakling in every sense and also
distinct, etymologically meaning
of that word, distinctly like their
dad Charles is; two evil pillocks:
Charles and William, their aptly
and solitary ambition and only
occupation, as it basically was
for Charles all of his evidently
pathetic life and similarly too
in William's own, actual case,
quite literally waiting around
to be king essentially like his
distinctively, quite obviously
useless father, embroiled in
his lucrative dodgy charities
has always done While also,
and basically additionally in
William's continuum case a
sick self-entitled process in
which he's undeniably and
obsessively, totally carried
away with his unjustifiably
and unwarranted crucially
unelected position, in this
iniquitous, pecking order!
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
24 September 2022.
Author's Remarks:
Another allegedly bombshell book on Meghan Markle trumpets the Daily Mail; someone who accordingly to the lot of you risibly brainwashed idiots is a thoroughly global irrelevance? Really? So why are you consistently and basically obsessively bothering with her? Not very clever is that, is it! By the way how is Tom Bauer and too Samantha Grant's books doing - you know, the ones you were all of you supposedly dying to read? Lol! You idiots don't even recognize when you're being cynically and contemptuously also ripped off! As these scum evidently laughingly make their way to the bank off your stupidity. And what do you get in return? Nothing! But whoever told you that you morons were bright? Even Winston Churchill, who you hero worship, wanted to mass sterilize the bulk of you. Actually, I can't say that I blame him!
What you pillocks living in denial of your own pathetic lives which you ought to be concentrating on but that's too difficult a task I'm fully aware for intellectually challenged morons like yourselves, is that what is actually going on relative to Meghan Markle is a pretty lucrative cottage industry in Britain. Better for all you despicably egregiously used serfs like you, I suppose, than rather dispiritingly having to focus on your pathetically collapsing currency and economy! How's the heating by the way? Managing to keep warm?
Allow me to let you into a secret. Your trying to destroy Harry, Meghan and their family is as ludicrously feasible as you cuckolded and azoospermiac keyboard, race hating attackers of Meghan ever biologically becoming fathers; or likewise you racist Karen trollops, whatever your age, ever progressing beyond what you've always been and will carry on being until you kick the bucket and join the phalanx of evil, verminous trash permanently ensconced in Hell! As for Harry, Meghan and their children no publicity is bad publicity. And, by the way, ask yourselves why no one is talking or writing about any of you? Food for thought! As you're the REAL nonentities. So please, just go and crawl back under the verminous rocks from which you toxically emerged!