By Stanley Collymore
If and when Vladimir Putin does
realistically and sensibly create
a vitally strategic alliance and
crucially, a similarly military
partnership with Cuba, which by the
way the USA illegally occupies in its
continuous seizure, and distinctive
criminally ongoing, quite barbaric
usage of Guantanamo Bay; clearly
doing so despite sovereign Cuba's
repeated, and lawful demands to
have its unquestionably actually
distinctively; vitally importantly
and undeniably also, inherently
physical territory thus lawfully
returned to it; but, evidently to
no avail, on the part of a nasty
and bullying, quite terminally
sick; noticeably too a noxious
recurrently twisted and such
a thoroughly evil and hugely
demented USA would rashly
rather indicatively and also
very vindictively, be calling
Russia's action just as it did
the USSR's in 1962, a wilful
and intentional act of war.
But evidently on these asininely
dishonestly bullying, distinctly
pathetic US geriatric assholes
part ludicrously passing themselves
off most ridiculously, as competent
politicians or rather indispensaby
as crucial civil servants that very
irrefutably they unquestionably
are not nor discernibly also are
their surfeit of very braindead
sycophants; it's absolutely OK,
for the very same USA and its
fawningly, fatuous, recidivist
white supremacist, basically
and, actually ingrained also,
vilely amoral acolytes, who
do collectively, constitute a
markedly pretentious plus
this brazen, extravagantly
wholly allegedly, and also
their cohesively but aptly
dishonestly self servingly
totalitarian, so ongoingly
expanding NATO, and an
EU with its own dubious
and visibly expansionist
federal agenda to do the
same clearly to Ukraine.
Why does it always play out in
the fucking sick, twisted and
distinctly delusional minds
of totalitarian westerners
and similarly brainwashed morons
overly and discernibly dishonestly
passing themselves off as fittingly
democratic, peace loving, human
beings and actually the altruistic
defenders, of their so-called free
world; when self-evidently they
are absolutely not? That the US
bully, is never wrong? Bearing
in mind also, and significantly
in recent memory, the odious
catastrophies that the United
States has both intentionally
concertedly; manifestly and
totally wilfully, egregiously
malevolently, so effectively
and barbarously expedited
with such awful, hatefilled
contempt, in its repugnant
endemic aversion to loads
of Global South countries:
like Iraq, Libya, and Syria
for example; and forever
recollecting Afghanistan.
While arbitrarily and enforcedly
holding on to Diego Garcia, the
principal island of the Chagos
Peninsula to facilitate a US military
base in the Indian Ocean; actually
having with their willing puppet
the UK back in the 1960s to very
barbarously, deliberately racist
and genocidally too effectively
absolutely liquidate, the Black
indigenous Chagossians from
their homeland. A sick racist
USA so ecstatically gleefully
at the time did derogatorily
and clearly, contemptously
take to asininely depicting
them really inhumanly as
savage 'Man Fridays', and
successfully dictated to a
toadying UK that neither
these actually displaced
and now stateless Black
people, their biological
offspring nor basically
any descendants of the
Chagossian Nation are
ever to be allowed, to
return, to the country
that quite irrefutably
is legally their home.
And despite, the International
Court in the Hague, lawfully
ruling that the Chagossians
have all lawful rights to legally
have their country returned to
them and additionally as well
total and unflinchingly given
compensation automatically
for the distinctly barbarous,
more than 62 years, they've
been ignominiously forced
to live as stateless persons.
The USA nevertheless still
carries on in distinctively
and prolifically, enjoying
the absolute benefit of its
luxury base stationed on
Diego Garcia, while spiv
and the crawler, Britain
takes the USA's largesse
for obeying its bidding.
(C) Stanley V. Collymore
26 January 2022.
Author's Remarks:
And these pathetic western hordes are the same demented, self-servingly, graspingly avaricious, snouts routinely in the taxpayers funded troughs; glaring examples of sickeningly corrupt malfeasance in public office for the principal benefit of their 1% billionaire and trillionaire controlling puppet masters; who are themselves amoral, pathological liars and likeminded geriatric assholes who when their insidious and invariably predictable cock-ups inevitably become publicly known or can be scrutinizingly seen for what they actually are and have always been, fervently set out to cause conflict or wage wars to distract the attention of their braindead, significantly dimwitted and thoroughly intellectually challenged, discernibly manipulated sycophants and lowlife totalitarian infatuated rightwing and Nazi trolls from the characteristic political and other insidious messes at home that their voted for and manifestly incompetent "leaders" have predictably caused. Asininely claiming as their get out of jail card that they're doing what they're embarking on for the benefit not of themselves but assuredly and distinctively for the safety of your version of the so-called free world and democracy - words that realistically do not feature in your own vocabulary! Really? When in the bloody USA the lying assholes there fully engaged in voter restriction and the negation of Black votes can't even pass legislation to ensure that the USA's bona fide citizens who're not white and in a country with a diminishing white demography are debarred from voting to essentially and most corruptly ensure continued white dominance of the USA? Fucking well get real USA and your demented toadies! Since your free world consists, in reality, exclusively of the arms manufacturers and their political, carpetbagger spivs!
The last time that a war was fought on USA soil was their Civil War which ended in 1865. Since then the United States of America has most cowardly but nevertheless in its most bullying mindset and fashion made quite sure that its egregious and also thoroughly self-serving wars that it contrives and then wages are always fought in other people's countries and not their own. Even then as was effectively shown in Vietnam and Afghanistan these belligerent but cowardly USA criminals, for all their self hype, are not invincible. That's why Russia, China and North Korea should unstintingly make sure that USA territory this time is not invoilate; and with that firmly in mind hit the arrogant, white supremacist, delusional exceptionalism bastards where it hurts most; at home in the USA. And let's not forget that the Bering Strait that separates now USA Alaska, formerly Russian, and NATO Canada from Russia is just 55 miles wide.
As for Britain; when I was in the Royal Air Force a dire warning in briefings to my squadron unequivocally indicated that in any serious conflict with the then USSR, all that the latter had to do was drop 4 strategic nuclear missiles on Britain: London, the Midlands, the North East of England and Scotland, didn't matter whether it was Glasgow or Edinburgh and that would effectively permanently finish the UK off; turning it fittingly into the equivalent of a 1000 year old duration thermonuclear Chernobyl; while at the same time consigning massive areas of this God forsaken, toxic cesspit called Britain that has maliciously, malevolently, arrogantly and thoroughly egregiously, wilfully caused such monumental destruction and misery globally and to so many indigenous peoples there in the process, while most sickeningly and pathologically lying declaring itself to be the epitome of human beneficence and conscionable philanthropy when nothing could be further from the truth where this noxious, wholly unforgivable and maniacally, exploitative predator is concerned, to its rightful place under the waters of the Atlantic and the North Sea. Russia on its own can easily do the same to Britain, frankly should, and quite decidedly so to the eternal gratitude of the Global South!
So go for your Maggie Thatcher, in classic political distraction scenario - I dare you - pathologically lying, discernibly amoral, Turkish ancestry, USA born, UK immigrant and USA toady Boris Kemal/Johnson; Russia isn't Argentina and the Ukraine certainly isn't the Malvinas. But, of course, your back will be stalwartly protected by the "loyal" likes of Liz Truss and the other deluded empire loyalists and patriots; who as these inured pillocks will always customarily do, defend Britain to the last drop of everyone else's blood but never their own. So no one seriously expects to see these cowardly mother fuckers, their Karen trollops and keyboard warriors on the front line!
So stand your ground Russia, China and North Korea, as the sane and intelligent world are thoroughly sick and tired of these insufferable western, delusional white master race supremacists and are supportively 1000% plus totally with you!