
Wednesday 16 October 2024

The Windsors are no different from any other organized crime Mafia!

By Stanley Collymore    
Ask yourselves, if you're capable    
of thinking lucidly that is, why    
they truly call themselves    
the Firm, when effectively the head of them is    
hereditarily the Head of State of our country?    
Then ask yourself also, if any of them would    
simply voluntarily change from their lives of    
consummate privilege, and self-entitlement    
to go and literally live in the real world? And    
surely as night follows day, the true answer    
would be a big, emphatic no! These, largely    
inbred and simply intellectually challenged    
clowns literally get away with far too much    
in return for what they clearly questionably    
and quite minimally contribute back to the    
country. For starters they actually have far    
too much money which crucially is simply    
exclusively unearned; basically, clearly far    
too many luxury homes maintained at the    
taxpayers' expense, and the vast majority    
of these relatives are crucially personally    
workshy. I'm not jealous of them, as both    
my qualifications, and literally as well my    
personal income, have all been obviously    
rather assiduously, and actually provably    
earned through my own, distinctly innate    
and discernibly persevering, capabilities!    
And even having worked considerably    
outside of Britain, principally so in    
Germany educationally, I've still    
voluntarily contributed financially to the UK's    
income and specifically the NHS that I once    
worked in, as a nurse; and very unlike many    
of you rather gullible Nazi and distinctly far    
right morons I do quite proudly specifically    
regard, and obviously always will, and with    
current, outstandingly medical institutions    
like East Surrey Hospital with its distinctly    
Impeccable, all-round expertise, and aptly    
organizational skills crucially in vogue as    
one of England's, astutest inventions, our    
NHS! So tell me, quite truthfully, what the    
hell do we rather realistically need with a    
quite feudal mindset; criminal, hereditary    
and self-serving mafia family exclusively    
as the progenitors of our British Head of    
State; as evidently opposed to someone    
of genuine, meritocratic ability; in what's    
unquestionably a modern 21st Century?    
(C) Stanley V. Collymore    
14 October 2024.  

Author's Remarks:    
They're so unethical that they just don't really believe that any rules or laws apply to them, and what's so invidious in all of this is simply that the stupid monarchists very undoubtedly do let them get away with their rather odious behaviour through consistently making risible and pathetic excuses for their evidently quite perceived as feudal masters and mistresses!    
Meghan wore some expensive earrings given to her by the same Middle Eastern lot which routinely in the past and still to this day still shower Britain's monarchical lot with bribes; and most notably, but not exclusively so, we all know about Charles and his carrier bags literally filled with undeclared Middle Eastern cash, a state of affairs but not the only one that has conveniently been swept under the proverbial carpet. But although the earrings gifted to Meghan came from the very same sources that have customarily and basically still massively bribe this Windsor Mafia, it is undoubtedly solely Meghan's fault! Lol!    
But, of course, she is now a  rather convenient whipping horse to beat for all the Intellectually challenged hacks who need to put Meghan in every story, whether or not it has anything to actually do with her; quite pathetic really!  With failed and incompetent so-called doctors getting in on this financially lucrative act: equally so, purportedly as well body language experts, and trolls clearly from behind their keyboards. And it does beat me that British, American, Aussie and likewise Canadian women who are some of the most obese and ugly specimens on Planet Earth, even without their hideous tattoos, are invariably giving Meghan grief for being, according to them, an ugly woman. And is it why Aussie men intimately prefer their sheep and Foster's Beer to their Sheilas Please, take your blinkers off, or simply disprove my argument by posting a genuine photograph of yourselves on any of my sites.    
Yes there are unquestionably some beautiful women in Britain and I know this from rather personal experiences but there are far more totally obese and discernibly ugly ones; and as for the men jumping on this same odious bandwagon, do take a hard look at yourselves with your pathetic beer bellies before you take to criticising anyone, let alone Meghan.    
And if you really want to see quite genuinely beautiful women, take a trip over to Germany, where even in their pensionable age their women look quite alluring!    
Take a tip from me the lot of you, have your feudal monarchy if that's what you want but though I'm British and more so than many of you clowns claiming to be quintessential Brits and proselytising yourselves as such, your wanting a monarchy and even craving for a return of your pathetic sovereignty over people who frankly couldn't give a shit what you toxically verminous scum think, take my advice and endeavour, hard as it is, to actually get a life! Instead of allowing yourselves to be used by the Windsors and the MSM, notably so the Daily Mail as clickbait; writing the same shit repeatedly under multiple pseudonyms. As if folk like me don't detect that! Get real!

This is why the acquisitive rich stay rich!

By Stanley Collymore  
Nothing lasts forever and really it's  
about time that the Windsors'  
reign ended; and not just  
in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Bermuda,  
the Bahamas, St. Lucia and similarly too the  
Turks and Caicos Islands; likewise Jamaica  
in addition literally, to Antigua and Barbuda  
St. Vincent and fittingly the Grenadines the  
Virgin Islands and the UK itself! Discernibly  
so, as these purported royals have actually  
milked the taxpayers dry long enough; and  
actually, simply with their unearned wealth  
because of who they quite purportedly are,  
are undeniably multi-billionaires. And most  
truly, quite exasperatingly in addition to all  
that inherited income, obviously on which,  
unlike everyone else, they crucially pay no  
inheritance tax; effectively rather routinely  
taking the biscuit euphemistically literally,  
as they've all been simply unquestionably  
so virtually invisible to the public recently  
yet the Crown Estates income which they  
have full jurisdiction, and distinct control  
over while having the constitutional right  
to determine how much tax they actually  
pay, which invariably, is quite literally the  
actual absolute minimum which they do  
care to pay have rather discernibly more  
than doubled their income this very year.  
Yet for all that the British government  
has found it necessary to give the  
current monarch an extra £45  
million Pounds of taxpayer’s money. However  
in spite of all that, Windsor Castle, obviously  
owned and equally exclusively controlled by  
the reigning monarch, basically in this case  
Charles Windsor; literally significantly in an  
advertisement rather recently for a cleaner  
is very distinctively offering the successful  
candidate a yearly income obviously much  
lower, than the obligatory, and compulsory  
minimum wage which evidently is now the  
standard norm, within the United Kingdom.  
(C) Stanley V. Collymore  
14 October 2024.

Author's Remarks:  
And there are actually numerous monarchical sycophants hounding and vitriolically as well abusing those who rightly condemn this vile and odiously exploitative state of affairs; and in so doing asininely claiming that whoever in essence gets the job will be valiantly serving the interests of the United Kingdom - beats me that one, as I cannot see how in any real and sensible fashion it does -  and distinctly also its undoubtedly a  huge feather in the successful candidate's cap to be working for the country's hereditary monarchy and will as well open doors, otherwise closed to them, quite spontaneously.  
Ah well, I suppose so if you're stuck in a kind of 15th Century feudal system and much too ignorant and fatuously sycophantic to actually realize that this is distinctively unquestionably the 21st Century!

Sunday 13 October 2024

How dare a Prime Minister decide which pictures he wants in his home and office!

By Stanley Collymore

What PM Keir Starmer is doing is
not erasing history but simply
remembering it for what it
actually was! And in effect, you racists and
empire loyalists are the actual ones trying
to erase history, or distinctly rewrite it by
simply trying to either basically ignore it
because it undoubtedly clearly irks your
racist sensitivities quite unquestionably
of what Gladstone crucially undeniably
was: quite evidently, a central figure to
his father's, own slave trade, activities.
Or really in addition to that purposely
distort his own clear actions, towards
slavery. Obviously Gladstone wasn't a
champion for freeing slaves since his
primary focus was compensation for
the owners of slaves, a situation that
all, subsequent British governments,
effectively, and very happily carried
on very instinctively paying to these
slave-owners' multiple descendants,
until 2016; while actually during all
of this clearly the slaves themselves
nor their families, and descendants,
evidently and actually categorically
undeniably, got absolutely nothing!

And while you ignorant, as well as
poorly informed mother fuckers
were/are happy for that to be
the case, even although such beneficiaries
like David Cameron, his wife, and equally
others simply like Benedict Cumberbatch
among multiple others evidently weren't
born at the time, and didn't actually own
slaves, but are basically the descendants
of slave owners; cunts like you are up in
arms undeniably, whenever the issue of
rectifying this rather odious travesty, of
racist injustice, is commendably raised!
Gladstone discernibly, actually used his
father's slavery connection and equally
political relationships to become Prime
Minister and effectively benefit Britain
at the obvious, and really dire expense
of Africans, Indians and actually other
indigenous peoples, quite distinctively
like the discernibly genocidally, vastly
reduced indigenous peoples evidently
like the Aborigines, Maoris, obviously
the Caribs, and similarly also the now
essentially made extinct, at the hands
literally of Europeans the Arawaks of
the West Indies just as very distinctly
so, the Tasmanian Aborigines too did
meet their fate. And not forgetting of
course the indigenous inhabitants of
the continent simply unquestionably
and quite arbitrarily renamed North
America. So I'll candidly suggest you
get hold of some truly reliable books
on these distinctively, quite relevant
subject matters and actually start by
reading them, and not self-evidently
as is your wont customarily literally
endear yourselves to your historical
discernibly, revisionist propaganda!

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
13 October 2024.

Author's Remarks:
Perhaps you dim-witted, brainwashed, quite totally braindead, gullible and distinctivelyintellectually challenged morons would very much in addition to the unquestionably so, totally odious and toxically verminous scum you hail as heroes, like similarly as well to have No.10 liberally adorn with portraits of Adolf Hitler, Josef Goebbels, Oswald Moseley, Marshal Philippe Peton, Benito Mussolini, members of the Windsors who collaborated with the Third Reich; other members of the British hierarchical elite, likewise also the Blackshirts, avid members of Das Britische Freikorps Waffen SS and similarly also their Ukrainian counterparts, and quite obviously not forgetting of course, the then owner and essentially the staffers and hacks of the Daily Mail!  

No matter how much you cunts yearn for it the British Empire isn't coming back and in case you didn't know the descendants today of those enslaved Blacks and  evidently other non-white know what you did to their own flesh and blood ancestors, are themselves not as docile as their forebears were and as such are quite ready to take you on if you, keyboard warriors, cowardly as fuck, start any shit. So you can't win! So go get yourself a meaningful life, assuming of course that you actually know how to do so. Since all of the accusations you level at us are in effect discernibly reflections of your own pathetic lives; which you can't face up to and so very readily transpose onto others you distinctly and delusionally hate.

What's the difference of Germans not born during World 2 and  thus consequently had no part in it, compulsorily onglingly paying compensation evidently quite exclusively to the Zionist Yid relatives of those who rather supposedly died in Nazi death camps, some of them also receiving compensation simply because their ancestors were obliged to give up keeping slaves in the Caribbean, and as well excessively get this money invariably too in association with the discernibly large amounts undoubtedly of Weidergutmachen Compensation, given only to their kind, yet no Gypsies, so-called Rhineland Niggers or any other victims, their families or offspring get nothing; just like the slaves their children or their descendants? You don't have to have a Mensa IQ to work that one out!

And just imagine the furore there would be if any German government changed the law and allowed statues, portraits and the like of Adolf Hitler, Josef Goebbels and other rather prominent Nazis to be erected and put very openly on display inside Germany.  And it's quite clear from where and from whom all this fucking vitriolic condemnation would undoubtedly come from - BRITAIN! Quite infested with a bunch of kiss-me-ass and delusionally demented morons!

Tuesday 8 October 2024

There were Blacks in Britain long before the Angles or Saxons ever set foot here!

By Stanley Collymore

Most whites in Britain, essentially  
delusionally, see themselves as
Anglo Saxons when obviously
essentially they simply aren't, and even
when simply misguidedly and basically
clearly ignorantly, obviously assuming
the Angles and Saxons were actually
just one people; when, self-evidently
they simply and undeniably weren't
but were undoubtedly two separate
and also quite disparate tribes who
although Germanic in origin, were
undeniably diametrically opposed
and actually hostile to each other.
Arriving in eastern England quite
variously so and very specifically
after the Roman's had effectively
left England in 450 AD! However
with the conquest of England by
the Normans in 1066; obviously
England essentially came under
new governance actually by the
Normans rather distinctively in
that process, forcing the Angles
and Saxons to quite discernibly
in proverbial terms literally bury
the hatchet rather conveniently
between themselves. French in
essence did become the ruling
language and while in parts of
the country a crude, Germanic
patois and rather arguably the
quite perceived forerunner of
English was spoken, French in
effect was the ruling language
and the origin of the language
now known as English simply
began in the 15th Century. In
actuality just under 600 years
ago! So, because of England
and UK's crucially, barbarous
colonialism, naturally gained
global notoriety! So distinctly
please stop, simply shouting
through your dimwitted asses,
that distinctly, because you're
white, you're quite indigenous
to these British shores as you
essentially are not! European
pogroms, Nazi, World War II,
escapees and the list literally
of you, very ungrateful scum
that either your ancestors, or
yourselves, were undeniably
distinctively given sanctuary
in Britain when you actually
most needed it and crucially
no one else cared are really
the most odiously toxic very
verminous rather vitriolically
condemnatorily, vilely racist
odious, xenophobic scum to  
infest, not just simply Britain
but undeniably so wherever
on Planet Earth you literally
and obviously, odiously go!

Advertisements are obviously
essentially about aspirations
and how best, to encourage
them! Women, specifically, want to look
good and smell good, and therefore the
advert is simply enticing them to do so
by essentially saying, buy our product
and you too, could discernibly, be like
this; even though crucially, very deep
down inside, these women and other
potential buyers, simply know if they
basically have a functioning brain in
their head, that it's all really a myth!
So what's the problem here, with all
you racists, living literally cowardly
in your serious state of racist denial
as if sensible people, didn't know! A
quite genuinely portrayed state of a
mixed race marriage that really got
your racist asses in a spin; and that
evidently simply, has nothing really
to do with the product itself; which
Heinz or any other company come
to that, is simply producing, selling
or promoting! And unquestionably
quite firmly put by me, if obviously
that's simply your fucking problem,
then actually keep it to yourselves,
share it with like-minded cunts, or
preferably very urgently seek and
obtain psychiatric help as actually
you're in dire need of it! Basically
if I personally, essentially want to
buy something that rather clearly
is appealing to me and I think the
price is a really good offer, I don't
fundamentally care, if the models
and actors, in the advertisements
are evidently: Black, Pink, Brown
or undoubtedly, vividly, Sky Blue!

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
8 October 2024.

Author's Remarks:
Who the fuck with a functioning brain, or even a brain itself, purposely switches on their television set or any actually similar transmitting device simply to watch ads of any kind and then vociferously complain that there were clearly no advertisements with people like themselves in these ads? Do the Australian, NZ, Canadian and American TV channels show ads featuring principally indigenous peoples of those countries that were genocidally taken from them? Literally not the case. And why should they when in effect now other people are living in these said countries who the advertisers want and need to target. And I'll bet you that many of these mother fuckers, bastards galore, racist Karens, Kevins, and Gammons with actually known kin in Australia don't complain when they go there and see almost exclusively that their advertisements are rather undoubtedly and simply wholeheartedly white Caucasian oriented.

Britain isn't now and never was a basically all exclusive white Caucasian country with an indigenous population like Australia, NZ and North America. And for the benefit of you intellectually challenged, braindead and dim-witted gullible assholes; thoroughly unquestionably the very first settlers in what's now known as Britain, after the island emerged from the ice age were from Africa, don't just take my word for it, go check it out, and as the very oldest discovered skeleton in Britain plainly shows. And actually go check too, who the actual Romans were. Ever heard about who the Nubian elements of the Roman forces were, or the numbers of Blacks across Britain in the Elizabethan period? There are many similar instances I could draw to your attention but prefer to let you illiterate and evidently uneducated prats search them out for yourselves.

In marked contrast many whites in the UK, including the genuinely few of Anglo and Saxon stock, are immigrant descendants. The primarily Nubian Romans were in Britain for nigh on 500 years and brought many innovative and productive developments to Britain. They left voluntarily in AD 409. The first Angles and Saxons, separately as two very distinctly Germanic tribes, first arrived in England, nowhere else across Britain, in AD 449. Hardly what one can call as being indigenous to Britain! And their merger only became a reality in the 15th Century and very much so because of the presence of the actual presence of the Normans, who quite clearly and effectively controlled ALL of England! And while they didn't invade Scotland they nevertheless had a profound effect on that country, evidently culturally and through the clearly and quite effectively, feudal system they introduced into Britain!

Most whites in Britain therefore and quite specifically in England are very immigrant descended: Danes, Jutes, Normans, Angles Saxons, Huguenots and the rest of them, a quite melting pot when you include all those let in from the centuries ongoing pogroms across Europe and of course similar detritus from World War 2, whose offspring like Tom Bauer, literally proselytising himself as the most quintessential of Englishmen under his changed name as Tom Bower, very equally so Nigel Farage, distinctively French and Germany ancestry, and Boris Kemalalias Johnson born in the USA of Turkish ancestry with his own grandfather having been the principal advisor to the Ottoman Emperor that clearly advised the latter to attack Britain on behalf of Germany in World War 1, but his grandson, an immigrant to the UK, did in effect become its Prime Minister. Yet you crass bastards, many of whom don't even know who your real biological fathers or even mothers are, hence the obsession with and popularity of Long Lost Families have the bloody nerve and audacity to denounce people who don't look like you, but whose ancestors and even themselves through their own blood sweat and tears, along with their plundered wealth made Britain what it became.

Check out while you're at it the altruism of 1 million Indian Armed Forces, the same total from Africa, hundreds of thousands of Afro-Caribbean Armed Forces also, and whose people: Barbadians, Trinidadians and Tobagans, likewise Guianese, Jamaicans and other CARICOM states members that quite actually voluntarily collected and paid for the construction of RAF planes in Britain while serving valiantly not only in the British Armed Forces but on the supply ships that ran the gauntlet of the lethal German U-Boats to bring much need food and supplies to a very besieged UK.

All this while the Daily Mail, quite equally so Oswald Moseley and his odious Black shirts, numerous members actually of the British white elites including several in the British hierarchical families and those evidently of the Windsor ones were all in bed with Das dritte Reich! While, of course, there was too Das Britische Freikorps comprised exclusive of white: Britons, Australians, Canadians and New Zealanders along also with their Irish counterparts, and who constituted their very own German Nazi controlled Waffen SS unit, similar to the ones comprising Afrikaans and Ukrainians. And all this going on when the USA stoically pro-German looked on and did nothing to help Britain, until quite belatedly when at the behest of Germany, Japan did attack Pearl Harbour and forced the hand of the USA to enter World War II, but made Britain pay through the nose for its rather questionable participation. A debt that the UK only managed to pay off in this first quarter of the 21st Century. No such actual demands for payment though from India, those participant African countries or my fellow Afro-Caribbeans, whose valiant and clearly altruistic contributions are obviously conveniently so forgotten and very much buried as surplus to requirements.

And now you mother-fucking assholes have the bloody gall, as the pseudo immigrants of the European detritus that you kiss me as well are, to get on your bloody high horse and claim that there are too many non-whites - I'm being polite here as those aren't the words you do use - in British advertisements. That Britain is a white man/ woman country and as such only whites should be in such ads. So bring on again the racist OXO type advertisements of the past! With no Niggers, Coons or Half-Castes in sight!

It's a shame the same consideration isn’t given to the history nonsense taught in British schools depicting all Blacks as slaves and pushing "European features" as the standard of beauty. How do you suppose little Black kids feel? They’ve been marginalized for years! And there are far more mixed race marriages than you care to imagine or actually want to accept. So take the blinkers off and accept reality.

Not every child in the UK is white and brought up as you want to delude yourselves as well in a supposedly, perceived traditional two parent family. In fact the norm now is very much to the contrary of the aforementioned! Very much I’d add to the contrary; and all you have to do is take a little time out and check or observe those with their prams and buggies on British streets and no wedding rings on their fingers. Equally, if you care to you can likewise check the official government and Civil service figures. Which clearly puts your racist and delusional nonsense where it legitimately and logically belongs, in the contemptible bin of racist delusional, muck spreading. And ask yourself this honest question, as I’m absolutely sure many of you are firmly ensconced my aforementioned criticisms, the fucking hypocrites that you are, why, as I’ve asked earlier in these remarks, do you think that Long Lost Families is not only necessary but similarly a vitally important and popular TV programme?

Monday 7 October 2024

Gary Lineker a genuine Brit and quite discernibly also, a man of high stature!

By Stanley Collymore
So there are some of you, effectively  
actually intellectually challenged,  
brainwashed and invariably  
braindead; also, as well, similarly and rather  
thoroughly gullible and toxically verminous  
scum; readily and simply easily led by your  
noses, and with others wholly in charge of  
that course of action, as you quite eagerly  
at their behest quite actively, jump on this  
evidently quite orchestrated, anti-BBC but  
specifically rather in this case, really Gary  
Lineker's bandwagon, very vilely churning  
out the distinctly identically, meaningless  
crap with quite pathetically and distinctly  
discernibly no noticeable variation, since  
you're rather incapable of any such thing  
that you're not obviously programmed to  
say, from within the really inner sanctum  
of your echo chamber as though anyone  
with a modicum of commonsense, clear  
integrity or a basically full knowledge of  
the real world rather divorced from your  
make belief and pernicious one, literally  
really cares or wastes precious time on  
what you're discernibly, self-pitying and  
undoubtedly, fatuously raving on about.  
Garry Lineker is a great guy who earned  
his place to fame, unlike you largely  
incompetent dole recipients  
garnering your plethora of bastards, which is  
hardly surprising, as is clearly, self-evidently  
the case, very specifically huge numbers of  
you truly, don't even know, who biologically  
brought you Into this world, as your mums  
rather freely and hurriedly gave you up, as  
soon as they'd really distinctively spewed  
you out of their wombs leaving others, or  
the state to literally rescue and take care  
of you. The more fortunate amongst you  
adopted or fostered the literal remainder  
brought up in care homes! Idiots galore;  
and like the easily led prats that you are  
having convinced yourselves, literally at  
the behest of others, that it's effectively  
the 18th Century, that you're essentially  
in and Britain still rules the waves. Very  
wrong morons; it's discernibly, the 21st  
one! And the world - owes you nothing!  
(C) Stanley V. Collymore  
6 October 2024. 
Author's Remarks:
I'll be succinct! Comparing yourselves to Gary Lineker is like an English village cricketer very well, effectively doing the same with the great Gary Sobers. And morally, something you very clearly have no cognisance of, is undoubtedly multiple degrees evidently below that of Gary Lineker. In essence truly like comparing a slug with Usain Bolt! Get where I'm coming from?  
As a Black, Afro-Caribbean Briton myself, I wholehearted support Garry Lineker in the very moralistic, sensible and intelligent actions and pursuits that he individually undertakes. In every respect a very intelligent and commendable human being; and if all white and purportedly British citizens, or subjects as most of you like to regard yourselves, were half the moralistic and truly altruistic individuals as Garry Lineker undoubtedly is; the country that you collectively infest with your discernibly pathetic, racist and embedded antiquated colonialist attitudes wouldn’t now be fraught with so many problems. Garry Lineker, myself and others who can and do think for ourselves because we have functioning brains that we use and allow us to do so, perceptibly and undoubtedly live in the 21st Century! Why don’t you try that approach yourselves, instead of asininely regarding yourselves as stalwart supporters of colonialist Britain? That state of affairs is long over, and no sensible person: Black, white, Asian or any other intelligent ethnic group is going to ever allow it to return, so why don’t you start growing up, assuming that you can, and get real lives!

Sunday 6 October 2024

Is the psychopathic narcissist, Elon Musk not an apartheid South African immigrant to the USA?

By Stanley Collymore

Hardly surprising then that this
racist an utterly self-control
and sociopathic moron
is backing a likeminded cretin Donald Drumpf!
An equally racist cretin, and similarly simply a
first generation American actually born in the
USA purely by accident when his yellow-belly
father, and his mother already pregnant with
him were both effectively kicked out of their
German state when Donald Drumpf senior -
the yellow-bellied cunt that he was - simply
cowardly - did all he could to avoid military
service in his own country's armed forces!
Spinning a quite woeful, but lying tale, and
with his wife heavily pregnant, and literally
really not wanting, to leave her country for
the USA, that she thoroughly disliked, was  
nevertheless effectively clearly pressured
into moving there, when her spouse's sob
story got them, their requisite entrance to
the USA, and where Donald Jnr was born.

A right prat and odious coward like his
own father who became an active
member of the Ku Klux Klan
on entering the USA, Donald Jr. followed dad
both on this path and similarly also militarily,
when he obviously quite successfully pulled
every stunt which he actually could to avoid
being essentially drafted, into any branch of
the USA Armed Forces! Hasn't stopped him,
however from effectively being distinctively
very obviously the most pretentious mother
fucking patriot, America has ever seen; and
to his obviously sick mind, seemingly more
so than basically, even George Washington  
himself! Since crucially this patently prized
cunt, Donald will most certainly defend the
USA, like the blatant coward that he still is,
to the very last drop basically of someone
else's blood, but never literally his own! As
will the vile apartheid shit-bag Elon Musk!

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
6 October 2024.

Author's Remarks:
Trust me!  Realistically Donald has no chance of winning. Basically, and likewise evidently as well decent Americans obviously despite him as well as his  discernibly, intellectually challenged, cult sycophants; as so-called and rather pathetic too MAGA, Donald's braindead followers are literally in essence nothing more than a truly despicable and delusional bunch of hard-core morons, who essentially infest with their presence the actual American population!

Prats who are diametrically opposed to as quite antithetical to the values that the USA was truly founded upon. So rest assured that significantly so decent Americans will never again allow this German pillock, Donald Drumpf aided and quite abetted by his pathetic apartheid South African compulsive attention seeker Elon Musk, to ever befoul the White House again!

So go on Kamala and Tim in conjunction with the plethora of decent Americans, and clearly show the USA and world what being actually decent politicians is all about. And specifically to the American people and specifically those that constitute the electorate, don't let this vile criminal Donald Drumpf, alias Trump, cynically use you to save his criminal ass from honestly being incarcerated in jail where he belongs, and for a very long time! So roll on Election Day!

Saturday 5 October 2024

Shouldn't the rent now being paid by Britain to Mauritius not have gone to the Chagossians?

By Stanley Collymore

The Chagossians were entirely
brutally and even distinctly
rather savagely, with all
their animals and domestic stock actually
obviously extensively and systematically
slaughtered in their presence while they
themselves were distinctive, specifically
and discernibly, collectively thoroughly
expelled, and also obviously invariably
at gunpoint rather wholesale removed
both from their homes, and homeland
and basically dumped, unconcernedly
callously and significantly uncaringly,
principally on the docks of Mauritius;
and evidently with no homes there to
go to after an evidently enforced, sea
journey, in Transatlantic Slave Trade
conditions basically, on those British
ships which transported them there.

And all this effectively at the behest
of the USA dictators dealing with
Britain, overtly stipulating as
irrefutable contempory records of these
conversations show; that in demanding
that Britain by evidently allowing their
country: the USA, to rather specifically
have a naval and military base placed
on Diego Garcia quite the very largest
of the Chagos Islands they essentially
irrefutably wanted too, for the rest of
the islands equally to be also actually
ethnically cleansed of what they very
vilely racially, in their delusional but
undoubtedly clearly arrogant master
race superiority regarded as inferior
Black Man Fridays! The USA, readily
got its way, with Britain rather aptly
willingly complying with the latter's
demands; and quite simply not only
rather contemptibly expelled all the
Chagos Islanders, but evidently just
as the USA had also ordered simply
and likewise stipulated, that neither
these Chagossians nor actually any
of their then current, or else future
biological descendants, would ever
again be able to or permitted to set
foot on their indigenous homeland.

A state of affairs that's still current.
So Britain now actually, properly
effectively, and unquestionably
most morally relinquishing these islands,
which were never its own to begin with,
is very commendably and in the face of
years long campaigning, specifically by
the Chagossians and likewise similarly
discernibly evidently decent elements
comprising undoubtedly significantly
multiple, international organizations
and communities globally; obviously
ought to be respected, actually also
fully welcomed, and wholeheartedly
not racially and odiously delusional
master race and rather abhorrently
white Caucasian, evilly castigated!

(C) Stanley V. Collymore
6 October 2024.

Author's Remarks:
Quite nauseating and equally pathetic these undoubtedly racist, master race and equally stupid Empire loyalists' reactions to Britain relinquishing its illegal and abhorrent hold on the Chagos Islands by an unsurprisingly, distinctly dim-witted and very intellectually challenged surfeit of very evidently mother fucking idiots that last week crucially hadn't even heard of the Chagos Islands and surely now quite obviously simply wouldn't be able to locate them on a physical global or clearly any distinguishable international map. Yet, are vitriolically condemning the current UK Labour Government for diminishing their own British sovereignty.

Ironically when many of these prized cunts are British only in name and haven't a clue, the vast majority of them, who their actual biological parentage is; and why Long Lost Families is such the evidently successful TV programme that it is.

Pillocks, the lot of them, who want an all- white Britain and even likewise the same in the case of Europe, and moreover having no immigrants or migrants setting foot in the UK; but too dumb to see the irony of Britain illegally holding on to the Chagos Inlands as it financially exploited them through its vile colonialist deal with the USA, and distinctly ethnically cleansing the Chagossians from their indigenous homeland! While actually obviously seeing nothing wrong with their lot hanging on to genocidally acquired New Zealand, Australia, Canada and the USA, as they themselves and their bastard offspring have no problem, and arrogantly see it as a bounden duty if they truly want to, to freely emigrate to these said countries where the indigenous inhabitants, now a minority, very discernibly have no say! Hypocrisy or what?