
Saturday, 30 May 2015

White western exceptionalism is an invasive cancer that must be resolutely, absolutely and lethally destroyed!

By Stanley Collymore

The exceedingly offensive but distinctly delusional concept of white Caucasian exceptionalism, which is preposterously and cheerfully entertained by numerous whites throughout the west and on both sides of the Atlantic, is in my opinion long past its sell-by-date expiration and, frankly, must be permanently got rid of by any and all means possible.

In the wake of the FBI’s dictatorial and patronizing ultimatum to the Caribbean Football Associations to instantaneously attend an FBI organized, orchestrated and exclusively American run Star Chamber Court Inquisition relative to alleged corruption, payments of bribes and kick-backs to and additionally money laundering activities by members of FIFA’s Executive Committee as well as other very senior officials of football’s world governing body, the said Caribbean football associations ought to, in my uncompromising view, unhesitatingly and bluntly tell these arrogant, full of themselves, idiotic and sanctimoniously self-serving FBI cunts to “Go Fuck Themselves!”

To start with, the US has no jurisdiction of any kind over Caribbean FIFA officials, Caribbean football associations’ members or anyone else come to that, other than US soccer officials who are specifically United States officials either to FIFA or are themselves a part of the United States’ soccer federations, and then only in cases of any alleged wrongdoings on their part that illegally contravene US laws; and furthermore, the United States is the only place where its FBI has any legitimate jurisdiction and even so only in relation to known or discernible culpable acts of criminality committed within the scope of its lawful authority and control of power.

And what’s particularly and absolutely bloody ironic here is that the United States isn’t even a proper football playing country, and what’s played there is soccer NOT football; the latter term football in the US’s case exclusively reserved, in American parlance, for what’s basically a bastardization of what in Britain, parts of Europe and the rest of the conscious world, where the game is actively played there, is generally known and also universally accepted in its purest form as rugby.

So the real but never publicly articulated problem therefore, and for obvious reasons as I see it, is that unlike all the other major global organizations - from the IMF, World Bank, UNSC to IAEA - that the United States and its white Caucasian vassal states in effect control, doing so they haughtily and rather self-centredly assume as of right on their part since they likewise and instinctively perceive themselves as the Master Race, is that FIFA, as they’re very much aware, is the solitary, truly global organization not absolutely controlled by them, a troubling for them situation that they all would desperately like to see and have changed. And that’s precisely what this entire propagandistic and feigned-outraged farce is all about.

Exacerbated too, of course, by what England and the United States respectively saw as very lucrative bids to host the respective football world cups of 2018 and 2022, but which they were roundly rejected for with those successful bids going to other nations by the majority votes of the rest of the world, and to add significant insult to England and the US’s paranoid sense of injury, with one of those successful bids, the 2018 one, going to their earnestly fabricated and hyped enemy Russia. A rejection too far and that neither the smug bastards at the English FA nor their equivalents in the USA apparently can either countenance let alone willingly accept and, quite evidently, are still smarting from this severe rejection of them by the FIFA world body. Hence with their noses metaphorically out of joint compounded by what can only best be described as sour grapes on their part as the sore losers that that they are, both the English FA and their American equivalent contingents that like the spoilt brats they’re quite adept at being and moreover with a marked propensity for indefinitely holding petty grudges are noticeably out for revenge. Add to this that FIFA is about to decide on whether or not to kick their enfant terrible and bête noire Zionist-apartheid Israel out of that organization and all the pieces aptly fall into place to both publicly tarnish and blackmail FIFA, as well as to put considerable pressure on its President Sepp Blatter to quit his position and have him swiftly replaced by an Arab Jordanian, western front man and easily controlled stooge whose own football association, it is widely known, doesn’t even support him. But who actually cares, seeing that it’s their manufactured problem and no one else’s.

However my opinion is this, and I would imagine that a substantial majority of the rest of the world will agree with me on it that football is a world sport and rightly belongs to the entire world and not simply the white Caucasian-ruled west, and if these conceited racist fuckers don’t like that then they should go off and form their own soccer/football organization(s) akin to the American bastardization of the sport of rugby; similarly have the same teams playing each other not on merit but basically on who owns what franchise; no relegation or promotion in place or measures to ensure any such thing in this “sporting” racket of theirs that’s corrupt to the core and with all domestically-based competitions amazingly and quite ludicrously calling what they do a “World Series” when clearly there are no other countries involved but as routinely happens in this United States style world series it’s the one country – that is the USA – that is the only one involved. And having done so unconstrained and constructively allow the rest of the real world to get on with playing proper football while at the same time improving and advancing the game of football worldwide. Now how about that for unarguable progress; and not a Michel Platini or Greg Dyke in sight, eh? So Michel and Greg I’ll unreservedly and unrepentantly say this to both of you, as well as others who think like you; go ahead, do your fucking worst I say and not only promise to pull UEFA out of FIFA but actually do so!

Meanwhile, as far as England is concerned the English FA, David Cameron and all the other senseless morons that constitute the idiotic chattering classes of purblind assholes should remember that the UK, currently at least, is still legally one country yet has FOUR “national” football associations and as such four FIFA votes while, in marked contrast, Brazil that has won the world cup more times than England is ever likely to - and the same hypothesis can quite realistically be put forward for the rest of the other so-called football “home nations” comprising Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland – has just a single FIFA vote.

And simply going back to where I initially started from, for these US and FBI cunts to say that if these Caribbean football officials that the FBI has targeted don’t do as they’re told to and knee-jerk-like leg it off to the United States, as they’re commanded to and at the FBI’s bidding, to be Star-Chambered as the FBI self-importantly demands, then the said FBI, they’re additionally informed, will automatically assume guilt on their part; well let these American cunts deduce whatever they want is my response to that bullying diktat.

Even more curious though is the expedient timing of the FBI’s decidedly propagandistic and explicitly playing to the global public gallery raid, carried out on their exclusive behalf, by their Swiss stooges in Switzerland of all places - a country let’s face it with more fucking corruption and reeking skeletons in its own cupboards and, furthermore, for numerous generations than the vast majority of other countries on earth, other than maybe the said United States, Britain and the other European colonial powers; and with its manifestly fawning US corporate media tipped off, perfectly in place and conspicuously doing its orchestrated Hollywood act – the FBI I’m referring to – just before the FIFA Presidential Elections on Friday 29th May 2015, when Sepp Blatter who the US, English FA and UEFA want out of office in favour of their easy to manipulate Arab-Jordanian stooge Ali bin al-Hussein, whose very own football association, as I pointed out earlier, resolutely refuses to back him and is openly giving its unswerving support to Sepp Blatter, all reeks to high heaven assuredly.

Four more years for Sepp Blatter as President of FIFA that his delusionally exceptionalist and deeply paranoid critics can’t bear and so we have the FBI being brazenly employed in an attempt to stop this by being the attack Animal Farm Dogs to UEFA and the US Soccer Federation Pigs. And how come, you might well ask yourself, that the US’s FBI can investigate something that has nothing at all to do with it, the United States itself or any of the latter’s citizens and, moreover, to do so in Switzerland; but despite all that this very same FBI can’t do anything there about thieving bankers, multinational corporate money launderers or otherwise succeed in extraditing the film director and convicted child abuser Roman Polanski back to the United States and much less so, it would appear and significantly at home in the United States bring mass murderers and crimes against humanity perpetrators like ex President George W. Bush, Vice-President Dick Cheney, Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld along with other culpable US regime officials to book for their distinctly unmitigated criminal and heinous acts of premeditated barbarity.

So as I suggested to the officials of the respective Caribbean Football Associations they should in my honest opinion indefatigably, proudly and unapologetically so inform the FBI to: “Go fuck yourselves and simultaneously invite the English FA, US Federations and western media to do exactly the same.”

And from me personally, while unequivocally endorsing the above, I’d also like to say this to the FBI. If you really want to make yourself genuinely useful – an extremely difficult task for you I know if not so an entirely impossible one – and at the same embark on something that’s legal and within your own jurisdiction, why don’t you exert some energy and time constructively by endeavouring to and actually tracking down where the billions of US taxpayers’ dollars have euphemistically gone to – realistically simply disappeared to – in a multiplicity of military and other intentionally contrived Pentagon scams particularly in Iraq and Afghanistan and accordingly bring those who’re without doubt responsible for these gross and manifest acts of public office malfeasance, colossal thievery and unmatched corruption – to name just three items of criminality among the hundreds of others that there are – to justice?

But that simply won’t happen will it - Mr self-appointed and highly subjective, global policeman FBI? And not just because those who’re incontestably involved self-importantly see themselves and are also perceived by the FBI as “The Untouchables” – a situation not unrelated to how VIP and Establishment paedophiles are regarded in England – but also, and quite significantly in the process, because the FBI itself is utterly corrupt and rotten to the core and has always been so, even from its very inception. So nothing has changed in that regard then, I see!

I deliberately waited for the concluding result of the FIFA Presidential elections in Switzerland before I set about putting the finishing touches to this article; and not, I’d very much like to point out, because I either worried in the least about or, for that matter, doubted for a single moment what the final result would be, since I always anticipated not solely on some speculative notion of hope but effectively firm reality that Sepp Blatter would overwhelmingly win these elections. The maths, for one thing, that was itself very much interspersed with a pressing logic convincingly spoke for themselves and the injustice and utter dishonesty coupled with the profoundly bigoted, racist and white supremacist propagandistic campaign vituperatively waged by the erstwhile football duopoly solely comprised of white European Caucasians and their South American counterparts intermingled with an intermittent Mestizo element here and there and with both of these contingents obsequiously working not in the genuine interests of football itself but quite expressly on the distinctly crude, geo-political behalf of the new and especially football-ignorant, new boy on the block, the United States obsequiously supported, as is their expected remit, by the full western, corporate media; in addition to these former duopolies very own narcissistic self-absorption and exceedingly contemptible shenanigans to effectively regain their once massive and exclusive hold on world football, activities that were always going to fail and do so quite miserably for them.

And the more sensible among this western contingent probably knew deep down inside that they were on to a pretty good hiding; and that perhaps accounts for why they chose not to put up a white, western and Caucasian candidate to challenge Sepp Blatter preferring instead to plump for Ali Hussein who, as it conveniently happens, is the son of the despotic, Jordanian Bantustan ruler that the United States and its western vassal states in effect totally control as one of their central Middle Eastern stooges, and Ali like his father would have been ordered by his western handlers and accordingly, uncomplainingly and also robotically, have been expected by them to obviously have gone along with their every demand to play a comparable role as their groomed stooge and front man at FIFA, but with operational control of FIFA very much in the hands of the Americans ably assisted by and their compliant European vassals.

However, what these supercilious, self-centred, western and overwhelmingly white Caucasian bastards didn’t actually bargain for was the intensity of the staunch solidarity and unfaltering loyalty that would be voluntarily dispensed to Sepp Blatter by both the Asian and African Football Associations, and for whom Sepp Blatter had obviously done so much not only to give them a truly meaningful voice which they never beforehand had in world football or would ever have attained if the old, established and, by and large, fundamentally corrupt Europe/South America duopoly were still in place; and it’s a safe bet to say would have been instantly withdrawn from them if Ali Hussein, or any other western supported stooge for that matter, was essentially put in charge of FIFA and this unashamedly financially grasping duopoly spearheaded by the United States, who else, accordingly became the new masters of FIFA.

Thankfully that horrific nightmare dangerously stalking world football didn’t happen and hopefully it never will! So whatever sour grapes Michel Platini’s UEFA, Greg Dyke’s English FA, the Americans or the colonialist “Dagos” of South America have, that’s their inflicted problem; and therefore as far as I’m personally concerned they can all either individually or collectively, if they so prefer, angrily stick their sour grapes to the uppermost limits of that darkened orifice of theirs where the sun never shines.

Finally, David Cameron has the audacity to lambast Sepp Blatter as he sanctimoniously opines that all this alleged corruption and the rest of it occurred on Sepp Blatter’s watch and therefore Blatter should resign in the best interests of football. This coming from David Cameron and his ilk, not just simply in Britain and mainland Europe but similarly inside the United States that oversaw the Libor Scandal and other massive forms of corruption throughout the western financial world that are too numerous for me to mention here yet none of these completely odious and thieving bastards have ever been investigated by the police of the countries involved, and it’s comparatively easy to understand precisely why when one knows the full facts. And concentrating just on the UK alone David Cameron’s Conservative Party as well as several of his principal Cabinet Ministers and other senior MPs have benefited significantly from these massive frauds in personal constituency and Tory Party donations. And it’s the same story throughout the United States’ political arena and additionally so across the EU’s political landscape.

And the Conservative Party in the UK isn’t the only political organization deeply buried in this corrupt quagmire; the Labour Party is too. And I’m absolutely certain that there are some of you out there who don’t have convenient memories and can vividly recall Tony Blair forcing the Serious Financial Fraud Squad’s inquiry into kick backs and other forms of corruption between BaE Systems and Bantu Saudi to discontinue its investigation – in the national interest this later mass murdering cunt barefacedly and lyingly brazenly said at the time – and that wasn’t a one off as that sort of thing is still very much alive and kicking right the way through corporate Britain and additionally is vigorously encouraged and also politically supported by successive British regimes, government ministers and a plethora of influential parliamentarians. And consequently for David Cameron to risibly, if the matter wasn’t so serious, give the conspicuously dishonest impression that corruption is exclusively an African or Asian thing when clearly it’s fundamentally endemic throughout the whole of Britain, Europe, the west generally and the United States in particular is, in my opinion, utter bullshit to say the very least.

So bearing all that in mind, why don’t you David Cameron simply get off your fucking sanctimonious and downright hypocritical soapbox and move into the real world that the sane among us inhabit? And that evidently isn’t the Westminster bubble that you and your ilk ensconce yourselves in? We all know that most politicians are essentially congenital liars and furthermore that nothing will ever change that; but please David, and the same explicitly goes for your fellow and likeminded parliamentarians, don’t try to insult the intelligence of people like myself with your unadulterated crap, assuming in your rank stupidity that out here we’re all either brain dead or else totally wrapped up in our virtual reality world and either don’t know or care about what’s actually going on. Well at least here’s one such person that you should categorically rule out of this equation; myself!

In conclusion, English football, those who own the clubs, the management, coaches for the most part and the entire apparatus are all corrupt with money laundering a fundamental segment of this ongoing, crooked and debased chicanery; and when the English FA can literally instruct its appointed managers NOT to select too many BLACK players in any English national football team predominantly because having an albino-type skin complexion is considerably more important than having a team that’s based on meritocracy – distinctly ability, for the uneducated of you out there and of which they’re significant numbers of you I know – if significant numbers of that team will effectively turn out to be Black, why the fuck should I intelligently, British though I am, ever want to support the English Football Team or any of our so-called “home nations” teams in any imaginable way whatsoever? And you want to know something for free Greg Dyke and Co. – I FUCKING WELL DON’T!

FIFA corruption: Jack Warner (FULL) interview - BBC News

Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Muito Obrigado Fernanda!

By Stanley Collymore

To all those who already and gratefully know you as well
as others who’ve only just recently had the fortunate
pleasure of meeting you and were themselves
likewise and generously afforded that
selfsame opportunity of personally
getting to know you too, one
must truthfully say that in every conceivable way
you’re a most truly amazing person Fernanda;
and among your numerous and notably
praiseworthy characteristics deeply
embedded, it must be honestly
said, in this remarkably
impressive assemblage of highly commendable
acclamations spontaneously and quite deservingly
showered upon you and, significantly, not at
all in the very least difficult to understand
why or jointly find, that compassion,
selflessness and the instinctive and
caring attribute you possess for
helping others readily come
to mind. And for which I
personally would very
much like to sincerely
say: “Muito obrigado
minha querida

© Stanley V. Collymore
19 May 2015.

Author’s Remarks:
Many ordinary members of the general public would I imagine, comfortably concur that one of the greatest misnomers in contemporary English is the oft-used and exceedingly dishonest terminology Customer Service that in practical terms typically means very little at all or else takes no serious regard, either from an empathetic perspective or in any other sense for that matter, of customers as relevant people or their interests generally as important matters desirous of genuine concern let alone are earnestly regarded as issues demanding satisfactory conclusions to what sparked whatever unfortunate matter occurred in the first place; as well as nothing that in the remotest sense of the etymological definition of the term service has any direct bearing whatsoever or material relevance to that word.

States of affairs that ordinary shoppers and customers across our country, the UK, have rather stoically conditioned themselves to and, in the usual course of events, either unquestioningly or else left unchallenged tend to acknowledge.

So effectively to startlingly come across someone who is so entirely the opposite of all these things and, what’s more, is diametrically opposed herself to this appallingly flawed notion of Customer Service and in fact vigorously goes out of her way at every turn to remedy it is truthfully remarkable indeed, and consequently needs to be unreservedly celebrated. Hence this poem in appreciative tribute to one such individual doing her level best not only to buck what’s undeniably a tarnished system and authentically deliver what she’s actually employed to do, but is equally enthusiastically prepared to go that extra distance to ensure that even if the customer isn’t always right they nevertheless do have rights! And to that end: “Muito Obrigado Fernanda!” – Many Thanks Fernanda!

Saturday, 16 May 2015

Scottish National Anthem Lyrics

Arise, New Scotland! Your Time Has Come.

By Stanley Collymore

Determination garlanded with basic commonsense
and an acutely perceptive awareness of what
you want for your beloved country,
Scotland; redeemable and conspicuously
praiseworthy characteristics that are
themselves encased in a strikingly
compassionate and fulsomely
appreciative understanding
of the genuine and quite
deserving needs
of ordinary

Indispensible requisites of true
leadership qualities that you, Nicola
Sturgeon possess in lavish abundance
and were formulated in the stark,
markedly and demonstrably
unforgiving cauldron of
reality and afterwards
fashioned into tangible
form by the decisive
hammer blows of
conceived of

For your vision, Nicola is Scotland’s future; and
not even the most concerted and dinosaurian
approach to the contrary, liberally fanned
by vitriolic short-sightedness and hate
can ever neutralize or negate the
inevitable: New Scotland’s
emergence as a vibrant,
socially-caring, conspicuously
and, significantly too, a
fully sovereign and

One that’s very much in lieu of the customarily
oft-forgotten and vassal entity that for far
too long has consistently been the
case in living memory. An
absolute disgrace,
but all the same one that the ruling, privileged
Etonians and their like-minded Westminster
ilk would none the less very much like
for this terribly demeaning and
illegitimate status quo to
permanently remain. But by
the grace of God and true
Scottish endeavour –
Never! And most
categorically not
in Scotland’s

© Stanley V. Collymore
16 May 2015.

Author’s comments:
Using the analogy of human liaisons as a yardstick here, billions of people globally routinely indulge in a plethora of relationships of a strictly personal nature that can and invariably do vary both in character and their intensity some of which are distinctly coerced, in which case the actual participants are either culturally or societally literally compelled to behave as they’re told or expected to and accordingly meekly acquiesce to the demands made on them – forced, dynastic and royal engagements-cum-marriages readily come to mind in such cases; while on the other hand there’s a multiplicity of other private relationships that are themselves and to varying degrees voluntarily engaged in for a diversity of personal reasons.

But whether these relationships are either freely or coercively embarked upon it doesn’t necessarily follow that because they happened that all, or even a significant number of them, are what one might proverbially classify as matches made in Heaven or, for that matter, that even if they were initially and perhaps genuinely assumed by all concerned that that was the case that that sincere assumption would continue to stay unaffected and would necessarily remain so; or that the status quo ante would both satisfactorily and enduringly stay constant and perpetually in place for those who’re directly involved.

That’s why divorces were conceived in the first place and therefore naturally, and completely understandably, legally formalized to sensibly and practically enable as well as to ensure that all those who felt themselves either physically trapped, personally unfulfilled, unexpectedly and rather despairingly plunged into intellectual stagnation or perhaps enforced penury as a direct consequence of their involvement in such a relationship, especially if this occurrence essentially came about though no fault of theirs, and at the same time are haplessly forced to witness their once expectant aspirations and spirited ambitions, when their physical union was joyously and optimistically constructed and confidently celebrated, now alas despondently wither away and, in the process, with them virtually powerless to successfully influence far less remedy the tangled situation they’re now in and badly want to be rid of; not unnaturally, given those aforesaid circumstances, generally opt to have that said union legally dissolved.

A state of affairs neither wholly nor even exclusively restricted just to married couples or those in conventional partnership arrangements who opt to separate when the going either gets tough or the relationship itself is no longer beneficial or realistic in any meaningful sense. And it’s not just human beings that indulge in such conduct, businesses and even major corporate entities do the same, as indeed countries – the former Czechoslovakia, unitary Sudan and the federation of Malaysia and Singapore being just three examples of several more; so why not Scotland relative to its unitary situation with the rest of the United Kingdom if that is the unquestionable desire of the Scottish nation? Which is exactly what Scotland is in its own right!

And all the makeshift, completely dishonest and disingenuously lame excuses being mooted by the privileged, and totally out of touch with reality, Westminster brigade and their self-serving ilk are as I see it just that. Justification for them to vaingloriously continue to strut around, albeit obsequiously on the United States’ behalf, as if Britain were still an imperialistic power that had any real influence, as it once did, in this world. Additionally too for the United Kingdom as it is presently to carry on having a permanent seat in the post World War II created, unrepresentative, manifestly unaccountable, except to its constituent member states, and so-called United Nations Security Council.

A presence that neither Britain nor France would have if the UNSC were truly constituted on authentic democratic principles rather than post World War II conveniences; and were Scotland to vacate the United Kingdom, and those ensconced in their Westminster bubble know this perfectly well, the practicability of a rump Britannia, rationally untenable as it already is with a full United Kingdom in situ, would immediately, and globally as well, become even more unsustainable and unpardonable with Scotland’s exit from the United Kingdom; and of course that’s exactly the very last thing in this world that the imperialist and colonialist cliques in their overwhelmingly phobic and unquestionable delusional state of white supremacist exceptionalism throughout Westminster and across England per se would ever want.

So English leaders having Scotland stay in the United Kingdom has everything to do with global pretence on their part and bugger all to do with the genuine and pressing needs of the Scottish people or their beloved Scotland. And all the publicly aired blandishments of David Cameron, his Conservatives and every leader of the other political parties south of the Scottish border are not only false promises but likewise can be equated to the actions of a serial adulterer who thinks that spouting fancy words, offering to change their mode of behaviour, when privately they have not the slightest intention of doing so, and conning their spouse or partner to stay in a physically bruising or psychologically harmful relationship through the bribery of unexpected gifts whenever that spouse or partner looks set to leave, is plausibly more of what Scotland and its people, in my opinion, can expect if they opt to carry on staying in the United Kingdom.

Friday, 15 May 2015

Tribute to a truly iconic figure and musical legend B.B. King

By Stanley Collymore

Tremendous thanks B.B. King for your massive contribution to Black music generally and the Blues in particular. And as you depart this world at the end of a very productive and thoroughly rewarding life and, additionally, from an earthly audience hugely grateful and affectionately appreciative for all the immense pleasure and creative entertainment you’ve recurrently brought us from that amazingly genius musical repertoire of yours, I’m absolutely certain that our sad loss will be a phenomenal gain for that truly fortunate, and deservingly so, Celestial audience awaiting your celebrated arrival into their midst in the next world and, in the process, doing so with immeasurable anticipation and enormous joy.

So God bless, Great one; eternal rest and peace to you! And, once again, my personal thanks to you together with my unremitting gratitude as well for everything you did and honourably represented in relation to this truly great race of ours to which you always proudly belonged, as well as the rest of human kind that recognized your genius and warmly took you into their hearts.

Finally, B.B. King, my deepest and sincerest condolences to your surviving family members, closest friends and work colleagues at this moment in time and in their quite understandable, and empathetically shared by the rest of us who loved you and always will, occasion of grief.

Farewell my Good Man, as Guardian Angels devotedly escort you to your Heavenly Home!

B B King at his best

Saturday, 9 May 2015

Criminals by virtue of being Black!

By Stanley Collymore

To start with a four, five or six year old school child is NOT a student but a pupil! Student, as anyone with anything of note between their ears knows, is a terminology used principally for persons studying in tertiary, postgraduate, adult extracurricular education and, occasionally, the top end of secondary education; usually with sixth formers to differentiate between them and the other pupils at their school, as well as to give them a status above that of others in lower forms at that said school, and is NEVER a term normally or sensibly used either for primary age school children or those attending kindergarten, playschool or nursery for that matter.

And therefore the deliberate use of the term student in the cases of the 5 year old girl in Florida, still at kindergarten as it happened, the 6 year old one in Georgia, and now the 5 year old boy in New York, the latest of many such cases on record, are simply in my objective view deliberate and concerted attempts at wilful acts of disinformation and also cynical efforts by those directly as well as indirectly involved at seeking to justify what are in effect the indefensible, the clearly unconscionable and the patently debased.

And when juxtaposed with the way that these kids are disdainfully portrayed in the mainstream western media deeply involved in this deliberate character-assassination-type, racist reporting as if these youngsters were hardened adult criminals rather than the very young, impressionable, terribly vulnerable and easily traumatized young kids that they actually are, and who were either having a ghastly off-day – which all kids as well as purported “adults” not infrequently do – or else discernibly special needs kids requiring medical and or other expert assistance instead of the punitive law enforcement confrontation, arrest and humiliation packages summarily dished out to them by their school and law enforcement authorities, then in the manifestly obvious and quite bigotedly, callous and even cynical circumstances in which these unwarranted scenarios are themselves being publicly, disingenuously and orchestratedly played out, it then quite obviously becomes abundantly clear to me and all other right thinking persons what the real problem is; and believe you me, it has nothing whatsoever to do with the characteristically natural behaviour of most everyday kids across any society or country in the course of any daily situation.

So why then, for instance, is the despicably debased and utterly humiliating treatment meted out to these primary, elementary and kindergarten kids – and their school statuses cannot in the least be emphasized enough or ever in any way overstated I honestly feel –standard practice for their conspicuously irregular, in the eyes of any sane, intelligent or caring human being that is, and markedly too the additional and concerted traumatisation of what is certainly and conspicuously without doubt distinctly vulnerable youngsters, considered as normal behaviour by some adults and therefore regarded and significantly so treated as rather commonplace; and as such markedly in contrast from the manner in which in the most fittingly civilized, conscionable, humane and professional manner they ought obviously to have been otherwise and automatically treated and furthermore had offered to them as a matter of course the professional help they required and in actuality were entitled to, they evidently were not?

Situations that additionally should have been properly reinforced to make absolutely sure that all such treatment which was required by these youngsters was explicitly outlined to those looking after them and with the further guaranteed assurance categorically made sure that those of them who were profoundly in need of such treatment got all the requisite medical, child welfare and other specialist assistance that they were desperately and urgently in need of.

Instead nothing of the kind was ever contemplated let alone allowed to occur, but in its place an absolutely abhorrent situation was intentionally and perfidiously created where at an age that in every civilized country globally is significantly regarded and rightly so fully accepted by every sane and intelligent person and legislatively instituted as well below the legally stipulated and recognized criminal age of responsibility, we were nevertheless obscenely presented with the absolutely despicable spectacle of five and six year old kids, who themselves are yet to reach the age of puberty as they’re still very young children both physically and psychologically, being compulsorily arrested by brawny male, adult cops, publicly handcuffed and even shackled in leg irons in front of other kids of their own age, while these obtuse morons and their like-minded racist, teacher-counterparts that summoned these dim-witted cops in the first place collectively and asininely want to convince you and the rest of the world that these youngsters being treated in this manner were so dangerous to everyone around them and in sight, and so enormously and irreconcilably out of control, that these absolutely contemptible methods of physical constraint  irresponsibly deployed against them were crucially essential.

And all this accompanied by these kids being dragged off screaming, desperately scared out of their lives and, to add insult to injury, unceremoniously shoved into police vehicles in which they were then transported without the presence of either their parents, guardians or the benefit of legal representation of any kind or any endeavour whatsoever by the bigots concerned to address these imperative anomalies; preferring instead to essentially pay scant or no regard at all to the observable illegality of their actions together with the indispensible requirement that sensibly and necessarily demanded that responsible adults, bearing very much in mind the tender ages of the children involved and that lawfully they were minors, should have been promptly summoned to the police station(s) to which these children were physically and in an arrest state taken.

However, none of this happened; but what did occur was that these kids were absurdly charged, and once more without their parents or any perspective legal representative being present or else suggested to them, since it wasn’t seen as necessary or fitting to involve such persons in any way on the behalf of these youngsters, preposterously with a plethora of criminal offences that would undoubtedly have made the most hardened and recidivist adult criminal completely dumbstruck in sheer amazement, as the only fitting means to subdue and deal with these children.

What absolute lunacy! And furthermore for a school principal in such bizarre circumstances to then press criminal charges of personal assault as well as damage to school property against a 6 year old child that she asserts during that child’s tantrum knocked over a shelf that this principal ridiculously claimed struck her on the leg, never mind that no bruises nor other signs of physical damage were shown as evidence of this to the police by this utterly demented principal, and that this supposed damage to herself – the principal I’m referring to  – was aggravated by this 6 year old girl damaging school property: basically the dislodgement of a portable classroom shelf, the typical sort that many of us, I’m perfectly sure, have as non-fixed-down ornamental fixtures in our respective homes – manifestly just goes to show how goddamned sick and also endemically racist significant numbers of whites in the US still are in this 21st Century that we’re supposedly living in and predominantly so as well against Blacks, regardless of who or how young they are!

But even more mindboggling than the risible but nevertheless totally perfidious folly on the part of this school principal was the fact that the cops actually took all of this most seriously and went ahead with processing these ludicrous charges. Which conspicuously begs the rather fundamental and quite pertinent question! Don’t any of these people have kids of their own? And what’s more have they when they were growing up or in the case of their own kids, grandkids, those of family members or friends of theirs never have, previously had or at any time whatsoever in their lives ever participated in such conduct themselves, or otherwise personally witnessed or known first hand of these other aforementioned kids throwing tantrums of their own; or is this, in their sick minds, a phenomenon that’s supposedly only a Black thing? Brought on and innately reinforced no doubt by the equally sick and loathsome perception by these people that as a Black person, no matter how old or very young you are, you’re doubtlessly unquestionably and perceptibly at all times an existential threat to every white person.

Consequently every member of the Black race, and that unavoidably includes even the youngest of children, MUST be systematically criminalized at the earliest opportunity possible, and simply for being BLACK! Conversely we all know perfectly well that if these children were white none of this would ever have occurred and in response all effective means would most definitely have been thoroughly explored, found and immediately employed in the earnest endeavour to properly understand what that white child’s problem was and furthermore how best to constructively deal with. And one has honestly and quite seriously got to ask one’s self what sort of a world is it that we’re living in when white so-called adults in what’s allegedly one of the world’s foremost, and quite braggingly so, developed countries can’t practically and empathetically deal with decidedly very young children that aren’t even yet in their puberty, let’s not forget, and really do think that irrationally criminalizing them is the only viable solution to the deeply entrenched stupidity and crushing incompetence of those who absurdly behave in this manner.

And all the lame excuses being proffered for these despicable actions are just that! For if it were YOUR blonde hair and blue-eyed, darling girl child or grandchild who was treated in the bloody awful way you would most certainly have or find a different perspective relative to this matter; and of that I’m absolutely sure!

Additionally and in closing I’d like to draw your attention to the actions of Norwegian terrorist Anders Breivik, although you never refer to him as one, however were he a member of any other racial group you most certainly would have done so though, who slaughtered several of his own countrymen; and along with his mass murdering ways those also deliberately carried out by the German pilot Anders Lubitz who premeditatedly crashed his passenger plane into the mountain side of the Alps promptly killing himself and all the passengers and crew who were on board that particular plane. And in the process of my doing so, I’d also like to point out that both these men got far more sympathetic treatment in the western corporate media than has been accorded at any time since their individual stories broke, or ever will do so, to the Black and very underage kids, that were either in kindergarten, primary or elementary school, that on one of their bad off-days or else because they’re obviously special needs children with unquestionably serious medical or psychological problems and are therefore in need of professional help, throw a tantrum; which is precisely what it would immediately have been designated and labelled as if that particular child who was behaving in a similar fashion within the classroom, or anywhere else come to that, was white. Not so, however, when the offending child is Black.

I touched on the empathetic treatment that Anders Breivik and Andreas Lubitz have received and still continue to get in the western mainstream, corporate media. And there is only one reason for this, which I know and so do all of you whether you’re reading this article or not; and that reason is primarily, and even exclusively so as well, because they’re both white! And having established that fact, my forthright and honest proposition to you is this, that you go and personally deal with that in addition to your fucking consciences relative to how it is that exceedingly vulnerable and underage Black school kids can so easily be and routinely are mistreated in the United States that you idiotically, misguidedly and falsely hold up as some moral beacon of enlightenment – which it most definitely isn’t; that’s provided of course that you individually have a conscience to start with.

Saturday, 2 May 2015

Ben E King - Stand by me live-2007.avi

Tribute to Ben E. King

Rest in eternal peace my Black brother and thanks for all the joy you brought us during your stay here on earth. Farewell and God Bless!

WHERE'ER YOU WALK (Kenneth McKellar - tenor) by Handel.

VICE News interviews Kevin Moore, the man who filmed Freddie Gray's arrest

Man who recorded Freddy Gray being captured speaks out

Harebrained political dogma set against educational excellence!

By Stanley Collymore

I’ve been extremely fortunate and, furthermore, consciously exceedingly grateful as well that education in all its various forms has played a considerable role both as a student and significantly so as a practitioner too throughout my life. And passionate as I am about it I have always endeavoured to do my very best to ensure that I delivered, in whatever way I was able to, the very best in that specific regard which I could possibly deliver to others in my care.

However there are times, even with the best of intentions that one altruistically has both in mind and at heart, that the incredibly dumb activities and dogmatic posturing of others can and do make that specific undertaking a tremendously difficult and tedious one, causing a massive rethink on one’s part relative to the wisdom of carrying on against overwhelming and markedly destructive odds, or else after much soul-searching perceptively moving on to pastures green where the environment is incontestably far better and unconditionally affords one the distinct opportunity not only to practise one’s skills as they were supposed to be but also and quite fortunately additionally be put in a position to cheerfully deliver to one’s students, irrespective of whether they’re in their formative years, engaged in accompanying studies, tertiary, extra-curricular or adult education, the very best opportunities possible to appreciably explore, expand on and fully utilize their god-given talents and capabilities.

And that’s what I deliberately and, very much so, unapologetically did when I voluntarily quit the English Educational System whose purblind autocrats in charge of it had purposely and dogmatically commenced the rather appalling and, by and large, highly detrimental process of rigorously and concertedly dumbing-down our educational system and replacing it with one where admirable standards no longer counted for anything at all while, at the same time, most energetically encouraging and actually catering for the lowest common denominator that quite characteristically and asininely on the part of these ostensibly educational nerds became paramount to say the very least.

Therefore, my determinedly conscious and level-headed decision to leave Britain as a direct consequence of the aforementioned circumstances and moreover do so explicitly for educational venues that vigorously encouraged, markedly appreciated and diligently practised the same perceptions regarding education and its dispensation as concurred with my own, and not taken lightly on my part, is one which truthfully I’ve never regretted for a solitary moment, and furthermore would do it all over again if I had to!

That’s why when a booklet entitled “Vote for Education” and published by the British National Union of Teachers that previously I was an energetic member of when I taught in England, was discovered pushed through the letter box of my English home, I naturally decided to read what it had to say and on doing so was tremendously impressed, I must say, by its inspiring contents and distinctively so the forward written by Christine Blower, the NUT’s General Secretary that encapsulates my own views. And to that end I’ve chose to reproduce that forward in full here and heartily encourage you to read it thoroughly for yourself and then analytically judge where exactly it is that you want education, in the 21st century, to be heading for here in Britain. So here’s that forward that I promised you:

“Politicians should listen to parents and teachers. The 7 May general election will be a watershed for education in your community. We all have a golden opportunity to speak up for education. The NUT believes that every child and young person should be valued – that’s why we argue for action to tackle child poverty and to create a flexible and inclusive curriculum that’s accessible to every learner.

We [also] believe the role of teachers should be valued – that’s why we argue for teachers with the right qualifications in every classroom. We believe the vital links between parents, schools and communities should be valued – that’s why we [similarly] argue that local authorities should be responsible for schools; not a remote Secretary of State.

“The education policies set by the Westminster Government have a major impact on what happens in classrooms. Current policies are taking the education system in the wrong direction. Our manifesto makes recommendations for priorities and policies to benefit all children. [And] we are asking that the next government adopts them. Please show this manifesto to friends, colleagues and neighbours.”

Christine Blower, General Secretary.

The NUT’s petition can be accessed at:

In closing, and from me, well done Christine Blower! And all the very best!